//------------------------------// // Who Doesn't Want to Live Forever? // Story: A Storm Can Put Out a Fire, But It Can't Save a Town // by Mlws //------------------------------// Zecora paced back and forth inside her tiny little cottage in Everfree Forest. She walked around any bottles on the ground, and thought to herself quietly. She needed to gather ingredients for a potion that could change the world. It was a revival potion. She needed the finest of ingredients, and they all had to be prepared special. She needed things she knew she wouldn’t be able to get safely, but if she could create this potion, she wouldn’t need to worry about injuries. She needed to focus. She listed off the ingredients over and over mentally. If she wanted to get these, she would have to go through extreme measures. She needed some of the rainbow juice from Cloudsdale that created the rainbows, and a puff or two of cloud to be mixed together into a somewhat meringue consistency. From the ground, she would need to gather the richest soil with the purest of minerals inside to be boiled in the cleanest of waters, and a few precious gems polished and then melted. She would also need a few magic scrolls and the help of a unicorn to mix it for her. This would be difficult, but she knew she could do it. She wrote down a recipe, so that if she felt like she would ever forget it, she would be able to remember. One skipped step could cause havoc, so she wrote as descriptively as possible. Ingredients: Two puffs of Cloudsdale cloud One cup of rainbow creating liquid from the rainbow factory One tablespoon pure soil 3 large gems The scroll of Eternity The scroll of Invincibility The scroll of Infinity The scroll of Fitness The scroll of Regeneration A unicorn to help finalize the mix Gather all ingredients and grab a few large beakers. Start with the air ingredients. Take one puff of cloud, and three fourths of a cup of rainbow liquid and beat them together to start the merengue substance. After it is semi-fluffy add the rest of the cloud and rainbow liquid and let it sit atop the merengue. Place this in the freezer, and pull it out when the rest is ready. Don’t worry about freezing, the rainbow juice doesn’t freeze so if you mixed it properly, it will be fine. Now you must prepare the earth ingredients. This will probably take you the most time of all of the steps. You must do this as quickly as possible. Find the purest soil you can. If it’s chunky that’s fine. It probably has more minerals inside, so I would look for chunkier dirt. Gather this and set it aside. You will only need a tablespoon later, but it won’t matter until you have clean water. Find water, and boil it until it as many times as it takes to be perfectly clean. It should sparkle all around the edges when it’s ready. You have just created a water potion, but this will need more to create the potion you’re working towards. Finally, collect fine gems, the rougher the better, and get three large ones. They should be around the size of a soda can, and no larger than a bag of chips, because they will need to melt quickly for the process to work. Once you have these gems, wash them off thoroughly. After doing this, you will need to polish them until they’re flawless. Set up a pan with oil like you’re getting ready to fry something. Place the gems side by side and allow them to sizzle and let the oil fly. Get in a safe distance, and wait for the sizzling to stop. When the spattering of oil discontinues, you can now know that your gems are melted to perfection. Get the mixture off heat immediately. Gather all the scrolls and hand them to the unicorn. From here out the unicorn should magically combine all of the ingredients, and use the scrolls provided to them to cast the spells needed. After this is complete, drink under a waterfall. She wrote this so nervously, not a single rhyme was produced. This was shocking, but she had work to do and nothing was going to stop her. There she went, going through all the steps outside of her little hut in Everfree Forest. It was a lovely day, and she wanted to enjoy it. She wondered about the changes she would go through if the potion worked. She created the potion due to a mixture of many different types of potions and spells, so she was excited to test it out. She decided that once she was able to test it, she would test it on a withering flower to see if it could heal, regenerate, and live on. If it worked, she would try it on herself. Finally she came to the gem step. She would have to fry them nicely without harming herself. She stood in front of the sizzling oil cautiously. She had mitts on her hoofs, and she used tongs to place them in the oil. As soon as she did, she sprinted behind a tree 50 feet away. She carefully watched the oil come up and fly in different directions. Zecora could see this was too violent, and she would need to turn it down. She ran over to the pan, dodging flying grease. She made it to the pan, but a large spurt of oil came at her and she did a baseball slide to avoid being scarred. She ended up kicking the pan and the oil flew and landed into a tree. It burst into flame, and Zecora panicked. She had to gather the recipe and run from this deathly fire. All of a sudden, the recipe was missing. She had just had it! “Recipe, for it is you that I seek, but where did you go when I avoided a scar upon my cheek?” Zecora ran about frantically looking for this. The fire rose higher and higher, and it reached her hut. She looked at the ground, and there laid the recipe, sizzling in hot oil. She went to grab it, but her hoof was immediately burnt, and she watched it burn to ashes. She started to feel a tear run down her face, but she didn’t have time for this. She could rewrite it later. She had to save her home, and the legendary scrolls! She ran into the hut and started grabbing everything she could and throwing it into saddlebags. The roof started to collapse, and she was just about done. She grabbed her final scroll, and CLASH! The hut collapsed. Down, down, down it went. Goodbye hut. Was it goodbye for Zecora?