Change of Faith

by Sargeant Antelec

Chapter 1: Day of Change

Apple Bloom wakes up feeling excited. She gets ready and hurries to have breakfast as fast as she can.

"Whoa there sugarcude, what's the hurry?" Applejack asked as Apple Bloom ran past her.

"Ah'm going over to Zecora's to help her out with a few things she needs help on..." Apple Bloom said sounding excited. "...and who knows, maybe ah'll get my Cutie Mark while ah'm at it!"

"Well alright then, just remember to stay out of trouble! And don't be out too late nether ya hear?!" Said Applejack.

"Okay!!!" Apple Bloom said as she headed for the Everfree Forest where Zecora lives.
As Apple Bloom was running past Ponyville to get to the Everfree Forest, a certain purple dragon was making his way back home. With all the items he went to get for Twilight covering most of what was in front of him Spike just couldn't see that he was in the middle of a certain young filly's path. And by the time she notice him to was too late.


"Whoa, what hit me?" Apple Bloom asked as she groan slightly in pain from the crash. She then gets up and finds the poor dragon knock on the ground a little in pain.

"Ouch..." Spike said as he was groaning a little in pain on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, Spike!" She said as she went to help him up. "Are ya okay?"

"I'm alright..." Spike said as he got up. "...but what's up Apple Bloom, why are you in a hurry?" He asked.

"Oh that's right, later Spike and sorry!!!" She said as she continued to head for the forest.

"Hey, aren't you going to help me pick this up?!" Spike said out loud, but Apple Bloom didn't hear him. "Oh well..."

Apple Bloom makes her way to Zecora's and goes in to find Zecora busy mixing herbs.
"Hey there Zecora, sorry ah'm a little late!" Apple Bloom said all excited.

"Oh Apple Bloom your timing is quite fine, for now you can help me with this mixture of mine." Zecora said as she still focuses on what she's doing.

"Sure, what ya'all need?"

"The grounded seeds that can strengthen you twice, it's on the top shelf next to that spice." She said as she pointed where.

"Ah see it." Apple Bloom said as she spots the bottle with the herb.

Using a stool to stand on Apple Bloom trys to reach the bottle. But just then a gust of wind from outside blows open a window. The wind blows the little filly off balance causing her to almost fall.


She trys to stop herself from falling by grabbing the shelf, but she still falls taking the shelf with her. This causes some of the herds and potions that were on the shelf to mix as they fell on Apple Bloom. The mixture then causes a small explosion, filling the room with smoke.

"What's this explosion in the room..." Zecora said when the explosion happen. "...oh no, Apple Bloom!"

"Ah'm alright!" Apple Bloom said as she was coughing within the clearing smoke.

As the smoke finished clearing, Zecora then gasp at the sight of the young filly.

"What?! Is there something wro-" Apple Bloom stopped at mid sentence when she saw that the hoof she reached out with was a dragon's hand. In fact the young filly was now a young dragon. "Wh-what's happen to me!!!"

End of Chapter 1