//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - Black outs and Ballroom dances // Story: Guardian // by BronyG //------------------------------// It was a big day for a certain purple and green dragon, bigger than he could possibly have anticipated. Today, many of his friends would come together to celebrate his birth, and his official transition into Stallionhood, or whatever term would describe a Dragon’s coming of age. The festivities were being held in Canterlot this year due to the responsibilities of a certain purple Alicorn. Spike wished that the celebration could have been held in Ponyville, like in previous years, however circumstances prevented their ability to return to the Library that he and Twilight had come to know as home. Spike liked attention, but seeing the amount of ponies that were entering the building, he was beginning to miss the intimate celebration with his six best friends. Spike was able to recognize some of the guests that entered, while others were invited due to royal affiliations. Twilight greeted the guests as was befitting of a host, while spike sat near a window on an overlooking balcony, mentally recalling many of his life experiences. Only now 17, he had survived a changeling invasion, saved a lost empire, watched his closest friend transform into a goddess, and entered a strange parallel world. He smiled as the adventures played out in his head, and was excited of the prospect that many more adventures most certainly lay ahead in the future. He looked himself over in the window that he stood in front of and noted for the umpteenth time that day his impressive size, putting a sly smirk on his face. He was considerably taller than Twilight; in fact, he nearly rivaled the height of Princess Celestia. His spines had begun to take on a slightly sharper edge to them, and his muzzle had elongated, loosing much of the baby chub that previously enveloped it. He looked the older dragon he had become. However, the drudgery of the current situation returned as he pulled himself away from the window, to greet the multitude of guests who waited to hear his appreciation for their presence. Twilight moved aside and gave him a reassuring wink as he passed her to make him feel better. Recalling his lessons in etiquette, he cleared his throat, straightened his jacket and bowtie, and started to speak. “Thank you all for attending this evening,” He had almost forgotten how deep his voice had gotten, this transformation was the newest of his attributes and the alien sound that was emitted from his throat threw him off every so often. Quickly recovering, he continued. “Twilight and I are greatly honored by your presence and hope that we may prove as worthy hosts and…” This time his words were caught in his throat, the walls around him began spinning and he started loose sensation in his arms and legs. Then his vision blacked out. He backed away shakily from the guests to try and clear his head unsure of what was happening. Twilight looked back concernedly at her friend wanting to help him, however she knew that she couldn't ignore the guests. So she stepped forward and quickly tried to finish the speech. As Twilight concluded, the sound of low chatter was heard as the “party” began. Twilight rushed over to Spike, putting a hoof on his shoulder and gently shaking him. “Spike, Spike, are you alright?” Spike could hear her but was unable to respond, all he saw was blackness, all he could feel was a cold numbness. Spike’s eyes looked glazed over and almost dead, Twilight fearing for him put her ear to his heart, a loud, yet very slow beat resonated in his chest. “That’s far too slow for a Dragon’s heart beat”, she thought to herself. Beginning to panic, she shouted “SPIKE!” The entire room looked up on the balcony to see what the commotion was and the ball room grew silent. Spike quickly snapped out of his trance shaking his head violently, a ringing slowly subsiding in his ears. “Huh, sorry Twilight, kind of zoned out there” “Spike, are you alright?” Twilight asked, a look of true concern in her eyes as she let out a pent up breath. “Yeah, never better” he replied flexing his claws to make sure the numbness had left his extremities. “But your heart…” “Twi, I’m fine, really” he sported a goofy grin which showed his rows of now fearsome looking fangs. She giggled to herself and hugged him, “Sorry, you just kind of scared me a little, that’s all” Spike smiled down at her and was about to return the hug when he noticed the multitude of eyes staring up at them. Blushing, he whispered to Twilight “I think we are kind of making a scene here” She quickly disengaged from him blushing as well, “Sorry” she smiled up at him. Assuming everything was alright, the guests turned back to their previous activities. Seeing all the ponies below, a frown started to creep across Spike’s face. “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. “I just wish the girls could have been here too” Spike sighed. Earlier that day, Spike had received a letter which almost broke his heart. His five closest friends from Ponyville were unable to attend the celebration. Each had reasons as to why and they gave their deepest apologies. Spike may have been disappointed, but he didn't blame them; he knew they all had their own lives to live. “Sometimes not everything can work out, that’s just life” Spike mentally told himself. “I know Spike, I do too, but things just happen sometimes”, she hugged him again to try and lift his spirits up. As he hugged her back, she could feel the developed muscles of his shoulders and chest stretch and move against her fur. A light blush fell on to her cheeks. “Tell you what”, Twilight said, “tomorrow, we will go back to Ponyville and have a little get together with the gang, like old times”. Spike’s eyes lit up “Really Twi? You mean it?” “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye” Twilight giggled. The giggle was contagious as they both started to laugh at the phrase. To Twilights disappointment Spike broke out of the hug first and started to walk toward the crowd. Watching him, she sighed. She would do anything for her lit-, no now her very large (and handsome) assistant. From the moment he was hatched, she had instantly connected to the drake. However even from a young age, she realized the macabre reality of their friendship, “He is going to outlive me. He’ll watch as I grow old and wither away”. This fear had rooted itself in the back of her mind for many years, up until that fateful day, the day that she too became immortal. She then knew that she could always be there for him, and he for her. “Why can I never seem to be able to tell him?” “Think we can take them?” Spike joked looking back at Twilight, snapping her out of her thoughts. Composing herself, she giggled back, “Probably” “I’ll take the left flank, you take the right” Twilight blushed at said word like a foal, her mind apparently not completely cleared. Spike noticed this and teased her saying “Ew Twi! Get your mind out of the gutter!” She blushed harder and looked away, apparently the teasing had done more than he intended. Feeling a little guilty, he walked back beside her and offered his arm to the Alicorn, smiling, offering to be her escort. Twilight accepted and two descended into the throng that awaited them, however they were unaware of the guest that watched them descend, plotting, and a devious gleam in his eyes… “Hurry up Dashie! We want this place to look Absotively Posolutely Perfect for when they get back!” Pinkie said as she bounced excitedly finishing up the decorations at Spike and Twilight’s abode in Canterlot. “Pinkie, the Party just started, we have plenty of time to finish the place” Rainbow Dash retorted, lightly laughing at the over enthusiastic pink pony. “I know, but this is such a big day for him and I want him to be really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really…” Rainbow rolled her eyes and finished putting the streamers on the ceiling. She then went to help Apple Jack and Rarity in the kitchen with the food for their surprise “after birthday party”. “Hoowee, Pinkie sounds more excited than a star spider in a parasprite swarm!” Apple Jack observed while mixing the batter for Spikes Cake. “And why shouldn't she be darling?” Rarity questioned, “After all, this is one of the largest surprises that she has ever pulled off. Oh, I can't wait to see the overjoyed look in little Spikey's face” she cooed as she used her magic to replace a set of baking pans in the oven. “Well Ah know that y’all” Apple Jack replied, “Ah’m just as excited.” “Yeah, I guess it is a pretty big day for the little guy, but still one thing bothers me. Shouldn't he have grown wings by now, I was hoping I could teach him to fly for his birthday” Rainbow Dash inquired while sticking a hoof in the batter. Rarity used her magic to slap the thieving Pegasus’s hoof with a spatula then looked back at Apple Jack with a saddened look in her eye. The cowgirl nodded her head and Rarity returned her gaze to cyan pony. “Rainbow Dash darling…” Rarity began, “Spike will never be able to fly.” Apple Jack finished. “WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash shot into the air with a dumbfounded look on her face. “Twilight broke the news to us the other day” Apple Jack explained, “She was wonderin’ about it too, so she performed some sort of spell that would tell her if he would eventually get ‘em while he was asleep”. “It is rather tragic really” Rarity sighed sadly, “She decided not to tell him until after his birthday. She didn't want to ruin his big day” Rainbow Dash slowly descended from the air and landed with her head slightly lowered. “Poor guy” Rainbow whispered. The thought of not being able to fly was unimaginable to her. She could only imagine how disappointed the drake would be. After years of waiting, fate would be cruel enough to pull this slight of hand. “REALLY SURPRISED!” Pinkie skipped into the kitchen, “Hey, why is every pony such a frownie downy?” Spike was listening to a long winded anecdote from a middle aged pony he didn't even know. The earth pony ranted on and on about “Cherishing your youth and making good decisions in your life”. Not wanting to be rude Spike smiled and nodded to the Stallion all the while trying anything to keep his brain from imploding with boredom. As if an answer to his prayer, a clumsy grey Pegasus accidentally spilled her drink on the Earth Pony’s waist coat, causing him to turn his lecture into a tirade against the inconsideration of the mare. Spike used the distraction as his getaway. Once he was sure the older colt could not locate him, he began looking for somepony, anypony that he recognized. Finally he found a familiar face. Lyra Heartstrings was considered a mad pony by many of the citizens of Ponyville due to her constant obsession with the mythical notion of humans. Spike didn’t believe her himself until he actually encountered the funky looking apes several years ago with Twilight. He always enjoyed recounting the tale of “Canterlot High School” to the eccentric aquamarine unicorn. As he approached, he could see that she was preaching the word of homo sapiens to an extremely annoyed Canterlot unicorn. “…and it’s amazing all the things they are capable of, and get this, without wings or magic. They don’t need to control the weather, they make all these really cool gadgets, and they always talk about… oh hey Spike!” The stuffy unicorn made a quick getaway as Lyra walked over to the bored looking dragon. “Hey Lyra, at least there is one pony that I can talk to who isn't completely mind numbing” Lyra chuckled, “Looks like someone isn't having fun at his party” “If you can call this a party” Spike said while gesturing at the mass of elite ponies whose presence made the atmosphere completely dull. “No kidding, now if Pinkie were here…” Lyra put a hoof to her mouth, she already new about the absent elements and watched as a hurt expression went across Spike’s face, “I’m sorry Spike, I didn’t mean to…” Spike waved it off, “No, don’t worry about it Lyra, I’m not too upset. It’s just, I wish I could have experienced this day with them”. Spikes ears spines shot up as her heard the distant giggling of several young mares in the distance. He rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated huff as Lyra looked over his shoulder to see where the sound had come from. Trying, and failing, to be inconspicuous, was a group of elite unicorn mares, all of them blushing and giggling at the sight of the dragon. A mischievous smile crept across Lyra’s face. “Friends of yours?” “Hardly" he rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately, being the personal assistant to a princess automatically makes you Canterlot’s second most eligible bachelor” Spike said, his voice dripping with annoyance. As he looked back, one of the mares, a rather pretty sky blue unicorn with lilac hair waved to him with a handkerchief in her hoof. Spike forced forced a grin and gave a small wave back. The little group began to giggle again while spike hissed through his teeth, “How I wish I could wipe those silly grins off their faces”. Lyra was in hysterics the entire time. “Who’d of thought that you would become such a mare’s man Spike” “I wish Rarity could see that” Spike thought to himself. Even though the school filly crush had passed, Spike always had a small area in his heart that he felt belonged to the fashionista. Out of the friends who couldn't come, he was most disappointed in her absence. He was hoping that tonight, she could see him as more than just the cute little baby dragon who always trailed at her hooves in adoration. Maybe she could see that there could be love now he was older, possibly even share a slow dance or two… “Hello Equestria to Spike! You in there?” Lyra waved a hoof in front of the day dreaming dragons snout, waking him up from his second zone out that evening. “Sorry Lyra, I seem to be absent minded tonight” “Well I’m glad I didn’t have to hug you to wake you up” Lyra deviously smirked while nudging the drakes shoulder scales. Spike immediately blushed, “Twilight only hugged me because she was concerned, and that is not what snapped me out of it” he said huffily crossing his arms. Lyra decided to be cruel for a little longer and continued torment the crimson dragon. “Uh huh, and you hugging her back didn't mean anything either?” Now Spike was just getting mad, he really did love Twilight, but only as an extremely close friend. Whenever somepony teased about them being an item, he would become surprisingly agitated. Why was that? It wasn't like he like, liked Twilight, Right? Lyra had caught on to this little trigger years ago and would occasionally wedge her way underneath his scales. Seeing she may have taken it a bit far Lyra giggled “Hey, I was only teasing tough guy, everypony already knows that you have a crush on…” All of a sudden, the room became quiet as the Canterlot orchestra began to play a slow song. The lead cellist Octavia made her instrument sing the prelude to a well-known love song as Whitney Horseton stepped up to the microphone. “Now fillies and gentlecolts, everypony find sompony you hold near and dear to your hearts, cause we about to kick off the first slow dance of the evening in celebration for a certain dragon we all know and love”. “Spiiiiiiiiike!” Every scale on Spike’s body stood on end as he heard the small stampede of smitten mare’s begin to call his name and ask for the first dance. “Hey, hate to leave on such short notice but I gotta’ dash!” He snaked his way into the throng of ponies trying his best not to attract the silly fillies that now hunted him down; a rather difficult task considering his height and the refractive properties of his scales. Lyra stepped out of the way of the mares as they tried to follow their pray into the crowd. “Go get ‘em Tiger!” she shouted after him. She turned around and made her way toward Bon Bon who, standing on her tippy hooves, was clearly looking for her. Sneaking up on the cream earth pony, Lyra held a hoof out and asked in a formal voice, “May I have this dance?” Bon Bon whipped her head around and smiled at the unicorn. Half lidding her eyes, she replied, “I would be honored”. The couple made their way to the middle of the ballroom where many ponies had already partnered up. Twilight walked around the ball room deep in thought, “What exactly happened with Spike on the Balcony. He was in a catatonic state, that much was obvious, but what could have triggered it? He seemed fine all day long; could it have been a stroke, low blood pressure, CANCER?” Her mind was so preoccupied thinking the worst she barely avoided walking into a column in the middle of the ballroom. The close encounter was enough of a distraction to prevent her from going into one of her bouts of paranoia. She giggled to herself “Or I could be completely over reacting. I just can’t imagine anything happening to him, especially on a day like today. I could never forgive myself if something…” “Now fillies and gentlecolts, everypony find sompony you hold near and dear to your hearts…” Whitney Horseton spoke into the microphone. “What? Is it really that time already?” Twilight had scheduled this party out to so that the slow dances would be timed out equidistant from each other so that the evening wouldn't become too monotonous. But the first dance wasn't scheduled until… She looked at the great clock over the entrance to the ball room. “Wow, did I really lose track of that much time?” Twilight took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She reassured herself that Spike was going to be alright. He was a growing dragon after all. And nopony new exactly what is or isn't normal in their growth cycle. Putting the worry to the back of her mind, Twilight decided she might try her hoof at a slow dance. She was about to ask a rather attractive looking golden Pegasus with blue hair to dance, but she arrived a hoof step too late as he sauntered off with a pretty young unicorn who beat Twilight to him. She then decided to ask an Earth Pony who was near her but was disappointed when she saw his date trot up to him and they both went off holding hooves to dance. She tried several more times with similar results. “Is there really no pony for me to dance with?” Tears began to form in her eyes as Twilight walked away, her head held low. It had always been like this, she was the book worm, the egghead, the nerd. Even as a princess, she always came across as unappealing or intimidating to almost every stallion she met. This instance just proved that this was true. A tear fell from her cheek as the song officially started. “If I should stay, I would only be in your way…” She felt a familiar claw lightly tap her shoulder, looking back, she saw Spike looking compassionately at her. Holding out his claw, he asked in a sweet voice, “I'll dance with you Twi”. Twilight quickly wiped away the tears and smiled, warmth began to fill her chest. Spike shifted his weight so he could stand on two legs, then helped Twilight to do the same, holding her close as to help her keep her balance. As the instruments began to accompany the sweet singing, Spike led the dance, turning in small circles, stepping in time to the music and drifted alongside the other couples in the ballroom. Twilight looked up at her friend and could see his eyes were closed, as he took in the music. Blushing, she rested her head against his stomach, nuzzling into the soft scales a little. Spike looked down at his friend, a smile gracing his face. This is what he lived for, making the quirky little unicor-, Alicorn smile. Looking over his shoulder, he could see Lyra and Bon Bon happily dancing together, their noses softly leaning into the other’s shoulder. Spike continued to smile as he took his eyes off the two and watched as many, many other couples were doing likewise. Looking back he could feel Twilight’s soft warm breath against his scales, and he decided “Why not?” Sinking down onto all fours, he braced his chest against Twilight's and wrapped his neck behind her head. Twilight was pleasantly surprised by the change in dancing position. “And I-ee-I, will always love you…” Twilight nuzzled into Spike’s shoulder in complete happiness. She knew that he was doing this as a friend, but she cherished the moment all the same. Spike may one day find out about her feelings for him, or they might live on as simply friends. But right now Twilight was just enjoying this tender moment between her, and her assistant. Spike felt her nuzzle into his neck and let out a soft sigh, causing a rumble to resound in his chest as he discovered that he too was truly enjoying the moment. Closing his eyes, the melodic saxophone added an atmosphere of romance in the room. Reopening his eyes, he could see several of the couples sneaking quick kisses, or press their noses together. Lyra and Bon Bon were intermittently switching between the two. Spike closed his eyes again when he felt Twilight’s head shift, surprised he found himself face to face to her. Their chests still touching, she looked up at him, a tiny twinkle in her eyes and a sweet smile on her face. Spike’s heart melted, there she was. Twilight, the mare that had always been there for him, looking very beautiful in the dimmed lights of the ballroom, her eyes slowly closed and leaned up toward spike. Spike’s heart was beating fast in his ears and he felt his head, as if by some unseen force (probably gravity) begin to lower down closer and closer to the mare. “AND I-EE-I, WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!” He closed his eyes, as their snouts and foreheads pressed against each other and they both began to breathe deeply as both of their hearts went a pitter patter. They continued to dance, but it was more of a rocking motion than the previous sweeping circles. Twilight nudged spike and he lifted his head up to see a smile on her lips and a blush on her cheeks. The song slowly began to conclude and their heads began to get closer and closer, soon he could smell the lavender aroma of her hair, and she could feel his hot breath sweep over her face, warming her entire body. Both of their eyes were closed, they lingered there for a moment as the song ended. Then they began to close the small gap. Time seemed to stand still for the dragon, at first he was hesitant, but he thought the same thought occurred to him, “Why not?” and continued forward. Before their lips made contact, a bright flash emanated in the sky followed by a loud and hollow BOOM! High pitched screams were emitted from many ponies, stallions included, as the entire ball room began to erupt into chaos. Spike protectively positioned himself in front of Twilight and let out a low, loud growl. Then they heard it echo through the halls. A deep, maniacal chuckle that sent shivers down the spines of every pony in the room.