//------------------------------// // The ancient art of magic // Story: The cyclops chronicles // by hudson37 //------------------------------// The Cyclops Chronicals Tyrone awoke after a marvelous, dreamless sleep. He was very giddy because this was the day Celestia was going to train him in magic. He quickly took a shower and dressed himself. Once he was completely dressed he scurried out of his room so he could meet Celestia in the dining hall for breakfast. As he entered Tyrone saw Celestia with an uneasy smile planted on her face. It was the kind of look somepony gets when they know something bad will happen and they must deliver the news gently. He sat down in the luxurious purple and gold chairs at the head of the table. On cue the waiters dressed in black tuxedos and white gloves brought them a magnificent banquet of food. Tyrone noticed that Celestia wasn't eating any of her food. With every passing second she seemed to grow more and more nervous. She hadn't said a word nor had she made eye contact with him. At that point Tyrone knew something was wrong Celestia was always very happy and conversal. So he decided to break the silence. "What's wrong Celestia? You are so quiet all of the sudden and you haven't touched your food. Are you okay?" After a few moments of akward silence crept by before Celestia finally decided to speak. "Look Tyrone..... There is something I need to tell you. While you were wandering the castle I tried to figure out an easier way for you to get back to Cytopia. Unfortunately I couldn't find a second way in and I was really hoping to avoid....." "What. Avoid what?" Tyrone interrupted. Celestia continued. "Did you ever wander why I immediately wanted you to be my pupil?" "No I guess not," he replied, "I was too caught up in having a chance at getting back home." "Well there was a reason," Celestia told him, "I know a way in, but it is very dangerous and will require powerful magic to get there. I will have to train you in the ancient art of magic before you try to return home, and while I am training you I suggest you make some friends to help lighten your emotional burden." Tyrone quickly got a worried look on his face. "I am not trying to scare you but simply tell you the truth. This will not be easy, you will have to endure strenuous tasks. Well... Now that we have that out of the way we can both enjoy our delicious breakfast even more. Meet me in the magic training room in two hours." "Sure thing." He said with less fear in his voice, Celestia could tell he was still nervous though. It seemed like an eternity because of his anxiety for learning how to preform magic. Tyrone was so excited about it he almost forgot how homesick he was. Almost. It still sickened him to think about his parents because of how much he missed them, but for now he needed to put that aside it was time to work. Two long, long hours slowly passed by. Tyrone nearly died of boredom. The only thing he had to pass the time was a small metal puzzle. The objective was to get the ring off of the puzzle, but being the fairly smart cyclops that he was Tyrone almost instantly figured it out. Finally after endless waiting it was time to start moving toward the magic training room. Celestia was standing in the training room with the smile that never seemed to leave her face. The training room was a large room filled with an assortment of spell books scattered all over the few desks there were. The walls were a light shade of purple with bright yellow stars painted all over them. Four test dummies shaped in the form of ponies where in a line at the center of the right half of the room. "Hello," Celestia said, "Are you ready to begin?" Tyrone answered with a slight nod of his head trying not to look too enthusiastic, but that is quite difficult to do with a huge grin plastered on his face. She started off by demonstrating a couple simple spells that Tyrone would be learning on his first day. She started with levitation. An olive green aura of magic began to glow around her horn along with the spell book she was levitating called simple spells for dumb ponies. Tyrone watched her every move very closely. She finished levitating the book and set it down very gently on the sparkling floor in front of her. "Next I will demonstrate a defensive spell. This is a very basic defensive spell, yet it will come in handy if you run into the bad sort of pony. Here I go." Celestia told him. The same olive green aura appeared around her horn as she began the spell. A shield of magic the same color of her aura created a dome of protective magic around her body. Tyrone could tell she had the spell well mastered because he could feel the radiating magic. "It is your turn to try Tyrone. Please start with levitation if you don't mind." Celestia instructed. "Alright. Here goes nothi'n." Tyrone replied. He was completely focused on the book while channeling every drop of his energy into his jagged horn. He pictured in his mind the book levitating two inches off of the ground. All at once he let all of that magical energy loose on his target. Unfortunately, all he could get out were three small sparks of red magic that immediately faded into thin air. He couldn't even get an aura of magic to envelop his horn in. "It's all right Tyrone," Celestia told him, "Please don't be sad. I didn't ever expect you to nail it the first time. Magic is not an easy thing to do, and this is why you are here isn't it. To practice. What you need to do is completely focus on your goal. You must channel all of your energy into your horn, and unleash it all at once never thinking about anything else other than what you are trying to accomplish. Now go ahead. Try again." Tyrone did exactly as the princess. He had success to a certain degree, but not accomplishing his actual goal of levitating the book. Tyrone had manage to envelop his horn in a bright red aura of magic. That miniature accomplishment completely boosted his confidence and filled him with joy. It took him six more tries to finally levitate the book. Each trail getting one step closer to doing it until he eventually levitated the book. "excellent job!" Celestia shouted with genuine enthusiasm, "You did it! That was very well done. Now it is time to get to the protective spell and we will be finished for the day." Tyrone thought this spell wouldn't be much harder than the last, but he was extremely wrong. The protection dome spell was much more difficult than levitating the book because he had to put so much more power into it. The dome needed to be a solid unbreakable wall of magic that could protect him from the most powerful of spells. Tyrone kept trying over and over again, yet he just couldn't get the spell to work. After an hour of working on the same spell he decided to stop for the day and work on it more tomorrow. Tyrone trudged out of the room and into one of the many halls in the castle. As he walked off to his room Tyrone remembered Celestia's second instruction. She had informed him to go to Pony Ville for the rest of the day. He quickly ran out of the the castle and to the train station. It wasn't a long ride because recently the railroad speed had increased due to new trains. Tyrone stepped off of the train and in to the little town called Pony Ville. Pony Ville was a delightful little town filled with kind ponies that didn't have a care in the world. They pranced around with genuine happiness. Although this ponies were more open minded than the ones in Canterlot, they were still scared of him because he was so different. For they first half hour Tyrone was there he just wandered around becoming familiar with the little town. There wasn't a lot to see, but he still enjoyed the walk. Tyrone didn't see any ponies that were very different than the ones in Canterlot until one strange mare caught his eye. She was beautiful. She was a yellow earth pony with large baby blue eyes. Her back had odd rectangular stripes running across it from the middle of her back. Her cutie mark was quite unusual also. It was a blood red sun peeking over the horizon. The mares cutie mark reminded Tyrone of his home where he would watch sunrises much like this with his parents. Her hooves were a normal shade of grey like every other pony, except her hooves were square. She had a long slick black mane than flowed perfectly down her back. This mare was not only beautiful because of how gorgeous she was, she was also so beautiful because she was different. Then he noticed something even weirder than how she looked. The mare was looking at him, but she didn't have a disgusted look on her face nor was she cowering in fear. Celestia had told him to make friends and he knew she would be a perfect one. Tyrone gathered up all of his courage and marched right on over to the mare. He spoke in a powerful kind tone. "Hello my name is Tyrone what's yours?" She spoke in a sweet tone that was in perfect harmony with her amazing figure. "Hi I'm Dawnstride. I haven't ever seen you here in Pony Ville. Well I have never seen anything like you...... Anywhere in Equestria." "I am a cyclops. I come from a land called Cytopia and a few days ago I just woke up here. I made my way to Canterlot where I met princess Celestia. She took me in and now is training me in magic so I will be able to get home."Tyrone answered. "It was great to meet you. I do hope we see each other again." Dawnstride said as she trotted off. "Dawnstride wait," Tyrone shouted, "Would you care to take a walk with me." Right after he said that Tyrone became very nervous. He really liked Dawnstride because she excepted him for who he was. Dawnstride may have been quite beautiful on the outside, but she was ten times more beautiful on the inside. His heart was pounding in his chest. Dawnstride answered "Yes! I would love to go walk with you." Tyrone in a ton of shock quickly replied. "Awesome! After you." They walked all around the small town of Pony Ville. They first walked through the park. The park was so beautiful with the birds in the trees singing their melodious songs. The light shined through the trees bathing the park in a deep shade of green. There was a large pond filled with fish and ducks swimming about. "This place is beautiful," Tyrone remarked, "Sort of like you." "What do you mean?" Dawnstride asked. Her voice now saddening. "I am an outcast. I am the ugliest pony in all of Equestria." "Not to me." Tyrone responded, "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! Now let's go to the square and get some lunch. I am starving." "Me too." Dawnstride said. Her voice returning to it's normal, cheerful tone. Dawnstride showed Tyrone the way to the newest restaurant in town. The place was called the Apple Barn. It was a large building, although it didn't look it from the outside. The walls were a tan color the same shade as Tyrone's skin. Around the restaurant were many odd paintings of apples. Tyrone and Dawnstride sat down at their table. It was at the far right end of the place, and their menus were delicately placed in front of them. The exact moment they sat down the waitress was there to greet them. She was a black mare with green eyes and the cutie mark of a menu. "I am gourmet and I will be your server this evening. What will you be having tonight?" She asked. Tyrone ordered first. "I will haaaaave..... The bucket o' apples." "And I will have the apple fritter." Dawnstride chimed in. "Ok your food will be out in a second." The waitress told them while she took their menus. Tyrone and Dawnstride both sat in silence, studying each other. Things were starting to become akward so Tyrone chose to be the first to sleep. "What do you do for a living?" Tyrone asked. "I run a small antique shop. The name is Dawn's Knick Knacks. I don't make a lot of money, but I get by." She answered. "That's cool. I should stop by some time." Tyrone said with genuine enthusiasm in his voice. There food quickly quickly arrived. As the waitress set it down they both commented on delicious the food looks. After the waitress left, both Dawnstride and Tyrone immediately started wolfing down their food. This was pony food, but every species can eat apples. There was really only one thing to talk about so Tyrone began to tell her his story about his arrival in Equestria. Once he had finished Dawnstride just sat there looking astonished. She didn't have anything to say about the tale except. "You are so brave and resourceful. I can't believe you made it through all that." Tyrone didn't respond to the comment. He just asked for the check so they could get out and continue exploring Pony Ville. "That will be 32 bits please." She said. Handing him the bill. Tyrone eagerly handed her the money and walked Dawnstride out the door. Both he and Dawnstride had lost track of time. It was already dark out. As they exited Dawnstride said, "Wow it's already dark out here. I guess now there is only one thing left to do. Let's go visit Twilight Sparkle." Authors Note ************************************************************************************************************************************************* I am sorry this took me so long to write. Even though it is longer than the other chapter I should have wrote it faster. I would like to thank duskyshadow for editing my spelling and grammatical errors. I will get the next chapter to you as soon as I can.