How Can Love Be a Genre

by Thefreakery

Welcome to the Club [part1]


The locomotive's new motion made the signal of the first stop.


Fair amount of ponies coming and going out of their cars. Suave had never felt so much weight lifted from his conscious when stepping out. Looking around seeing the same variety of ponies back at the Grand Station. At the far end of the express, the same fillies he met came out running with the same giggling look since they got his signature.

Hmm. . .must be locals

"Girls please, just don`t go far off, okay?"

That voice, that voice broke his attention to his surroundings right at the mare. Her gleaming yellow coat shining from the sun, the smooth pink mane looking natural as nature itself, shaping a heart. Lastly is her voice, throughout his time working with other celebrity artist, he had never heard anything as beautiful (or close) as an angelic choir. For even the lowest pitch she makes, he could still hear her, even in the most crowded place in all of Equestria.


"Whoa-ooh, I`m really sorry there. . dragon?"

Obviously wasn't paying attention to where he was going, bumping right into his first local on the streets. Of all places to met a dragon, so strange to see one in town. Not as strange as what things unimaginable he has seen at underground clubs.

"Uuuggh, oh no, twilight will get mad if I don`t gather all this stuff and be back in time."

The tiny dragon looking stuttered trying to clean up his messes quills and parchments. Suave Steps hold the dragon`s head in place. "Let me handle this, small dude." Saying to be responsible for the inconvenience. His wings brought up a strong gust of wind, the split second he broke out in his usual routine of spins and jumps, The incredible ninja like reflexes still made him felt like it was nothing, not having to lose a single piece of item to the floor.

"Here, hope its something for the unintentional bumping, there."

Of slight modesty from Suave

"Uhh. . hhoo. . what?"

Did I broke him or something?

"How did you do that, with all the spins and high jumping, even without your wings?"

So amazed with the Pegasus ability, the baby dragon tried to mimic his moves depicting and how talented he was.

"Nothing really, I`m just a regular dance instructor, thats all"

Kept his cool but still felt that he revealed too much of himself. Since he was a runaway celebrity and all. The young dragon still didn't think twice of guessing who he really is.

Hey um, I wanted to ask you something. If it's no trouble?"

"Well, sure, anything to do since you helped me."

Here we go with still being cool and all

" I`m not familiar with this town but could you mind telling me where I can find a suitable job around here. I`m in a bit of a rush."

The dragon is puzzled by the favor,since nopony asked something like to him before.

"Well. . ., all I know is that there is an opening at this club I know. I can show you if you want?"

Unnoticed his disappearance, the gray pony picked him up from behind and landed on his back

"Lead the way, then."

Spike introduced himself as the assistant of a unicorn librarian and as the only dragon in town. Telling Suave all sorts of short stories of what goes on in town and the friends that he has. Steps told "his" story on how he lived in Manehattan as a Dance Instructor and as a former DJ. With still trying to hide his true identity from unwanted attention.

"So let me get this straight, you`re a successful dancer who every night or so goes out to the best and exclusive nightclubs in the big city. Having the life that everypony would want, but instead you left it all just to retire here?"

Not exactly what steps had in mind or putting it that way, only choice was to go with it.

"Um. . .yeah thats it."

Not the best life story but no choice of any.

"And what is your INTENTION on being here?"

OH CRAP! What am I gonna do? This little guy looks really determined to find out who I really am. First local to bump in and now I`ll be stalked by the rest of the town if word got out. THINK, THINK, THINK

To his luck he notice a building standing out from the rest, to what it looks similar to any clubhouse he saw. Awfully tall for one, much of a combination to an apartment complex. Covered in a brick texture with the shade of purple surrounding the home of the town`s own DJ. He can still feel the sneer of Spike waiting for an answer.

"Hey check it out, is this the place you`re talking about?"

Trying to point the place out with oblivion.

"And do you have anything important to do right now?"

The question made Spike`s mind go in shock, simulating what kind of trouble he can get with the purple unicorn. Frantically gathered all his things, and telling Steps that he will be back to give him a quick tour of the town. Suave took a shine to the little dragon, watching him run much faster than his stubby legs can carry.

Walked into the club impressed by the inside having the retro/future scene. Blue leather sofas along the wall, with cube tables shining rainbows. Strobe lights hanging from the ceiling and the dance floor looked gray, Must be light floors. A medium size aquatic-themed bar on the left side with plenty of assortments of drinks. What impressed him the most was the graffiti. No particular urban art but the names written on the walls, names of famous artist, Party Hearty, Orch Boom, Nymphony, Laa Sha, and the popular Sapphire Shores. Have made some colabs with few of the Musicians, but never have thought where such a town be visited by some of the A-listers.

Incredible, wonder i-. . . .

Tried putting two and two together,Suave realized the danger he may be in.


DAMN. . .

DAMN. . .

DAMN. . .

DAMN . . .

Back in reality to only banging his head to the same said word against the wall. Already starting to hate this place with barely having any sightseeing or even leaving without having a decent Cloppacino.

"Hey buddy, can I help you with something?"

His ears perked up responding to the strange voice in the club. Seeing a bartender behind the bar tending to the bar table(weird).

"Whoa … sorry I uh didn't really see you there."

Embarrassed of his hair being slightly muffled up (not the awkward situation), stretched out his wing long enough to reach out on his mane. Separating the feathers apart giving a single shove through the mane with a slight hair whip for his signature feature.

"Mares . . . "

Hold his pose giving the "hey there sexy" look at to the female readers out there.

"Who are you talking to?" Gave a look around once only back to looking at the colt staring at thin air for an awkward time. Steps looked back at the bartender show nothing of an expression to casually taking a seat at the stool.

"Nopony there dude, heard you looking for somepony for hire. Only been here for almost a day, this place caught my eye and wanted to check it out for myself" having to sound laid back which wasn't necessary.

"You wanna have to talk to the DJ herself way at the back." Bartender's hoof pointed towards a stage lined up with more strobe lights from top to bottom. With stereos sticking out from the sides, surrounding the opening stage. The centerpiece to the flashy display was the standard double turntable with multiple gadgets for dropping beats. Suave left the bar wanting to have a look at the stage. Halted at the dance floor to only mere meters away from the stand hearing strange clutter and saw something moving from behind."Ooohhh. . . where is it?" The voice made the Pegasus more curious to want to have a closer look. To his surprise a white flank popped out with a streak blue tail bearing a musical note cutie mark on the side. The mesmerizing flank randomly wiggled back and forth the the sound of the clutter, Suave couldn't help but let his eyes follow the movement. Feeling the tightness around his cheeks swelling with crimson red, warming up, and his wings jittering over the round and plump flank.


The DJ's shout made him slap him back again into reality, Literally. Afraid if he would get caught staring like some desperate perv.

"I knew I couldn't lose you." Finally seeing the whole pony, a unicorn, holding a pair of headphones like it was her foal.

"Hey there, I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Trying to hold back the arousal and wings from springing up. Casualness had already left his body leaving only embarrassment from looking at "her".

"So your here for the job?" "Yeah just something of my taste-" The white unicorn paused his talk with a raised hoof. "First things first, the names Vinyl Scratch and you got the job." Steps didn't know what to say, is there some kind of test, was this last minute, and what job? "But i didn't even introduced-" Again stopped by her hoof. "Theres no need, I know who you are. . . SUAVE STEPS."