//------------------------------// // At the Library: 4 // Story: By Celestia - A Pinkie Spy: // by Ponyess //------------------------------// I had figured that what food I had been given, is just a standard she knew I could make due with, until I knew what I would like to have. With that, I had chosen to go out to see what there could possibly be available. At first I had been uncomfortable with the nudity, then it came back to me, Ponies in Ponyville are all nude, with very few exceptions. Why wouldn't this apply to me too? I may very well stick out more, if I came out dressed up like I may have when I was where I came from. I had managed to find a saddle bag and a few bits, apparently it is the local currency here. Once I had stuffed the saddle bags with the funds I had available, I had simply walked out, they're not locking their doors. Why should I? It isn't as if any Pony was to nip any of my few belongings I had at this point. Even if there was someone who was up to such a poor behaviour. I simply had nothing worth taking. For a moment, I pondered what I could trade, something that would fund my continuous existence here. As much of a paradise as it may look like at first glance, I still need to perform something in order to gather the funds I would need, or I wouldn't have anything to eat, simple as that. Guess I could be comfortable with it. Then it hit me, I had been writing all these stories. Maybe I could publish these? If Ponies enjoyed to read them, I could make a living out of it. Aside from the stories, I had had a few ideas on how to make things. In order to improve on what I had, maybe I could make something out that here since I never could where I used to live. There are a few places I had to see, before I did much else. Twilight Sparkle's Library, Pinkie Pie at the Sugar-Cube Corner and Rarity at her Boutique. There may be a few other places along the way, but these could wait a day or two at the very least. If they could wait this far, why not just one more day? As a Unicorn, I could help out with a range of things. Even if I guess that wouldn't be at the Sweet Apple Acres. In the end, I found myself before the door to Twilight's library, knocking at the door. As expected, it was Spike's voice greeting me as he opened he door. “Welcome, I'm Spike the Dragon and Twilight's Library assistant!” he stated as I followed him inside. “Hi and thanks, Spike. Then you may be able to help me find a book or two? Since I am new at this, I would like to read up on Magic, for one!” I responded, following him further into the library. “Oh, wait. Now I remember. Twilight was mentioning you earlier, the new Pony they brought back earlier. Finding books, that certainly is something I can do. We do have a very fine selection of books on a wide range of subjects, Magic is among them. Twilight love reading these books, I have come to noticed!” he offered generously. “I've heard you were the one managing the Library most of the time, so I can see you finding any and all books I could ask for. She certainly is known for reading these books, aside from every other book she swallows whole, from cover to cover. I think I start with the Magic on a beginner's level, for now. Plenty of time for books and reading!” I put forth. “Magic, that is her element, while reading is her passion. She had already advanced far beyond novice before she even signed up for Princess Celestia, but we still do keep a good selection of books on magic, from beginner to professional level here. I think I can find a book that should be just right for you. Basic Magic, that seems to be the thing for you?” he offered generously. “Basic magic, sounds like the deal!” I responded with a smile. “Since you just moved in, I will have to handle all the paper work for you, although I know your address and such, so that shouldn't be any problems!” he then continued on his way around along the aisles, in search for the book I was looking for. Yeah, I did. I take it Twilight Sparkle told you all about it. Or you could just ask Pinkie Pie, she seems to know anything and everything about everypony around her. That is the problem with moving in, you need to go over all the paperwork, but Twilight Sparkle would have taught you all about Paperwork, right?” I responded. “She is Twilight Sparkle. It is what we know and love her for. Here we are, the book you were looking for. Please let me know what you thought of it, once you read it, would you? I haven't read every last book here, unlike Twilight. Besides, I am neither a Unicorn, nor a teacher!” he pointed out. “Thanks. Yeah, she is and that would essentially be correct. I'll tell you, when I get back with the book. Shouldn't take too long, depending on how long it takes me to get into and grasp the subjects dealt with within the book!” I responded with a silly smile on my face. “Just hold on to the book, for as long as you need it for your studies. Aside from the signature, I can fill in the rest later!” he stated. “Thanks again!” I responded as I signed the form where he pointed at. “Have fun and welcome back!” Spike exclaimed as he saw me off. “Bye bye. I am sure I will be back soon!” I responded as the door closed quietly behind me.