Playcolt: The Great and Powerful

by Majin Syeekoh

Interviewing Trixie

Syko approached the dressing room, which was mobbed by rabid fans. He cut his way to the front, where a burly stallion was standing. He displayed his press pass, and the stallion nodded.

“Trixie’s been expecting you,” the stallion said in a gruff voice. Syko raised an eyebrow at that, but nonetheless walked in. Inside was Trixie in all of her glory, sitting in front of a mirror, writing something. He approached her.

“Trixie?” Syko asked. The mare didn’t respond. He moved closer to see what she was writing. She wasn’t writing anything! Instead, the quill seemed to be moving across the paper without making any notations. Syko immediately recognized this as an illusion. He then cast a Find-It Got-It spell, focusing on the cerulean mare. Trixie immediately twirled out from behind a curtain into Syko’s forelegs, batting her eyelashes. Syko blushed, not expecting the mare of his dreams to literally leap into his forelegs.

“Ahhhh…” Syko said.

“Trixie wasn’t expecting you to be so handsome...Syko, was it?” Trixie cooed. Syko pushed Trixie off of him and collected himself.

“You know,” Trixie said, “A Find-It Got-It spell only works if you REALLY want your target…”

Syko blushed even harder and cleared his throat, “Ah, nevermind that, I’m just here for the interview, ma’am,” as he sat down on the couch. Trixie sat in her chair.

“So, ask away!” Trixie said.

Syko pulled out some papers, “First, you need to sign this paperwork,”

Trixie grabbed the contract from Syko and looked it over, “Twenty thousand bits for a full monty, huh? Your magazine must really want lil’ old Trixie!” She said, eyeing Syko.

Syko grabbed the contract back, “That can’t be right,” he said, going over the contract, his eyes widening at the indeed twenty thousand bits for said full monty. He sheepishly handed the contract back over, saying, “Sorry, the figure just sounded a little high. Had to double check it,”

“No worries, Syko. Trixie understands,” Trixie said, signing the contract, “but Trixie’s a little hurt that you didn’t think she was worth the bits,” she mewled.

Syko’s eyes widened at that, “No, it’s nothing like that, I’m sure you’re worth every bit we’re paying you!”

“So Trixie’s nothing but a trollop to you?”

“No, no! That is not what I’m saying!” Syko said, noticing Trixie giggling.

“You’re cute when you’re flustered, you know that?” Syko blushed.

“Nevermind that, let’s get on with the interview,” Syko said, pulling out his magical recording device.

“Ooooh, fancy! That must’ve been a pretty bit!” Trixie said.

“Tax write-off,” Syko said, “Now, I’ve noticed that you’ve been referring to yourself in the third person even though we’re off stage. Why is that?”

Trixie sighed, “Brain damage,”

“I’m not aware of any brain damage that affects personal pronouns,”

“Well, that’s because you don’t know much about brain damage,” Trixie harumphed, “There was one colt who was perfectly fine except for confusing his fruits and vegetables. Another filly, colors,”

“So,” Syko said, “when did you get your brain damage?”

“Trixie was eight, carriage accident. She was in the hospital for two months. It was when Trixie was infirm that she got her acceptance letter to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns,”

“About that,” Syko continued, “many say you dropped out,”

“Lies! Trixie graduated magna cum laude, behind Sunset Shimmer!” Trixie said, “but that was because the little harlot was Celestia’s personal protégé. Trixie swears, some mares have all the advantages!”

“So how do you think that rumor came about?” Syko asked.

“It was probably when Trixie turned down a full scholarship to Manehatten University to begin her life on the road. Mother and Father were so angry with was perfect!”

“So you turned down a full scholarship to get back at your parents?”

“Well, when you put it that way, it sounds petty,”

“I’m afraid it does,”

“Well, it isn’t!” Trixie shouted, “ My parents thought Trixie would never get anywhere in life with a degree in Illusion, so Trixie showed them up by starting a career in illusions!”

“And you’ve done very well for yourself, barring certain hiccups,” Syko said, “would you like to go into them?”

“You’ll have to see the show,” Trixie said.

“I did see the show,”

“That was directed to the readers,” Trixie said, “Hi readers!”

“How meta of you,” Syko noted, “so, how did you revive your career after your misadventures?”

“Well, it’s not very hard to sell yourself as ‘Great and Powerful’ after you’ve taken over an entire town, now is it?”

“I didn’t think you’d like to advertise that, Trixie,”

“Well, you know what they say ‘All publicity is good publicity’! So Trixie just used that to book shows, and those shows to book more shows, and here Trixie is!”

Syko nodded, “Alright, now it’s time for some more...personal questions...are you a maiden?”

Trixie batted her eyelashes at Syko, “You’re such a charmer, you know that?”

Syko blushed, “Standard question, Trixie,”

Trixie sighed, “No, Trixie is not,”

“Well then, who did you lose your maidenhead to?”

“A pegasus Trixie met in a bar...she thinks Bulge Biceps was his name. His wings were tiny, and you know what they say about tiny wings,” Trixie shuddered, “barely even hurt,”

“Well, I’m sure that now you’ve embarrassed that stallion in front of the entire world...I believe you’ve had better experiences?”

“Why, yes, of course! After that, there was Jet Set before he met his current wife, Barricade of the Royal Guard, Magic Hat in Hoofington, Preved Medved of Stalliongrad…” and Trixie went on to list fifty other stallions. Syko was wide-eyed at all the names she listed.

“Wow...thank you. You’ve really been around the block, haven’t you?”

Trixie blushed, “A mare does have her needs, you know?”

“Well, then,” Syko said, “do you have any aspirations?”

“Well, the fame is nice and all, but, however cliché it may sound for a mare to say this, Trixie would really like to settle down with a nice stallion and start a family of her own,”

“That’ll be all, Trixie,” Syko said, pulling out his camera, “time for the photoshoot!” And at that, Trixie ripped off her cloak and hat, bared for all the world to see.

“Make sure you get my good side,” Trixie said.

“Which one is your good side?”

“All of them,” she winked.


The photoshoot finished, Trixie put her cape and hat back on, adjusting the hat ever so slightly.

“Thank you, Trixie. You’ve been a very good guest,” Syko said.

“No, the pleasure was all Trixie’s,” Trixie said.


“Would you like to go out for drinks after my last show?”

Syko blinked, “Excuse me?”

“Did Trixie stutter?”

“N-no!” Syko stammered, “I’ that,”

“Well, Trixie would like that, too…”

“Pick you up at eight?”

“Most certainly!”