Playcolt: The Great and Powerful

by Majin Syeekoh

Morning After

Syko woke up to dubstep blaring from the apartment above. Celestia, he hated living under a DJ. He grabbed the broom he kept by his bed with his orange glow and slammed the ceiling with it.

“Quiet down! Some of us are trying to sleep!” he said, when he saw the broom wrapped in a blue glow as it was slammed into the ceiling even harder.

“Keep it down up there! The Great and Powerful Trixie has a Great and Powerful hangover right now!” Syko quickly turned his head over to the cerulean mare lying next to him as the music stopped.

Vinyl’s voice was heard from upstairs, yelling, “Wait, THAT Trixie!? You were banging the Great and Powerful Trixie last night!? Score!”

Syko stared at Trixie, dumbfounded, “I guess I was…”

“You know, after last night’s performance, they should call you the Great and Powerful Syko!” Trixie said.

Syko quickly got out of bed, “I bet you say that to all the stallions you bed,”

“Not all of them,” Trixie said, stretching out across the bed, “just the Great and Powerful ones,”

Syko blushed at that, “Well, would you like some breakfast?”

“What does a swinging bachelor like you have for breakfast?” Trixie asked.

“Toaster waffles,” Syko said, magically pulling out waffles from the freezer and putting them in the toaster, “want some?”

“Trixie supposes…” she said as she got out of bed and sat down at the table, Syko monitoring the waffles. They popped up, Syko grabbing them, getting plates from the cabinet and putting two on each plate as he served Trixie. Trixie looked expectantly at Syko, “Do you have any syrup?”

“No, but I have butter!” Syko said as he pulled out the butter from the fridge, two knives from the drawer, and lay them on the table, sitting across from Trixie. He then proceeded to cut off a slice of butter and spread it on the waffle, taking a bite when he was finished, “well, aren’t you gonna have some?”

Trixie stared at the waffle, then picked up the other knife, cut off a slice of butter for herself, spreading it across the waffle. She took a bite, her ears perking up as she did so, “This is good!”

“Breakfast of Champions, Trixie!” Syko said as they ate their waffles in silence. Having done so, they sat around for a minute, the Syko said, “I have to get into the office to write my transcript of yesterday’s interview,”

“Trixie supposes she should get going as well,” Trixie said, “Trixie has a show at ten-thirty and should prepare,” as she got up, threw her hat and cape on, and headed for the door, “and do keep in touch, Syko,”

“Will do, O Great and Powerful Trixie!” Syko saluted. Trixie giggled at that.

“Bye, Syko,” she said as she closed the door behind her. Syko just basked in the moment, enjoying the act he committed last night. Today was going to be a good day, he thought to himself.