//------------------------------// // Entry 2 : School Assignment // Story: The Diary of Belle // by A-Pie-Flying //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle walked out of the school along with her two friends, Applebloom and Scootaloo. They were out on a field trip to see the Breezies fly by Ponyville with the breeze that was generously provided by the two pegasi, Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser. Sweetie Belle looked up at the sky, watching the Breezies slowly flying, following the breeze's direction. “Their so adorable!” She exclaimed in an whisper. Applebloom and Scootaloo both nodded in agreement. “Miss Cheerilee said we better not startle them, or else they might lose their concentration and balance in the breeze.” Applebloom reminded. “Bah!” Scootaloo shouted. Applebloom putted her hoof in front of her mouth, asking Scootaloo to lower down the volume. “Sorry.” Scootaloo apologized. “It's just that the Breezies are taking so long to fly through Ponyville! Can't they make the breeze any faster?” Scootaloo whispered silently. Miss Cheerilee heard what Scootaloo was talking about, and joined in the conversation. “I was told by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash that if they made the breeze any stronger, it may hurt the Breezies. So that is why the breeze have to be just right for the Breezies.” Miss Cheerilee trotted a few hooves away, and meet with the other students, who were questioning Miss Cheerilee about the Breezies. “Miss Cheerilee sure knows a lot about Breezies.” Sweetie Belle said, looking at Miss Cheerilee. “And this is our first time seeing it.” Scootaloo looked up at one of the Breezie. “They have such enormous wings. Much bigger than a pegasus’ wings.” Scootaloo said, paying close attention to the wings of the Breezies. “Of course, if I'm about the same size as the Breezie, their wings will be bigger than mine.” She explained. Applebloom looked up too, and she noticed the hoof length of the Breezies. “Such long hooves.” Applebloom thought to herself, not wanting to think that she is insulting the Breezies. “Check out their antenna! Or, I think that is what it's called... It's so adorable! Their eyelashes matches their tiny little eyes.” Sweetie Belle pointed out, and squeed silently. One of the Breezies heard the three fillies, and was insulted by Scootaloo, no comments from Applebloom, and was complimented by Sweetie Belle. It wanted to punch Scootaloo for the insults, but it needs to concentrate on the breeze, and follow it's team. So, it just flew away, ignoring the three fillies. Sweetie Belle saw the Breezie speeding up, catching onto the group. “I think that one heard us.” She pointed to the yellow one. “Ops...” Scootaloo closed her mouth with her hooves. As time goes by, it was time for the class to go back to their school. Miss Cheerilee gathered the group and went back to school. “Okay, class. I want you to write me a report about what you learned about Breezies today. I have talked to some of you, and you also can find some books about Breezies at the library if you want more information.” Miss Cheerilee said. “Each of you will be divided into groups. So, Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle, you're in a group.” “What?!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed in disbelief. “You're grouping me with that blank flank?!” “Now, Diamond Tiara. You know it isn't nice to call a pony blank flank.” Miss Cheerilee said, in a angry tone. “Apologize to Sweetie Belle for calling her a blank flank now.” “Ugh. Fine.” Diamond Tiara groaned. “I'm sorry.” She didn't mean what she said, and stuck a tongue out at Sweetie Belle. “Scootaloo and Applebloom, you're in group two. Silver Spoon and Twist, Rumble and Dinky...” Miss Cheerilee just went on about the grouping. But, Sweetie Belle could hear Silver Spoon from behind, saying things like “I can't believe we weren't grouped together.” “She's probably talking with Diamond Tiara...” Sweetie Belle thought. “I mean, we will probably ace that report if we are grouped together!” Diamond Tiara said. Silver Spoon agreed, “I know right?” Sweetie Belle covered her ears, “How annoying can those two get?!” she thought angrily. The bell rang, and Miss Cheerilee stood up from her desk, “Okay, everypony. That's it for today. Remember that the report must be passed out on next Tuesday, and it has to be a team effort.” She waved goodbye to all of the students who went out, and closed the school door when all of the ponies were out. Diamond Tiara walked over to Sweetie Belle, with Silver Spoon by her side, “So... Sweet Belle, was it?” “It's actually Sweetie Belle.” “I don't care.” Diamond Tiara scolded. “You see, I'm not so good at this report thing, and want you to uh... Like... Ace it for me and stuff.” “But, Miss Cheerilee said it has to be a team effort. That means we have to work together on this, or none of us gets an A or B or even C!” Sweetie Belle reminded. Diamond Tiara glared at Sweetie Belle, and walked away, saying “Do that dumb report yourself then.” Applebloom and Scootaloo heard everything, and they rushed over to Sweetie Belle. “Ya okay there?” Applebloom asked, putting her hoof on Sweetie Belle's shoulder. “Yeah, I'm fine.” Sweetie Belle smiled at her friend. “Diamond Tiara is a big fat meanie!” Sweetie Belle nearly squeaked at the end. “Tell me about it.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes, and pretended to be Diamond Tiara. “I'm Diamond Fat Tiara, and I am so rich! Oh, look at me, I'm beautiful and pretty! You all must adore me. Blah blah blah!” She imitated how she see Diamond Tiara in. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both laughed, and Scootaloo joined in later on. “That's true.” Sweetie Belle said. “Too true.” Applebloom added. “Well, I better be going now. See you tomorrow at school!” Sweetie Belle waved goodbye to both of her friends and trotted to the boutique. She entered the boutique, and looked around. “Rarity, I'm home.” She said. But, she got no answer. “Rarity must be outside finishing her dress for a customer or something.” Sweetie Belle thought to herself as she walked up the stairs, into her room. She placed her saddlebag aside, and looked at her desk. She found her diary sitting at the top of her desk, which she had placed in the morning. “It's been quite a while since I have ever written in my diary...” Sweetie Belle blew the dust off her diary, and opened it. The only entry she could find was her first entry. “Wow, I didn't even write much!” She walked over to her saddlebag, and took out her pencil box, and levitated it to the desk. She levitated out a pencil, and began writing inside her diary. Entry 2 : School Assignment Hello Diary! It had been a long time ever since I have written in you, dear Diary of Belle. I think it has been two months. I don't know, I lost track of time. But, never mind about time. Let's talk about my life! Today had been great! We had a field trip to the Town Hall, to see the Breezies and stuff, they were adorable! But, Scootaloo kinda insulted them with big wings and other stuff, I don't really remember. But, I think their style really suits them, even though Scootaloo don't think so. Their eyelashes were much more special than us ponies. Their wings are like butterfly wings, except they are kinda transparent. Also, they have those tiny little long hooves. It's adorable! Miss Cheerilee assigned us in groups, and you won't believe who is my partner... Wait for it... Hold on... Wait... Okay... Almost there... Diamond Fat Tiara! I mean, Diamond Tiara! Applebloom and Scootaloo were so lucky that they were partnered together. If only Miss Cheerilee would let me partner with them, then that would be awesome! Diamond Tiara called me a blank flank in class, even though I really am a blank flank. But, I find that really insulting, so does Miss Cheerilee. Miss Cheerilee asked Diamond Tiara to apologize to me for calling me a blank flank. She did, except, I don't think she really mean it. When school ends, she expected me to ace on the report without her doing any work at all! How is that possible? It's suppose to be a team effort! Gosh, I hate Diamond Tiara so much... So, I decided to work on the report alone. Actually, Diamond Tiara gave me the idea to do the report on my own. So, I did. I wonder how she feels about that. Hah! I took her idea and claimed it as mine! Yay! Last Friday, me and the crusaders learned some new awesome skills during Twilight Time! I learned how to do magic. No, I learned how to levitate stuff, and Scootaloo learned how to fix her unicycle, she even learned how to fix Pipsqueak's scooter perfectly. Applebloom learned how to make a potion to make plants grow faster. Those are our new skills so far. I'm looking forward in visiting Twilight this Friday. We could try trading places and learn some of the skills we learned in Twilight Time. Well, except for magic. Because, Applebloom and Scootaloo aren't really a unicorn. But, we really enjoy our time at Twilight Time. Maybe one day, we could make something like Twilight Time? One day... When we grow up and get our cutie marks? Yeah, I'm not sure about that. But, it would be fun to teach other ponies the skills you learned from others when you grow up! They could get some experiences in teaching, and being a teacher. Who knows? Anything could happen! Okay, I better go now. I think I saw a spider coming, and I re... ***** Meanwhile, in the real world, Sweetie Belle dropped her pencil, and stopped using her magic as she saw a spider on her book. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” She screamed in terror. “A spider!!!” Rarity just came home, and she heard her little sister screaming upstairs, that she quickly ran up the stairs and into her room. “Sweetie Belle!” She exclaimed. “What happened? Why did you scream?” Sweetie Belle pointed to the spider that was crawling around her book. “A spider! Get it!” “Me? Get the spider? Nononononono.” Rarity said. “But, I will certainly help you out by levitating the spider away.” Rarity used her magic and levitated the spider, opened the window, and put the spider on a branch safely. “There you go!” “Thank you so much Rarity!” Sweetie Belle squeaked and hugged her sister. Rarity pushed Sweetie Belle away, “Okay, Sweetie Belle. I have a lot of work to do now. You go ahead and do whatever you were doing just now. Okay?” Sweetie Belle nodded. Rarity gave out a pleasant smile and walked down the stairs. Sweetie Belle walked over to her desk, and levitated the pencil once again. ***** Sorry about the cut of spelling there. I was interrupted by an evil spider. There is nothing more to write about. Maybe, I could write some more the next time. Okay then, Sweetie Belle out! ***** Sweetie Belle levitated the pencil back into the pencil box, and closed her diary. “Now, where should I hide it where nopony expect to find it?” She questioned herself. She looked over at the closet, “That closet might do.” She walked over to it, and looked inside of her own closet. “Wait. I have kept my diary in there the last time.” She walked back to her desk and sat on the chair. “Where is a good place to put a diary?” She mumbled. She looked down, and saw a drawer with a key, she twisted the key with her magic and took a look inside the drawer. It has a chest in it. “What is this doing here?” She picked up the chest and placed it on the desk, and put the diary inside the drawer for safe keeping. She tried opening the chest, but then she noticed there was a lock. “Where is the key?” She looked inside of the drawer again, but she can't find the key. “Maybe Rarity has it!” Sweetie Belle closed the drawer, and locked it, so nopony could see her diary inside, and she placed the key inside of her jewelry box. She levitated the chest and ran down the stairs. “Rarity!!” She called out. “What is it, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity went out of her working room. “It's this chest.” Sweetie Belle showed it to Rarity, “I want to open it, but I can't find the key.” Rarity took a good look at the chest Sweetie Belle was levitating, “Do you mind putting it down?” Rarity asked politely. Sweetie Belle nodded, and slowly putted it down to the ground. Rarity looked at the chest, and said “Did you open the drawer with the lock?” “Yeah.” Sweetie Belle replied. “Then, the key is with you.” Rarity said. Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “What do you mean?” “The key that you used to open the drawer, it is the exact same key to open this chest.” Rarity passed the chest to Sweetie Belle, who levitated it and walked up the stairs after saying thanks to Rarity. Sweetie Belle took back the key from the jewelry box and slotted it into the chest's lock. “Hope she's right...” She twisted the key, and the chest popped open. Sweetie Belle looked inside the chest, and she won't believe what she was seeing. A flower. Not a ordinary flower, but a special kind of flower that lived more than a thousand years! She could tell that the flower was very old, by the looks of the chest. But the flower didn't look old at all, it did not even wither. Sweetie Belle closed the chest and locked it up, putting the chest on her desk, and she kept the key inside her jewelry box again. “That flower must be over a thousand years old! Maybe even older than the princesses!” She exclaimed in surprise. “It must worth a fortune right now, but I don't want to sell it. It is too precious...” She took a glance at the box, and smiled. Sweetie Belle left her room, and went down the stairs. “I'm going out to visit my friends for a while!” “Okay, Sweetie Belle. But be back soon. It's getting late.” Rarity said. “Don't worry, I will!” Sweetie Belle ran out of the boutique and off she went, to Sweet Apple Acres.