//------------------------------// // An Alternative // Story: CSF: Celestian Special Forces // by XeRom //------------------------------// I thought of following Zin, blinking there myself, but I turned down the thought. Rainbow Dash had been through enough today and teleporting wouldn't do her any good. She was flying back and forth, her forelegs crossed against her chest in frustration. "Come on old timer, we should get going." she said with a huff, still glaring at me for her unanswered question. I gave her a short laugh and a nod. "Yeah, yeah kid. We'll be off in just a moment." She began to start forward before I stopped her, "Hey, you know how you wanted that race earlier? How about we see how fast you really are?" She gave me a smirk. "Finally! After all this time I finally get to race the mysterious Lance." I grinned at her. "Yeah, lets see if you can keep up." I flew up next to her and got in position. "First one to the castle wins." She nodded, grinning excitedly. She began counting, "1..." she paused, "2, 3!" she said hastily. I was ready for her trick and took off at the same time she did, both of us speeding through the air. The cave soon disappeared from sight as we surged forward, for a time neck and neck. I wasn't nearly putting all of my speed into it, but neither was she. It seemed as if we were both content to see how fast each other could really go before making a move. The grasslands beneath us zoomed by, the wind we were making leaving a clear trail in the long grass. With a laugh, Dash called over to me, "Is that all you've got? Come on! Show me how speedy you really are!" She took off, pulling ahead by a good deal, leaving a contrail of rain droplets from a nearby cloud in her wake. Don't count me out just yet, I thought. With an added burst of speed, I pushed ahead, meeting up with, and then passing Rainbow Dash. I flew backwards for a moment and flashed her a wave. Redirecting my attention to the front, I kept at my pace, keeping her several meters behind me. After a few moments of this lead, however, I heard a loud boom from behind me, only to see Rainbow Dash soaring on ahead, a rainbow contrail leading behind her. Oh, that's how were going to play it. Without a second thought, I surged forward with my own speed, feeling the wind whipped my main around, just as my speed increased drastically. After a moment of my speed increasing at a drastic rate, I broke the sound barrier much quicker than I had thought, zooming on ahead. Although, unlike Rainbow Dashes contrail, my own was not visible other than a cloud that I happened to go through, which trailed a white line behind me. I zoomed past Rainbow Dash, who was still flying above mach one, as I passed her I caught a brief glance of astonishment, her eyes wide as I brushed passed her. I continued to surge forward, flying near to my top speed through the air. I risked a glance back, to see her still in the position I left her, furiously flapping her wings in order to try and gain a lead on me. This was to no avail, however, as she couldn't gain any more momentum than she already had. It was too late anyway, as we were already zooming through Canterlot and were at the gates to the palace in the matter of a few seconds upon entering the city. I slowed down as soon as I neared the courtyard to the entrance and by the time I was at the door, I was flying normally. Dash flew up next to me seconds after, panting heavily, her wing flaps laborsome. Through the pants she said, "Remind me... Not to... Race you again..." I laughed out loud which startled the six guards who were standing at the entrance. Their number had been bumped up from the normal two pegasi guards to three unicorn and three pegasi guards due to the fact that the battle was close at hand and nopony wanted something to happen to the princess right before then. "Sure thing kid. Although a friendly competition every now and then wouldn't hurt." I said, panting myself. Going that fast took it out of me, especially for so long. Landing and folding my wings to my side, 'Sweet relief!,' I approached the guards who were at attention at the door. They looked startled to see me in my normal form, especially around another pony. "Uh, Spade... What brings you here... With Rainbow Dash?" the captain of the guard asked, a unicorn who stepped aside from the others to stand in front of me. "She knows, Captain. It is urgent that I get to the Princess as soon as possible. There are matters in which are imperative we discuss." He gave me a brisk nod and moved back to his post, opening the door on silent hinges. I motioned over my shoulder and Dash came to my side. As the doors closed silently behind us and enveloped us in rays of sunlight coming from the windows. "What did that Guard mean when he asked you why you brought my here? He didn't sound too happy." I shook my head, "For starters, you aren't supposed to know who I really am. Who I really am and what I do has been a closely guarded secret by Celestia and the Guards here for many a year. It what keeps us able to do what we do." She seemed lost in thought, taking a large interest in the patterns on the wall. As our hoofsteps echoed through the halls, she asked. "Spade... Why did you let me come with you in the first place? Surely you could have simply left me behind...." She was looking at me now, staring intently at me. I thought a moment, taking the same interest in the wall that she had. "Well kid, it's because I see a lot of talent in you. An opportunity per say. I believe that with the right training, you could be as good as I am one day." Her eyes were joyous and she beamed a little. "Do you really think so? I mean, I thought I was the best flyer around and then when you flew past me like that..." She looked down then, her pride wounded. "Oh kid, alicorns just have much more of an advantage over normal ponies. It's one of the things that makes us so special." In mock secrecy, I brought my voice down to a whisper. "Here, I'll let you in on a secret." she leaned in close. "My magic is better than Twilights." When I said this she laughed and stomped her hoof. "Oh Twilight wouldn't like that. Not one bit." She shook her head. "So do you really mean that? I mean training me?" "Why of coarse I do. I never go back on my word and I think you've got the right stuff kid." I flashed her a grin which she returned. By the time our conversation was over, we were at the gates to the throne room. Pushing them open, I walked inside first, followed closely by Dash. What I saw was the normal furniture of the room. Celestia in her throne, her two unicorn Guards. The only thing askance was the two Diamond Dogs standing right in front of Celestia. The one on the right turned towards me to reveal the familiar face of Zin. Celestia looked up at me, a sign of relief on her face at my appearance, but also one of alarm once Rainbow Dash stepped into view. "Ah Spade, what a pleasant surprise. I also see that you have brought along Rainbow Dash. May I ask why?" the princess said, flashing me with a slightly angry glance. I looked her straight in the eyes, "Princess, Rainbow Dash helped me in the defense of SilverClaw's clan in a cave to the east of Canterlot. They were utterly wiped out and we barely escaped with our lives. She has proved a useful ally and steadfast when the need arises." I paused for a moment to let her absorb this and then continued. "On another note, due to her capabilities, which I have seen first hand, I would like to take her on as my apprentice for as long until she is ready." Celestia seemed taken aback at my proposal and even the faces of Zin and SilverClaw seemed to be full of surprise. It took the princess a moment to recover before she asked, "Do you think that is a good choice of action Spade? Considering what we will be facing soon. I trust you on this, but you have to be sure of your decision before I can accept or decline it." I gave her a brisk nod, "Yes my Princess, I am sure of it. I believe Rainbow Dash has what it takes to survive the training and come out on top." Princess Celestia gave me a nod, before returning her attention to the two Diamond Dogs. "It seems as if your story checks out SilverClaw. It seems as if we can come to a mutual agreement that will benefit both of us." She said, before addressing Zin. "As for you, you are no longer wanted as a fugitive in this land, for a time. Although I realize what you had done may have been necessary, don't think I have forgot what you had done to achieve it. You injured many a Guardsman that day." Zin looked a little ashamed of himself, staring into the ground. "I did what I had to to get away. You left me no choice." Celestia nodded, acknowledging him. "Yes, of coarse. Although that doesn't leave an excuse. I expect you to repay the debt you owe to the Guards of this castle that you had injured. In some form or another, this will be repaid. Am I understood?" Zin let out a short laugh before replying, “Si, senorita.” There he goes again, with that strange other language of his. He shifted the left side of his body, gripping his arm and letting out a small grunt. I wasn't overly worried about the spearhead, although it will hurt something mighty coming out. “I think there is something you would like to see. Something a certain pony named Lyra came to you about.” Lyra...? What in Equestria was he talking about? After a short pause, Celestia nodded at him. For a moment, nothing happened. But after a few seconds had passed, the markings around his body began to brighten before he suddenly changed form, all resemblance to a Diamond Dog vanishing as he returned to his true form. Celestia's head reared back slightly at the sight of him. “I knew you were different when we first met.” She stated, with a self-satisfied nod. Zin chuckled again, “Eeyup. There’s something that’s eating at me though.” He paused a moment before continuing, “I have a theory on how Discord managed to get to my realm. The Elements of Harmony merely froze him in stone, but what if it was only his physical attributes that were frozen? His mind could have roamed free and used its manipulative magic to create a second body in my dimension.” He turned his head over to me saying, “I read too many Harry Potter books.” Ah, some human book about fairy-tales or something or another, I thought with some humor. SilverClaw cast her attention over at Zin, her brow furrowing in concentration. After a second of this, she walked off, Zin nodding at her, headed towards the western exit of the throne room out into the Royal Gardens. She soon disappeared from sight, to which Princess Celestia stopped one of her Guards who had tried to follow her. Zin jerked his head from side to side, cracking the bones in his neck. “Those guards wouldn’t happen to want a little payback would they?" At that, the princess stepped off of her throne, her Guards stolid in their place, staying motionless next to the throne. I knew better than that though, they were ready to pounce on any soul that tried to attack the princess. She reached the midway point between Rainbow Dash and myself, and Zin. “Yes, I’m sure they would like the chance to show you what they are made of, without the aid of magic.” Looking past the princess, I saw as Zin hit himself in the forehead with his palm, probably some odd human gesture. “This keeps getting better and better.” He gave a small smirk, “Can’t wait to see” He became serious for a moment, however, as he said, “Imagine being able to see moments in time unwillingly. You see the past, the events of the present, and sometimes the future. For me, I see too much of the past, and none of it too happy.” His eyes glazed over as all three of us looked over him, he was lost in some past memory of his, his eyes staring through all of us, not seeing. As if it had never happened, he lightly shook his head and eyes us all down, before addressing me, “Spade, I would like a word with you once you’re done with Celestia... It seems we have a lot in common after all.” At that, he strode off, going the opposite way that SilverClaw had gone and was headed for the east-side portion of the Royal Gardens, the same area where the memorial tree was planted. As soon as he was gone, Princess Celestia returned her attention to Rainbow Dash and I. Stepping forward she addressed Dash, "It seems that my friend over here holds you in high-esteem. You have more than earned it with your actions as the Element of Loyalty. I hope that you will take good care of the trust he has bestowed to you." Rainbow Dash nodded adamantly, "You can count on me Princess. I won't let you or him down!" At that Celestia gave her a warm smile. "I'm sure you won't. Now as your first duty, I want you to return to Ponyville and check up on the others. I'm sure they're worried about you." As Dash turned to head out the front of the throne room, Celestia called out once more, "And remember Rainbow Dash, you cannot utter a word to any of the others of that which has happened." Dash gave a brisk nod and a quick salute before hurrying out of the room. Princess Celestia turned her attention towards me then, "I hope you know what you are doing with her. She is the Element of Loyalty, but I don't know how she will hold up against training meant for alicorns." I gave a small smile, "Oh Princess, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure she will do just fine, as for the training, she doesn't have the ability to use magic to help her, so I could always give her a little leeway on the tests and training." She shook her head, "No, she must experience the full extent. Magic or no, there were tests where you weren't allowed to use it." I gave a small smile, thinking back on those moments. A magic disruption spell would be cast, preventing us from using our powers, and then we would be put through rigorous physical training between each other or the Guards who were present. "Okay, I concede your point. No help from Shadow or I, with the full training regime." I said, my face returning to its normal position, my emotions hidden behind a well trained mask. Celestia started on a casual tone, "By the way, how is Shadow? I assume her pregnancy is going well?" My thought leaked back to her, as I realized I was still away with the birth of our foal so near. I nodded absently, "Yes, yes. Of coarse. Thank you for asking my princess, all goes well." She smiled at me and motioned with a hoof at the door Zin had disappeared behind. "You should go check up on him. He seemed eager to have you alone for a few moments." She turned away as she said this, headed back to her throne. Her head turned towards me as she ascended the stairs, "Make him work for the debt he owes." She said with a wink. I grinned at her and tipped my head. "Of coarse Princess." With a bow, I took my leave, moving off to the side of the room and headed through the door. A small passage lit by a sole torch with one other door at the end separated me from the gardens. I passed the torch and continued through the other door, the rays of moonlight through the clouds cast a glow around the courtyard, bathing everything in a cold light. I surveyed the surrounding area and spotted a few of Zin's tracks in the grass. I followed his trail, up a small winding path which lead to a small tree atop a hill. He was lying beneath the shade of the tree, apparently sleeping as I approached him. As I walked up his eyes snapped open, just as I stopped two meters away from him. He propped himself up, his knees pulled against his chest with his arms on top of them. Laying his head in his arms he said, “Three weeks. That’s all we have.” He let out a bark of a laugh, continuing, “I spoke with the... Hell, I don’t know what to call her. She told me that even with our combined efforts, it won’t do much.” He stopped and looked at me for a moment, studying my features before starting again, “That won’t stop me though...." He fell back into the grass, arms stretched out wide to either side of him. He let out a sigh, “I’m too stubborn for my own good.” I chuckled at this, "Yeah kid, you are. But that's what makes you... Well you I suppose." I moved up next to him and sat down, folding my legs under my chest and easing into a comfortable position. He looked over at me, “Sound’s like something my friend would say. As for what I said in the throne room... I know, Spade.” I looked at him askance and gave him a curious look, "Y'all know what, kid? I'm not sure I'm following you." He turned his head back, staring into the night sky. The features on his face softened as he said, “When I first met you, and asked you what your problem with Diamond Dogs was... I know why now.” I stared at him, my face void of any expression as I thought back to that moment... No. That's... In the past. There is no help in thinking about it at a time like this. "Really... Well that sure is something. I'm curious, how did you come to this knowledge?" With a finger, Zin tapped his rune-inlaid necklace. “This little rock from hell. I can see the past of myself, as well as other ponies. Some of the things I see, even I can’t believe. Got a tale about Celestia you should hear sometime.” I shook my head at him, saying, "So what did you mean kid when you said you and I had a lot in common? Frankly I just can't see it." He turned over to his side and looked me in the eyes, "“How often did those other colts gang up on you? How long did you live without any real parents? Adoption can only do so much, as there is nothing like a true parents love, or is this just my imagination?” I smiled a bit, and said with a sigh, "Kid, I can see how you're trying to relate to me, but there is a crucial difference between the two of us. I never knew my parents and I lived on the streets for a portion of my life. On top of that, for a good portion of my colthood, I didn't have any friends." He was still staring at me, trying to penetrate my subconsciousness. "All of this I was fine with. Sure, now, I wouldn't go back, but at the time I wasn't bothered by it." “One friend, out of all the years. Was only around her for two years before I got taken by another family, then another, then another. Life’s a bitch.” As he said this, he fell back towards the ground, staring up at the sky. “I just see some similarities.” I nodded, "Well kid, is there any other particular reason you had called me out here? If not, I have to head into Canterlot to get something." At that, Zin stood up and stretched, his left arm still hanging limp at his side. I got up from where I was sitting and moved over to him, examining the wound. "Do you want me to get that out for you? The bleeding has stopped but it must have severed several tendons. I can repair all of the damaged area if you'd like." He gave me a nod, and said with a grunt, “Go ahead.” I walked him over to flat spot on the grass, laying him down with his stomach on the ground. I looked over the area, the bottom of the spear protruding slightly from his skin. "Now kid, this is going to hurt. A lot. I'm going to hold you down but do your best not to scream." At that, he buried his face in the ground, preparing for the pain. I probed the wound with my magic, sending tethers down to the bone it was embedded in. These we painless, sightless, but I could feel where they were going and probed deeper. Once at the tip of the spear, a good half an inch buried into his shoulder, I began to slip it out of the bone with the magic, being as gentle as possible. My slowness didn't ease his pain, however, as I heard a muffled cry and a moan of pain come from him. I continued my work, working slowly to free the arrow from the bone. After a minute, it was no longer buried in his shoulder bone, and I began the even slower trek out of his muscle and tissue. If I pulled it out to fast, I risked severing an artery and causing even further damage to him. He continued to grunt with pain, the whole while his fists clenched in agony. It took me about thirty seconds to get it to a point where I could pull it out cleanly. "Alright kid, one last tug. Just stay with me." I said, barely getting a response from him aside from a muffled moan. Without a second thought, I ripped the spearhead out of him and tossed it aside. Zin let out a scream and his body began to thrash around. If not for the magic holding him, he would have caused even more harm to his being. "Hold still!" I yelled at him, working the tethers again to begin reforming the bone, tendons, muscle, and skin. Once the process started, he began to squirm as several of his internal pieces began to reweave themselves together. This happened slowly, and after a few minutes the wound was sealed, a patch of bright pink newly formed skin covering the hole that was once there. With a sigh, I sat to the ground. "All done kid." He cautiously rolled on to his back and with a sigh of relief said, “Good thing I am right handed, or that could have been a problem. Thanks.” "Y'all don't have to worry about it. Would have been a shame if that caused you any further problems." I resumed my position on the ground, folding my legs underneath me as I sat. Zin returned to the position that he had before, settling his head in-between his arms. “Got any idea on what those guards have planned for me? Because I wouldn’t be a very happy dog if they take it too far.” I let out a short laugh, "Ah kid, you don't have much too worry about. I have thought of something, that could save you from nearing death at the hoofs of the guards." Zin looked at me confused, “And that would be?” I gave him a devilish smile, "Why you would fight me of coarse. The guards would get to watch." He grinned back at me, “You’re on. Just don’t hold back, wouldn’t like it if you went easy on me.” I let out a bark of laughter, "Oh kid. You're going to regret saying that." I got up from where I was sitting, stretched and said, "Tomorrow, meet me back here. I need to inform the Guards of our little engagement, then I, as I said before, need to head into Canterlot for something." He gave me a nod, laying back in the grass as he said, “I think I’ll just sleep out here tonight, seeing how my last home was obliterated.” I returned his nod, trotting off back through the gardens, although instead of going back to the palace, I left the gardens near the front gates, headed down into Canterlot. As I passed through the gates, I changed my form to my pegasi alias, hiding the remaining gear I had on me near the entrance to the palace, taking with me a small satchel. No one in Canterlot aside from the Princesses and Guards know of my true identity. I walked through the streets, which were mostly deserted at this time of night aside from the odd pony or two who were stumbling around either drunk or lost in the nighttime air. There was one store I was looking for in particular, a small shop whom the owner of which I've been good friends with for a long time. I approached the shop silently, the lights among the few on the street to be on at this time of night. As I walked up to the door, I heard muffled movements inside, along with the sound of metal banging on metal, indicating that the stores occupant was, indeed, awake. I knocking on the door with a hoof, causing a small outburst of surprise from inside. After a second, a dis-shelved looking brown unicorn stallion answered the door, looking at me with bleary eyes. "Who is... Oh Lance, its you. How can I help you tonight?" I changed my accent, giving him a warm smile as I replied, "Hey Smithy, I have an order I need to place. Nothing big, just a little something for Gemstone. She's pregnant you know." He gave me a nod and a smile, "Yeah I heard. Well come in, come in. Don't stand out in the cold." He said, stepping aside with a hoof extended inside. "Thanks old friend. I can't stay long, business brings me elsewhere I'm afraid." I said, looking around his workshop. The main room was nothing more than a counter where he can conduct business, a few odd furnishing for decorations and a flight of stairs leading to the second floor where his bedroom is. Although just beyond the counter, I knew was a forge where he made the most renown metal working in all of Canterlot. I turned as he shut the door behind me. "Lance, always the busy stallion." he said with a laugh. "Anyway, do tell. What is this item you want me to craft for you?" I gave him a smile, "Just a little trinket for Gemstone." I said as I pulled a small piece of paper with the design from my satchel, handing over to him. He lifted it with his magic and plastered it in-front of his face, studying the drawing. "Hmmm. Yes. Simple, yet well thought out. The perfect gift," he said, giving me a smile. "It shouldn't take me that long to make. At most a day. I should have it to your cabin by tomorrow at the moons rising. Will that be good?" I gave him a nod, "Of coarse. Thank you for getting this done for me, it truly means a lot to me." I extended a hoof, to which he shook absently, already consumed in the design of the trinket. "Yes yes, anytime my friend." he mumbled as he turned back and trotted behind the counter into his workshop. As he left I retrieved a small sack of bits and placed it on the counter. "Consider this a thank you," I whispered to myself, headed back out the door. Shutting it silently behind me, I began to work my way back up the street, headed back for the palace to inform the Guards about tomorrow, just as the sound of metal on metal began resonating from the shop once again. As I walked through the streets, I thought idly about the coming days, and what they would entail. 'Only three weeks... Is that enough time? Surely it will be. My only hope is that my foal is born before then... I couldn't bare the thought of both Shadow and our unborn foal being put into danger. Even still, with her born, what could we do to protect her? We couldn't bring her with us... On top of that, how will we inform the townsfolk of their impending doom? We would have to start preparations for the attack soon, but how will we tell them? I don't think they would buy the normal 'Dragon in the mountains,' or some other excuse. What I fear the most is though that this attack will show everypony that our organization truly exists, that it isn't some marestale.' My thoughts continued on this train for the entire way back, I didn't hear the Guard calling at me from the front of the gates and literally ran into him. "Hey! Are you deaf or something? Can't hear when somepony is-" he stopped as I looked up at him, "Oh Spade. It's you. Sorry for the bother, what business do you have in the palace tonight?" I cut my accent, breaking the spell that held my guise together. "I need you to pass word to the other members of the Guards, especially those who where there when the dog escaped." At the mention of that, the Guard tensed up and his eyes narrowed. "What is it that I will pass on to them?" He said with a hint of disgust at the mention of Zin. "Tell them to come to the flats in-front of the Memorial Tree, tomorrow, an hour after the raising of the sun. I will avenge them against the dog in a one-on-one fight. I'm sure they would enjoy seeing that." I said, giving him a grin. He returned it, his eyes lighting up. "Oh yes. I can say that they will." He turned towards his partner at the gate, who had been listening in. "Hey, hold down the fort while I go spread the word." The other Guard gave him a nod and the one I had been talking to walked off, headed through the Guards door next to the main entrance to the palace. Once he was gone, the other Guard came up to me, a white pegasus, and by the looks of it, he still had mild scaring about his neck from burns. In a coarse voice, he asked me, "Will you really teach that dog a lesson? He deserves far more than a simple fight." I gave him a nod, "Of coarse. He hurt many a friend of mine on that day. I don't believe I've met your acquaintance before. My name is Spade." He let out a small laugh, which was almost as raspy as his voice. "The names Scorched, on account of the burn marks on my neck. And I've heard of you, all the Guards have. Old and new." I gave him a smile, "Yes of coarse, how did you come to those scars, might I ask?" His eyes hazed over a minute before he replied, "The reason you haven't met me yet is because I'm relatively new here. Less than a year I've been a Guard. How I got these scars was my first assignment was on the day that mutt escaped. I was in the front line... It went well at first, until he shot that fireball at us. It landed right in-front of me and I got the worst of it, far more than any of the other Guards." I laid a hoof on his shoulder, and said with an easy tone, "Thank you for your service in protecting the palace. You've done your job and more. I'll be sure to give him one for you tomorrow." Scorched smiled at me, a rare occurrence for Guards. "I thank you. Now you better head off before I get in trouble from my CO for talking to you." I gave him a small laugh and nodded, first grabbing the gear that I had left there earlier, then I headed past him and through the Guard door too which the first Guard had entered. I traversed the torchlit halls of the palace, all of them casting an eerie glow against the walls, casting shadows from every piece of furniture and indent in the walls. I headed up a flight of stairs on Luna's side of the castle, trotting lazily up them. I stopped a floor below Luna's quarters and headed through a door, to which I entered a single hallway, with six doors lining the walls. It was lit by six torches, one across from each door. I trotted down to the second to last door, and turning a magic locking mechanism inside the door, it unlocked and opened on well oiled hinges. The room was quite large, which made sense as it was one of the Royal Guest Rooms. It's main purpose was not for Royal Guests, however, but instead to house those members of the CSF who had business in the castle. I lit a few candles throughout the room, illuminating the surrounding furniture. On the left hand was was a brick fireplace which could be lit with magic, the vents leading somewhere else in the palace. A large ornate dresser and stool stood against the far wall, housing all sorts of fancy dress clothes and baubles. The bed on the right hand side of the room could easily fit three or more ponies with two decorated nightstands on either side of it. A currently closed closet next to the dresser held even more clothes and dress attire. In the center of the floor was a rug shaped in the resemblance of a crescent moon, this being Luna's wing of the Guest Rooms. The rugs in Celestia's own wing were in the guise of a sun. As I entered the room, I also lit up the fireplace using a bit of magic, which bathed the whole room in a brilliant warmth. With a heavy sigh of relief, I unclasped the gear for the last time today and let it drop heavily to the floor. I rolled my shoulders around with a smile, saying to myself, "Glad to have that thing off." I moved over to the bed and merely hopped on to it, laying down with a comfortable sigh. I told my body to get up an hour before the rising of the sun, which gave me a few hours to sleep. Happily I closed my eyes and drifted into my waking dreams, which played a wonderful display in my mind.