The Coming of Comet Flip-Flop

by cheesemeister

The Explosion

Discord and Celestia stood together on the grand balcony at Canterlot Palace. Celestia gazed through a telescope.
“Can you see it yet, Celestia?” Discord asked, his voice filled with anticipation.
“Yes I can. It’s approaching very quickly. Luna slowed it, but she wasn’t able to stop it. Stand ready, Discord.”
“Ready and willing, Celestia. I see it even without a telescope. How amazing that a ball of ice can catch on fire!”
“There are many amazing extraterrestrial objects. I’ll be happy to discuss each and every one of them with you, Discord, after we’ve taken care of redirecting Comet Flip-Flop back into space.”
“Celestia, I do believe we are standing at ground zero.”
“Take aim, Discord. If we can’t deflect it, I fear for what will happen to Equestria.”
“Blazes, but it’s bright!”
“Now, Discord!”
The pair shot magical energy towards the rapidly approaching comet. The energy from Celestia’s horn combined with the energy from Discord’s front claws. The energies struck the comet, but rather than deflecting it as planned, the blazing ice ball shattered into multiple pieces. A blinding burst of light rocked Equestria. Discord and Celestia were sent flying.
When Celestia came to, she felt strange. Her body felt as if it was made of rubber. It seemed to wobble this way and that. She supposed it was the force of the impact causing her to feel shaky.
“Discord, are you all right?” Celestia asked.
A whinnying cough came through the smoke.
“I’m fine, Celestia, but that blasted comet seems to have affected my voice. Hang on, I’ll make my way to you. Oh my, I feel strange!”
“I do too. I’m sure we’ll be all right, but I’ve never felt like this before. I really don’t feel quite myself.”
“Oh good heavens! Celestia, I do believe I see our problem. It seems that I’m you. What I mean is, it looks like I’m in your body.”
“Which would mean I’m in yours. No wonder my spine felt like it was made of rubber! “
“No wonder my legs are so long and so stiff! Celestia, however do you manage?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Never mind that right now. We need to find out of the other citizens of Equestria are all right. I hope those bits of the comet didn’t do too much damage.”