//------------------------------// // Faust // Story: Harmony and DiScOrD // by AnimeLovingBritishHoof //------------------------------// As Lauren Faust drew nearer to the graveyard, tears filled her eyes. She felt sorry for all the lost souls, just having a piece of rock with their name engraved for their families to remember them by. A giant hill lay on the far side of the graveyard, and everypony on that hill had died or been seriously injured then died in the dragon war. At the very top, the prince of equestria sat, so Lauren had a long way to go to see her husband. She began to trek upwards, with her head held high. She had enveloped the tulips in her wings so she'd have to walk. Through the bitter cold she walked, always keeping the tulips warm. As she grew tired, the unforgiving winds tried to sweep her over, but nothing could stop her from seeing her husband. When she finally reached the top, she began to cry. Not tears of sadness, yet tears of guilt. For Lauren knew that she could never tell her children her deepest, darkest secret. There was only two more days to go. No time to think about the future, it was time to think about the present. Her children would be looking for her back home, and she still hadn't laid the tulips down or talked to her husband. So with a deep breath, she started talking. "I miss you I miss you so much. The girls are doing fine back home, and our castle is still upright. I've started to make some free area in the Everfree forest for a location for Woona and Tia when.... When..." Lauren began to cry again. She was such a useless princess! Always crying over a husband that had been dead for two years! Thinking about leaving her life in royalty behind! Leaving the kids constantly home alone! Why was she doing this! With a frown and tears, she lay down the tulips and flew back home. Now Tia had decided to go to bed. No one had came in, and 'Harmony' was growing tired. Tia left him on the sofa downstairs, for if she placed him in one of the spare beds, her mother would be more shocked. Although with everything happening was enough to take in, her mind drifted elsewhere. Luna. The look on her face! It was enough to break a pony's heart. Permanently. Maybe she had been a bit mean to Woona, for she was only young. But Celestia feared that that wouldn't be the end of Celestia vs Luna. At that moment, Lauren came in. Tia pretended to be asleep, before hearing; "Why the buck is there a sleeping colt on my sofa!" Tia grinned, before falling into a deep sleep.