//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Red Like Roses Part I(Ruby Enters) // Story: Four Mysterious Heroes // by Silver Shine //------------------------------// Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest. In another world, not very similar to Equestria, four girls, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang, known as Team RWBY, were outside on their weekend, walking around Beacon’s grounds before heading somewhere for some lunch. As they walked, four strange portals appeared, a red one, a white one, a black one, and a yellow one. Each had something different about it from another, and the four of them looked at each other in confusion. Yang looked at the other three. “What do you think they are?” She asked. Blake turned to her and responded, “I have no idea. Whatever they are, they might not be safe.” “Blake’s right. We should get away from these things before something bad happens.” Weiss added. “Besides, it’s not like it leads to another world or anything.” Ruby looked at the red portal, and touched it with her hand. She felt something strange as she saw her hand appear above a forest through the portal. “Guys, I wonder if yours looks the same when you do this too.” She said to the others. Each of them just sighed and put one hand through the portals, showing three other locations. Weiss looked through hers. “A forest for Ruby, and a wasteland for me. Nice.” Yang laughed. “Well I got the top of a castle of some kind.” Blake seemed to be trying to figure out what she was looking at. “It looks like some kind of kingdom…Made of crystal. Quite the odd portals, huh?” Ruby looked at her as the four removed their hands from the portals and replied, “Yeah. Maybe we should ignore them for now and let them fade out of existence.” They all decided they could agree on that, and went about their walk, before realizing they were at the edge of Beacon’s grounds. Just then, as they decided to go through the surrounding areas, a strange beast appeared in front of them. The beast was as tall as most of the buildings at Beacon, with four muscular arms, hands with claw on each one, and four legs, seemingly mechanical. It had a cannon on its back, and a sword in one of its hands. The strange beast swung a single clawed hand at team RWBY, and the four jumped out of the way. As its attacked pressed forward, the four prepared their weapons while backing up, so as not to be slashed and killed. Ruby prepared the Crescent Rose to fire a shot at the beast. Just then, before she could fire, the four of them backed through the portals, closing three of them, and teleporting the red one to a new location in both worlds. The four were separated. Ruby looked around at the strange forest, dark as if midnight, but the time still being actual daylight. She jumped up into a tree and looked for an exit to the forest, spotting a town nearby. It seemed a bit old-fashioned, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to know where the heck she was. She tried to walked, but fell out of the tree, landing in a pool. She got herself out quickly, and noticed something strange in her reflection. She wasn’t herself…She wasn’t even human. She looked around, wondering if anybody else was here, or was like her. But she didn’t find another like her, and instead a strange wooden wolf. “What the heck is this thing? Doesn’t matter. Time to take it out.” She quickly grabbed Crescent Rose and ran towards it, slicing it in half before walking in the direction of the town. “This has got to be the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me.” A few minutes later, she had arrived outside the forest. The town was smaller than she thought it was, but she didn’t seem to care much about that. She walked toward the town from the edge of the forest, only to notice the other ponies like her there. “Is this some kind of alternate universe?” She said, putting away Crescent Rose. She began wondering exactly what could be going on if that wasn’t the case. Was this the future? The past? Another timeline? All these thoughts, ideas, and questions flew through her head as she walked through the town, looking at each of the ponies around her. Some had wings like her, some had horns, and some had nothing. But they all lived here together, as if nothing was different at all about them. Nothing really was, but it no ponies had seemed to do anything like the White Fang or anything. Seems as though wherever she was, Ruby was in a somewhat happier place, but she knew that her reason for being at Beacon was to train to become a Huntress, and make the world at least a little closer to this one…In how peaceful it is, anyway. As she walked through the town, one pony stood out to her. This pony was walked towards a building that looked like a tree, which kind of stood out on its own. But the pony she was looking at wasn’t a Pegasus or a Unicorn, but it had wings and a horn. She ran over the pony, and slowed down near her. She calmly walked toward her, and said to her, “Hey there.” Twilight jumped, not knowing who the pony was…and being caught off guard, she was glad it was a pony. “Oh…Sorry about that. Hey there. You new around here?” “Yeah, I guess. I came through a portal.” Twilight's face seemed to both light up with joy and fall into nervousness all at once. "Spike, do you know what this means?" she said as the dragon walked over. "Twilight, I get it. She came from...wherever the heck that portal led to." he replied. She stared at the two. "You two...know something about all this?"