Beasts and Beings - Stories of Equestria's Inhabitants

by Strongbolt Stonewing


A Minotaur is an odd creature that's half bull and half... um, what is the other half supposed to be?

Well, scientists say it's somewhat similar to that of an ape, just one that stands upright. It's almost like-


Oh come on! You didn't even know what I was going to say!

Something along the lines of: "It's almost like its structure is partially humanoid. The placement of its spinal cord and central nervous system correlate to that of a human. The majority of its internal organs match the positioning of those within a human and its posture is unlike any other type of creature's. In simple terms, it's the spitting image of a human body."



Wow. I guess- I guess you do know me better than I thought.

Well, I am your husband.

The fact still stands, though. Minotaur bodies are pretty similar to a human's.

Well, whatever a Minotaur is made up of, we know kindness certainly isn't in there. They are monstrously aggressive when they want to be.

And they always want to be aggressive. It's part of their image. Few ponies have ever actually taken on a Minotaur, even fewer have come out victorious.

I don't mean to brag, but I am in fact within that minority.

Here we go-

The year was 19- ah, I don't remember! What's important is what happened! We arrived in Baltimare, where I spotted an obnoxious, mean Minotaur picking on a group of kids. Now, being the heroic hero that I am...

...oh brother...

...I valiantly stepped towards him and said: "Back away fiend! I shall not allow you to bring distress to the younglings!"

What is this? The 18th century?

The foul beast turned and said: "Get lost, cupcake!" At which point I retorted with: "I am no baked confectionary you uncouth buffoon!"

Oh for the love of-

He turned and charged at full pelt into me - I narrowly avoided. He swung around to strike again, but I blocked and pushed him aside.

Would you get to the point?

He returned one final time and knocked me backwards onto the floor. As he slowly approached, I reached into my bag and pulled out the greatest tool that any pony could ever come to find.

What are you talking-

A Brick!

What is it with you and bricks?

I slammed forth the solid cuboid of power and sent the little calf on his way.

Are you building up to some sort of joke with this brick?



Maybe. Ask me why I carry the brick again.


Just do it.

Uh... Fine. Why do you carry the brick?

In case of brick emer... Ooh, a butterfly.