//------------------------------// // Prolouge - A Mind of Its Own // Story: A New Stallion // by Ephraim Blue //------------------------------// A New Stallion By: Ephraim Blue Prolouge - A Mind of Its Own The TARDIS December 19th 2013 The Doctor was through with traveling. He was fed up with having to lose his companions. He lost Rose when she got stuck in another world. He lost Donna when she had to forget him, or her head would burn. And Martha, well she decided to leave, but he still lost her. And he just lost one of his more favorable companions just recently. Her name was Amelia Pond. She was a brilliant ginger, who loved traveling with The Doctor. She decided to be with her husband when he was forced to be sent back in time by a weeping angel. She allowed herself to be touched by the angel, so she could be with her husband, Rory until they both died. The Doctor could never forget those last words she spoke to him. "Raggedy man," his memory began to remember, "Goodbye." After that had happened, The Doctor gave up with helping the Earth with its problems. He just wanted to be left alone in the TARDIS with his books to read. He did occasionally came down from his cloud in the sky to look for new books, but other than that, he stayed put. The TARDIS didn't like this change in The Doctor at all. The TARDIS is a time machine, meant to travel to different times in the universe, and explore. With her being stuck here to do nothing, she eventually had enough it. Once The Doctor had left to find new books, one day, she began setting a course for The Doctor to get his spirit back into traveling again. She had planed to take off after she had locked the controls, but something she didn't expect happened. The Doctor came back early. He immediately noticed what the TARDIS was trying to do, and attempted to stop what she was doing. Things went downhill after that. First, the TARDIS lost control of where they were going, then The Doctor accidentally caused the entire inside of the ship to come crashing down on top of him. While still trapped underneath the rubble, he shouted, "Now you see what you've done? We're going to a random point in time and space, all because of you wanting to go somewhere. Are you happy now? I cannot regenerate any more times, and I'm dying because you wanted to travel some more. I told you I'm through with traveling!" But all of his yelling was in vain. The TARDIS had tried to stop the walls from falling on The Doctor, but when he had tried to stop her from traveling, the controls fried and she couldn't do anything about it. That wasn't all either, when the controls fried they were stuck on a fixed path to an entirely new universe! Another unexplainable thing happened that day too. The Doctor started giving off an unnatural golden light from hos hands. "What?" he exclaimed. "This is impossible! I shouldn't be able to regenerate any more times! I should be dying!" But The Doctor wasn't dying, and what he saw was true. He was regenerating. He took a quick look at the place he was headed too. "Strange planet," he said. "Can't find a name for it, but the country I'm headed for is called Equestria. Well, since this may be my last time saying this, GERONIMO!!!" Those were The Doctor's final words before being completely engulfed in his unnatural golden light.