A New Stallion

by Ephraim Blue

Chapter 1 - A New world

Chapter 1 - A New World

Ponyville Park August 10th 1001

Twilight and her friends were on their weekly pet play date. They all thought that the pets needed to get outside and play in the sun every once in a while.

Owlowiscious was getting a bit of flight practice. Gummy tried to see if he could make Pinkie Pie make the tiniest of yelps, but all he made her do was giggle. Angel Bunny was running around Fluttershy happily. Applejack and Winona were playing fetch in the grass by the path. Rarity and her cat, Opalescence, were staying perfectly happy in the shade of the tree.

Rainbow Dash was a little nervous about this she may be happy that she finally got her own pet, but it was also her first pet play date. She shrugged this feeling and came up over the hill. "Come on Tank!" she called out. "We're going to miss our very first pet play date!"

She looked down the hill to see her pet tortoise and his magical flying gear on his back, speedily coming up the hill to their first pet play date.

"Hey Twilight," Rainbow called out to the purple unicorn. "Lovely day to be playing with our pets right?"

"Right you are Rainbow," she replied. "Its also great that you could join us this time. It wouldn't be the same without you."

"You're totally right on that. Nopony can make an entire area 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!"

"Still bragging as usual I see."

"Just because I'm bragging, doesn't make it untrue."

"I never said you were lying."

"Well whatever. Lets just have some fun with our pets shall we?"

Ponyville Post Office August 10th 1001

Derpy Hooves loved her job. She was one of the best mailmares in all of Ponyville. She occasionally messed up somepony's mail with another pony's mail, but other than that, she didn't mess up with her deliveries at all.

One day, her boss decided to give her a very special package that she was told to deliver at a certain time, place, and oddly enough, there was a letter addressed to her taped to the top of the package.

She examined the package carefully. It was strange enough that the package had a date an time to be delivered, but nopony ever sent letters to her anymore. They all forgot about her and pretended she never existed.

If that was true, than why was there a letter addressed to her in particular? She looked at the return address and saw that it was the exact same place that the package was addressed to!

Without wasting another thought, she quickly got on her mail uniform and went to the place that sent her the mail.

Ponyville Park August 10th 1001

The 6 friends played with their pets until sundown. They were supposed to leave earlier, but they lost track of time when Rainbow Dash showed up.

They all started on their way home, when Twilight saw the tinniest glimpse of light in the corner of her eye.

She stopped and decided to look in the direction of the light. Rainbow Dash had noticed that her friend stopped and was looking at the sky.

"What's up Twi?" she asked. "Did you see something in the sky?"

"Yeah," she replied. "I thought I saw something like a shooting star, but I might have been mista-" She stopped mid sentence. This time she was looking strait at the light in the sky. "There it is again!" she stated for all to hear.

"There what is?" asked the excited Pinkie Pie. She turned in the direction Twilight was facing and saw the same light. "OOOhhhh, pretty light. Is it a star? No, a comet. Or is it a giant scoop of ice cream falling down at us?"

The others looked at her with her random comments. "What?" she asked when she noticed their gaze.

"Never mind," said Twilight. "Its a Meteor; a piece of rock that is falling into our atmosphere."

"Oh, okay." said Pinkie as she looked at it again. "Um, Twilight? That looks more like a blue box than a rock."

"What? A blue box?" she asked frantically. She looked up at the object that was falling and noticed a flaming blue box falling out of the sky. "A box can't be falling out of the sky."

She then realized that there could be other ponies in the park. She ran over there with Owlowiscious still on her back.

Thankfully, she found nopony in the park when she got there.

She looked up at the box and saw that it was going to crash into the park, so she got away as quickly as she could.

The box crashed into a small jungle gym, slid past some swings, and finally stopped at the foot of a hill.

Her friends caught up to her after she witnessed this box's capabilities. "What happened?" they all asked.

"The box destroyed the park! Now, nopony can play here until the damage is fixed," Twilight stated. She look over at where the box landed, only to see that it was standing perfectly upright, and didn't seem to have a single scratch on it.

The fact that the box seemed undamaged was curious to these 6 friends, and they went over to investigate.

Ponyville Park Entrance August 10th 1001

The address on the package was strange. It had said: Ponyville Park, August 10th 1001 9:01 PM, The Big Blue Box

Derpy, who didn't know what to make of this, made her way over to the park to see who had sent her the letter.

When she got inside the park, she had seen that most of the playground's were destroyed. The rest were either severely damaged or not touched at all. The park was abandoned, except for 6 ponies who seemed to be running toward something. She turned to see what they were running to, and saw the big blue box on the side of a hill.

She recognized the 6 ponies who were running toward the box. It was Twilight and her 5 friends. What business they had with the box? Derpy didn't know, but intended to find out.

The Big Blue Box August 10th 1001

Twilight examined the box carefully. It didn't have a single scratch on it! Why, though was a complete mystery.

She was busy too examining the box to notice Ponyville's own bubbly mailmare walking towards them. Rainbow Dash, however, noticed her immediately and signaled for Twilight to notice her as well.

When Twilight did notice her, she called out: "Oh, hey Derpy. What brings you out here this late at night?"

"I have a package to deliver," she replied. "The package told me to deliver to a big blue box at 9:01 on this very day."

'Hmm," said Twilight, lost in thought. One thought in particular intrigued her. "When did that package arrive at the post office?"

"About 3 days ago," Derpy answered.

"That means," Twilight gasped. "Somepony knew that this box would land here at this exact time!" She turned back to Derpy. "Do you happen to know who sent this package?"

"No," Derpy replied. "The package arrived without anypony dropping it off. It seemed to appear out of thin air."

"That's... Strange..." Twilight said in shock.

Suddenly, the doors to the big blue box opened. Inside the box was a chestnut colored stallion.

He walked out of the box, seemingly exhausted about something. "Now you've gone and done it." He seemed to talk to himself. "I told you I didn't want to travel anymore, and you did it anyway! You blasted blue box!"

He started hitting the box with his front hooves. He didn't notice any of the ponies standing there watching him.

"Well," he began, "better get on with where I am now." He looked at his surroundings, still not noticing Twilight and her friends standing in front of him. "Strange planet I've landed on it seems. Trees are the same, but the air is much too clean. Oh, that's right, I looked at the destination on the monitor before landing. Didn't give me a planet name though. Strange. A planet with no name. First I've encountered. Still feels better than Earth in a way."

It was then he noticed the others standing in front of him. "And who might you equines be?"

'Umm," Twilight responded. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Derpy Hooves."

Instead of introducing himself, the stallion looked at them in shock. "You're talking!" he said. "How are you talking? I speak horse, and that is not horse!"

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Rainbow asked accusingly

He wasn't paying attention to her though. "It could have something to do with me being able to with me being able to regenerate again. That wasn't supposed to happen. I should have died. And that was all your fault!" He kicked his box again as he said that last part. "Now I have to wait for the TARDIS to change again before I can go anywhere."

He started grumbling things to himself.

"Umm, sir?" Twilight began asking.

"Don't call me 'sir', okay?"

"Okay, but what should we call you?"

He smiled at that question. "Please," he began, "call me 'The Doctor'."