//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 (Eggrole7) // Story: Central Equestria University // by caveman0803 //------------------------------// chapter 2 Maroon sighed, tired and just wanting to get settled into his new dorm to work on the manuscript he has been planning for the monthly comic magazine called Ponin Jump. However, before he can do that he has to get his orientation over with. All he knew about this “Fluttershy” is that she likes animals and that he is meeting her at the soccer field. Naturally, Maroon had no idea where it is. All he has to go on is a crudely drawn map of the school given to him by a girl, whose name escapes him, with crazy puffy hair and a thing for the color pink; but that was neither here nor there. He gazes at the map with a grimace as the map seems to feature a mailbox, a poorly drawn sketch of what looks like Mt. Fuji, and a set of odd instructions telling him to “sprint here” or “dive into the fountain.” Maroon lets out a sigh “She has to be messing with me.” He starts down the hall in a direction that seems like the right way to go. A little way down the hall he notices a girl with rainbow colored hair. She’s wearing a light blue sweater jacket with an insignia of a cloud emanating a blue, yellow, and red lightning bolt from it, blue jogging shorts with red trim around the legs, white sneakers with rainbow shoelaces, and a pair of light blue wings tucked in a resting position on her back. The rainbow girl was jogging down the hallway in the same direction that Maroon was heading a few meters ahead “Maybe she can help me.” Maroon thought to himself as he approached the rainbow clad girl. “Excuse me miss.” He shouted. However he didn’t notice that the girl had put a good chunk of distance between them. He started to speed up to catch her but soon realised that she was faster than he was, a lot faster. In fact, the only way he could possibly catch up was to run after her. Maroon shut his eyes tight and ran as fast as he could and shortly after found himself flat on his ass. Maroon covered his injured nose and opened his eyes to find the rainbow girl with a rather dissatisfied look on her face and a clenched fist. “You got a problem buddy?” She exclaimed breathing heavily. Maroon pulled his hand away from his face and winced at the small puddle of blood in his palm then looked up, “I - I’m sorry I did not mean to startle you, I was just wondering if i could get some directions to...” Maroon was interrupted by the rainbow girl. “Startled? HA! No one gets the jump on the great Rainbow Dash!” She proudly exclaimed and put out her hand to help Maroon up. Maroon took her hand. “Clearly” he stated sarcastically as he got to his feet. “Sorry about decking you in the schnoz” Rainbow Dash apologized and handed him a tissue. “Now, what can i help you find?” she inquired. Maroon finished stuffing his bleeding nose “I just needed help finding the soccer field, I’m suppose to meet a girl named Fluttershy there for orientation.” Rainbow Dash’s face beamed “Oh Fluttershy! I know her, she is one of my best friends.” Maroon let out a sigh of relief “That’s good, till now all I had to go on was this map.” Rainbow instantly grabbed the map, glanced at it and started laughing hysterically “I see you had a run in with pinkie pie.” Maroon rolled his eyes “I take it you know her too.” Rainbow smiled “Yup, another best friend of mine anyway, the soccer field is just a short flight this way.” Rainbow Dash jumped in the air, flapped her wings and broke into a low hover. “This way” she exclaimed and started to dart. “Wait!” Maroon yelled and looked down at the ground in embarrassment “I - I can’t fly” Rainbow glared at Maroon in stern disappointment, “You can’t be serious.” She said in a scornful tone then rolled her eyes. “Alrighty then.” Her voice was easy going as she grabbed Maroon by the shoulders and darted off. “What are you doing?” Maroon asked in a frenzy. “If you can’t fly then I have no choice but to fly you there. It’s the least I could do after punching you like that.” She spoke in a calm and confident tone and bolted towards an open field. “I think i’m slipping!” Maroon yelled after the sudden burst of speed. “Nonsense.” Rainbow Dash chuckled “I do this with my non winged friends all the-” She stopped mid sentence and looked at her empty palms “Hmm?” Looking down to see maroon plummeting to the earth, “I guess he really can’t fly” she said nonchalantly. As Maroon plummeted to the earth he noticed a small body of water near by. He opened his wings and sloppily glided towards it in hopes that it would break his fall. As Maroon emerged from the fountain Rainbow Dash glided gently beside him. “Well, I think it would be best if we walked from here on out.” Rainbow giggled awkwardly. “Yeah, I think thats probably a good idea.” Maroon responded sarcastically, “Where are we anyway?” He inquired “I believe we’re right outside the world studies department” Rainbow answered with a proud smile “We’re going to have to go through it if we want to get to the soccer field” She explained. Maroon crawled out of the fountain and shook himself off then, following Rainbow, headed toward the giant double doors leading into the facility. His mouth fell agape when he walked up to the doors and found they were much bigger than they originally looked. “How are we suppose to get these doors open?” He asked. Rainbow Dash pushed open a smaller, normal sized door carved into the big one. “Like this.” She said with a smug grin. Maroon gazed into space with an unamused look than proceeded inside. “You can’t be serious.” He said in shock as he entered the building “Now I know she was messing with me.” He muttered as he approached the mural of Mt. Fuji. Then he turned to Rainbow Dash who was on the floor laughing “That Pinkie Pie, she sure knows how to play a prank, am i right?” Rainbow breathily commented. Maroon glared at her with discontent but was having a hard time holding back the slightest smile. Rainbow looked back at him in shock, followed by an awkward pause then they both burst into laughter. “I’ll admit,” Maroon chuckled, “you and pinkie got me good, but I have to ask, what was with the mailbox?” He asked as he turned to Rainbow Dash “No idea.” She responded with a look of confusion. Just then a girl with grey wings wearing a grey postal worker uniform, a hat adorned with five circles of varying sizes that appeared to take the form of some bubbles, and crossed eyes approached them. “Hey Derpy.” Rainbow Dash greeted as she smiled. “What's up?” She inquired. “I have a letter for Maroon from Pinkie Pie.” Derpy said happily. “Thank you.” Maroon said as he took the letter from her grasp. “Have a nice day!” Derpy exclaimed as she flew off through the stained glass window next to the door. Maroon shrugged then proceeded to open the letter. A blast of confetti shot out of the parcel and a piece of paper gently glided down into maroon’s hands. Dear Maroon, I hope you enjoyed your little adventure with Rainbow Dash and I hope you had lots of fun. I wish to welcome you to the school so this weekend i’m throwing you and your scientist friend a party in the event hall. (You know, the place with all the pictures of Twilight and Rainbow Dash) -p.s. please wish Fluttershy a happy ‘98 days until your birthday day’ when you see her. Best wishes, Pinkie Pie. Maroon folded up the letter and put it in his pocket. “Well that’s nice of her.” He said. “Yeah, Pinkie’s like that. She throws a party for everyone. It’s astounding, but you get use to things like that with her. Eventually you learn to just not question it” Rainbow explained. “Anyway, the field is just this way.” She pointed toward a set of double doors down the hall and started walking toward them, Maroon followed. Through the doors was a large open field with two goal posts and in the middle to the side was a large empty set of bleachers. Just to the right of that was a small grove of trees, below one of the trees a girl with long light pink hair, a set of yellow wings, and a yellow sun dress with three pink and blue butterflies inscribed on the bottom was kneeling down petting a stray cat. The girl turned and looked over to Maroon and Rainbow Dash who were closing in. “Hey Fluttershy.” Rainbow greeted. “Maroon here has been looking for you. He said you were in charge of his orientation.” She explained. “Oh my.” Fluttershy said in a surprised manner. “I forgot that was today, I’m sorry.” She said softly. “It’s quite alright. I’m Maroon. It’s nice to meet you.” Maroon said extending his hand toward Fluttershy. “I’m Fluttershy, it’s nice to meet you too.” Fluttershy said shyly. “Well, I best be on my way, I’ve got my own freshman to orientate…” Rainbow Dash looked at her watch in stunned silence “fifteen minutes ago.” She bolted off in a hurry leaving behind a large rainbow ring along her path and a strong gust of wind. “Well,” Fluttershy smiled “shall we get started then?”