My Name Is Scootaloo

by A-Pie-Flying

Winter Wrap Up

Chapter 1 : Winter Wrap Up

“So, winter's ending soon, and we have to clean Ponyville up for spring, or else Ponyville will flood.” Sweetie Belle said, pointing to the huge piles of snow that is found underneath the trees. “What are you all doing for Winter Wrap Up?” She asked, stepping aside from snows under trees.

Applebloom had her uniform on, because her team is starting Winter Wrap Up one day earlier, “Ah'm helping Applejack out with the ground, and seeds.” She pointed to the huge land that was once a carrot farm, but now covered in snow. “Mayor Mare asked us to replant some trees at certain areas, just to give Ponyville some nature.”

“I'm working with the weather team!” Scootaloo added in.

“Cool! So, you're going to bring back the southern birds?” Sweetie Belle asked. She had noticed some ponies from the weather team had to bring back the southern birds from last year's Winter Wrap Up.

Scootaloo shook her head, “Sadly, no. The others are going to bring the birds back. Hopefully, Derpy doesn't go north again like last year.” Scootaloo remembered the last time when Derpy went north to find the southern birds, and came back when everypony finished Winter Wrap Up.

“Riiiiiighhhhhhtt....” Applebloom said. “Oh, right! Scootaloo, you're the captain of the north team right?”

“Yeah, what about it?” Scootaloo questioned, looking a little confused.

Applebloom pointed to the clouds at the north, “For tomorrow, do you mind clearing half of the clouds, and move some to the east? Mayor Mare wants them there some some apparent reason.”

Scootaloo nodded. “Sure, I can do that. Why does Mayor Mare even want those clouds there anyways?”

Applebloom shrugged. Sweetie Belle pushed the two ponies aside, “Okay, ponies! We have a big day tomorrow! So, let us all take a nap!” She announced.

“I agree with Sweetie Belle. I mean, it's Winter Wrap Up tomorrow, and we all have to wake up bright and early.” Scootaloo agreed with Sweetie Belle. “None of us want to be late, do we now?” She looked over at Applebloom. Scootaloo knew that Applebloom will always wake up late due to late night harvesting at Sweet Apple Acres every single day. Except during winter of course. But, who knows? Maybe Applebloom is doing other things at night that she sleep so late and overslept during the day?

The three ponies each head to different direction and went back to their homes. Scootaloo flew up to the cloud house. She moved in with Rainbow Dash when she learned how to fly up high. “I'm back, sis!” Scootaloo called out.

“Welcome back, squirt. How did your meeting go?” Rainbow Dash asked, coming out from the kitchen.

Scootaloo walked over to the sofa, “Oh, you know. Tomorrow's task and stuff. Yadda, yadda.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, “Yeah. It's a shame you didn't get to bring back the southern birds though. I know you love to fly far.” Rainbow Dash sat down beside Scootaloo on the sofa. “Hey, squirt?”

Scootaloo looked over to Rainbow Dash. “What is it?”

“Congratulations on getting to lead the north team.” Rainbow Dash messed Scootaloo's hair, and Scootaloo had to comb it back with her hooves.

“Well, I got a big day tomorrow, so, goodnight sis.” Scootaloo gave out a yawn as she went upstairs. Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, stayed up late and have some late night cookies. She was found snoring on the sofa with some cookie crumbs on her mouth the next day.

Scootaloo putted on her uniform, and she dashed downstairs. The first thing she saw was Rainbow Dash snoring. She went closer to her sister and poked her, “Eh... Sis? It's four in the morning, and it's time to go. Everypony probably is ready already.”

Rainbow Dash awoke from her sleep. “Huh? Wha? It's four already?” She asked, still half asleep.

Scootaloo nodded. Rainbow Dash shook her head and look at the clock that is hanging on the wall. It was pointing to four. Rainbow Dash quickly ran up the stairs, and dashed into her room to get her uniform. “I'm going to go first!” Scootaloo yelled from the living room downstairs.

“You go ahead!” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Okay!” Scootaloo yelled back, and is already going out the door. She flew down to the ground, and saw everypony gathering at the town hall. She even spotted Applebloom and Sweetie Belle in the crowd. She walked over to the two ponies, “So, what did I miss?”

“Nothing much. Just some blabbering of Mayor Mare saying that Twilight will be organizing everything, and will be checking on everypony every thirty minutes.” Applebloom said. “And we have to finish by tomorrow morning at four. So, we have to stay up twenty four hours.” Applebloom explained.

“I will be working on those bird nests.” Sweetie Belle said excitedly. “I can't wait! Me and Rarity, side by side, working on those magnificent bird nests! I could see it now...” Sweetie Belle said, as she was now lost in her own imagination.

Scootaloo flicked her horn, “Pay attention! We aren't here to mess around. It's Winter Wrap Up!” She said in a serious tone. “And sorry about your horn.” She apologized.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Nah, it's okay.”

Applebloom was constantly paying close attention to whatever Mayor Mare was talking about, while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were chattering away like long lost friends. Their ears twitched when they heard the mayor announced “Let the Winter Wrap Up begin!” Everypony cheered, and all of them went to different directions to meet their teams.

“Okay team! Mayor Mare had told us to clear up half of the clouds from the north side, and move some clouds over to the east. So, we'll just pass the clouds to the east team, and let them deal with the clouds. I bet Mayor Mare had already told them what to do with those clouds.” Scootaloo announced to her team of pegasi. “Let's try to clear out as many clouds as we can, and help the ponies out with the snow on the trees.”

“But, what about the birds?” One of the ponies in the group asked.

Scootaloo flew to the pony, “Mayor Mare had reassigned another team to get the southern birds, so we don't have to worry about that.” Scootaloo explained. “Okay, that's it. Let's get moving and busy some clouds!”

Everypony flew in different directions and do their jobs. Half of the ponies were moving clouds to the east, and the other half is busy busting the clouds. Scootaloo assigned Rumble as the pony in charge of the cloud moving, while she was in charge of the cloud busting. Don't want anypony slacking on Winter Wrap Up. Twilight was walking pass by to check on the north weather team.

“Doing great!” She said cheerfully, and checking the north weather team off her checklist. “Remember ponies, we got to be done by tomorrow morning.” She reminded and walked off to the next nearest team.

“Keep busting those clouds! There seem to be more coming in?” Scootaloo said confusingly, as she looked back to the area where they just cleared moments ago. “Why is there more clouds coming in?” She asked.

One of the ponies came back from the east, “Scootaloo, the easy team is having some problems with their clouds. It seems that the clouds keep coming back.”

“Same with us.” Scootaloo pointed to the clouds. “It seems to keep increasing each time.” She noticed. “I'm going to go find Twilight, she should be checking on Applebloom and the others which aren't far from here. Keep busting those clouds while you're at it.”

The ponies all nodded, and they went back to busting clouds. In the meantime, Twilight was checking on Applebloom and the farming team. “How's the plowing?” She asked, levitating her checklist.

“Quite good, I guess. Everypony is doing just fine.” Applebloom said happily, looking at everypony. “Me and the other ponies got the seeds ready one day earlier, so we wouldn't need to have to bring it in later.”

“Oh, very good.” Twilight said, checking another box from the checklist.

Scootaloo dashed by, and she saw Twilight with Applebloom. “Twilight! I'm so glad I found you! We have a little problem with the clouds.”

“What kind of problem? I bet we could sort it out.” Twilight asked.

Scootaloo looked up in the sky, and she saw ponies trying their best to bust the clouds, and it's getting worse by the minute. “Look up.” Scootaloo lifted Twilight's chin, and Twilight looked up in the sky.

Twilight saw so many ponies trying to bust the clouds. “Why is there so many clouds?” She questioned, “Didn't you cleared that area moments ago?” She asked, remembering what she saw when she was checking on Scootaloo's team.

Scootaloo nodded. “We did. But then, the clouds came back up. It's like it's multiplying or something.” Scootaloo explained. “If this keeps up, I think we have to push Winter Wrap Up one more day.” She said sadly.

“And if the clouds won't stop multiplying, it would cover up the sun, and it'll prevent the snow from melting, and the seeds from sprouting.” Applebloom said, frowning.

Twilight sat down and thought for a moment. “Hmm... Your team is clearing the clouds near the Everfree Forest, am I right?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, why?”

“It's mostly windy at the north, why don't you clear out the clouds near the forest? It could maybe stop the clouds from coming back again?” Twilight suggested.

“I guess we could do that. I'll tell the team.” Scootaloo waved off to Applebloom and Twilight and quickly dashed back to the north.

Applebloom looked up in the sky again, more clouds are coming in, and slowly blocking out the sun. “Okay, I better be going now to check the other teams. It seems that I have to check on Rarity and Sweetie Belle on their bird nests.” Twilight trotted peacefully, leaving Applebloom and the other ponies with their task on plowing the ground and planting the seeds, at the same time, clearing some of the snow on the ground.

Scootaloo was busy helping out the team clear out the clouds near the forest, and half on them was still moving some of the clouds to the east. “The wind current is decreasing. I think we all could clear out all these clouds in no time!” Scootaloo said happily, clearing out some few leftover clouds near the north side.

Few minutes passed, and the team have already cleared out the clouds at the north, and Scootaloo had called everypony to gather together at town hall. “Okay everypony, we all had done a great job on clearing all the clouds at the north. So, it is time for us to help the other ponies on clearing out the snow on the tree and under the tree. We'll split into four groups, and I'll choose the leader for each of them.” Scootaloo announced. She divided eight ponies for each teams, and made one of them the leader of the team.

The four teams splitted, and went different directions to help the ponies on clearing out the snow on the trees. Sweetie Belle was already done with making bird nests, so she decided to help the ponies out with clearing out the snow.

“Are you sure you don't need anymore help, Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked her sister who is making more bird nests.

Her sister shook her head, “Oh, it's okay, Sweetie Belle darling. You have, uhm... Helped... A lot?” Rarity looked over to the horrible bird nests that was made by Sweetie Belle. “You could maybe help the others out with the snow or something.” She said, pointing over to the snow that is on the ground.

Sweetie Belle trotted over to the group of ponies who were cleaning up the snow. Sweetie Belle spotted some certain pony who was shaking the tree branches, and she quickly went over, “Hey there Scootaloo!” She waved.

Scootaloo looked down. “Oh, what's up Sweetie Belle? I thought you were suppose to help Rarity out on the bird nests?” She questioned, a little confused with Sweetie Belle at the area.

“Rarity had everything under control, and she doesn't really need my help anymore. I think that I may have overdid on some parts of the bird nests.” Sweetie Belle said, pointing to the bird nests in the distance.

Scootaloo looked over to the bird nests that can be seen in the distance. “Uh... Nice nests?” Scootaloo lied.

“Enough chattering, I'm here to help! What can I help you with?” Sweetie Belle asked, hoping there was something she could help with.

Scootaloo quickly looked around, and saw a clear wagon. She dashed over to the wagon and dragged it over to Sweetie Belle. “Well, the snow kept dropping off the tree branches when me and the team shake them off, and maybe you could help pull this wagon an place it under the tree, so the snow doesn't drops on the ground or something.”

“Sure. Anything to help!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she used we magic and pulled the wagon over to one of the trees. Some of the ponies were shoving the snow aside, making a huge snow mountain, while most of the ponies were pulling wagons under the trees.

Hours passed, and there was nine more hours to go. “Okay, everypony. Let's all take a break! I bet all of you had done a great job so far.” Twilight announced happily, checking her checklist.

“Finally!” Scootaloo exclaimed in relief, and laying on the ground.

Applebloom went over and poked Scootaloo's head. “Are you alive? Or are you dead?” She joked.

“Mmmmmhhp!” Scootaloo said in the ground.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom was both confused, and they tilted their head. “What?” The both of them said at the same time.

Scootaloo turned over. “I said ‘I'm alive!’ Can't you hear me?” Scootaloo asked.

Applebloom shook her head, “Not at all.”

Sweetie Belle nodded at Applebloom with agreement. Scootaloo glared at the two of her friends, like she isn't even impressed. “Really? I was just being sarcastic.”

“Uh, no.” The both of them answered, and laughed.

Scootaloo saw Applejack walking by with a bag of carrot seeds. “Why, howdy there. How's yer day?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, hey there sis! Ah'm doing fine.” Applebloom answered happily. “Bringing in more seeds for your team?” Applebloom asked, pointing to the bag of seeds Applejack was carrying.

Applejack nodded, “Yeah. It seems that we finished cleaning up the snow at our side, and we planted nearly all of the seeds.” She explained.

Rarity walked pass by, levitating a bunch of bird nests to be placed on the bird nests. “You're reading with all the nests already?” Scootaloo asked the busy Rarity.

“Why, yes I did! I had plenty of help.” Rarity said, as she levitated some few bird nests on the tree.

“The trees near the forest are all cleaned up. I'm just letting you know. ” Scootaloo said.

The crusaders sat straight up, and Applebloom went ahead and grab a sandwich and ate it. Sweetie Belle joined in with Applebloom and ate the second sandwich. Scootaloo looked around in the picnic basket and found a cupcake. “Hey, look! It's that cupcake that Pinkie Pie made for me!”

“Who said my name?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in joy. “I heard somepony said my name! Hey, do you know that if you call somepony's name three times, he or she will disappear?” Pinkie Pie said jokily.

“Where did you even come from?” Sweetie Belle asked confusingly.

Pinkie Pie came out of the basket, and stood up straight. “Well, I was walking to the town hall when I found this basket with some delicious food in it. So I went ahead and helped myself with some of those sandwiches and cupcakes.” Pinkie Pie giggled before she completed her sentence. “And well, I fell asleep inside of it for a few minutes.”

“Okay, everypony. Break time is over! It is time to continue our wrap up.” Mayor Mare announced and rang the bell. Everypony went their separate ways and went back to their teams.

“Okay, ponies. We all had completed clearing out all the clouds, and how is the west, east and south for the snows?” Scootaloo asked the three teams.

Rumble, the leader for the east team, stood up. “Well, the east side is mostly cleared, and I think just a few more minutes at that area, and we'll be done in no time.” He answered.

“Great! I'll send some ponies there with you later. Uhm... Lightning, what about you and the south team?”

“We had some troubles with the snows, but we are doing quite good.” Lightning answered.

“I'll be there to help you out later.” Scootaloo said. “Uhm, what about you Thunder?”

Thunder snapped out of his thoughts, “It's fine. We had cleared most of the snow on the trees. There's only a few more snow left.”

Scootaloo gave out a smile, “Okay, good job everypony. I'm going to help Lightning and the other team. So, keep clearing those snows! Or whatever it is called. But I call it white color fluff, because it's so fluffy.” Scootaloo joked.

Everypony splitted up, and Scootaloo followed Lightning and the other team.

The day had ended, and everypony had finished wrapping up winter. All of them was called to gather at the town hall at two in the morning. “Good job everypony! It seems that we had finished cleaning up winter two hoes earlier.” Mayor Mare announced happily. “Now, we don't have to worry about winter for another year!”

Everypony stomped their hooves on the ground with cheer, and some pegasus flew in the sky and hoof bumped. “Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “We cleared up winter two hours earlier!”

Scootaloo gave Rainbow Dash a hoof bump, “This is so awesome! We never had cleared up winter this fast before!”

Rainbow Dash agreed with Scootaloo, “I know right? This is a new record!” She said happily. “Twilight even checked everything in her checklist!”

“Wait, really?” Scootaloo said in shock.

“Yeah, nothing surprising. I mean, come on! Twilight will always complete her checklist. She's Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. “You're right. I guess.”

Rainbow Dash messed up Scootaloo's hair, “Kiddo, I'm always right.”

Scootaloo combed her hair with her hooves once again, and looked up to Rainbow Dash. “Not always.” She said.

The both of them laughed at the end, and went home like everypony else. It was already two and a half in the morning, and everypony was tired after the wrap up. Everypony went home and immediantly slept with their uniforms on.

“Goodnight sis.” Scootaloo said, turning off the lights.

“Goodnight, kiddo.” Rainbow Dash closed the door gently and went to her room and fell onto her bed, and fell asleep immediately.

Scootaloo had owned a journal, and Sweetie Belle and Applebloom shared the journal with her. They will write in it every night, and Scootaloo had some little time, so she wrote a few sentences in it. With one sentence written in bold letters.

“Today was the best day ever!”