Luna's Reprieve

by Kwinohiro

Whispers in the Night's Shadows

Chapter 2: Whispers in the Night's Shadows

Kwin still didn't understand where he was, but he knew it couldn't be anywhere near his home area. He liked it better though. The differentiating factors were that, well, the scenery, foliage, although menacing, and air were more pleasant than where he was from. Then there was the sun, and the stars, as well. They were both beautiful... so much so, that he was at a loss for words. The sunset, moonrise, moonset, and sunrise were unbelievably extravagant. They were so much more filled with color. And the other difference, of course, was that he was acquainted with a midnight-eve blue pony. An alicorn, she had said, and had said also that her kind, usually immortal, was the most rare of all ponies, both gifted with magic and flight.

She had said, the night before, more about her kind, as well. Not alicorns in-particular, but of all ponies. She had said that there were the main three types of ponies. There were pegasi, who were gifted with wings, unicorns, who were gifted with the horns and the ability to consciously use magic, and earth ponies, who weren't gifted with a special gift, but were usually more hardy, and had a connection with nature that most unicorns and pegasi didn't.

She was the co-ruler of equestria, co to princess Celestia, high ruler of equestria, and the sun goddess. When he implored about her, all she had said was that she, too, was an alicorn. Luna got more quiet after that, and eventually, they had realized how late it had gotten. She asked him if he had wings under his clothing, but he had, of course, told her what was truth.

She looked worried, but relented, and said, albeit under her breath, "She can wait a while, I'm in no rush." She had turned to look at him, and said, "We must make camp then, for the Ever-Free is not a friendly place at night, or much ever, for that matter, but if we cannot see, then we could easily be overtaken in the shadows. And, aside that, I could only do so much to heal you, as I am not fully aware of your anatomy, and your leg will still be weakened, so we might as well not take the chance of chase."

"Okay," he had responded, adding, "but where will we sleep? I don't imagine you'll be comfortable on the ground, not that I would want you there in the first place, and I don't much mind it myself, but... what are we to sleep on? And if it does freeze, how will we stay warm?"


She had taken his words to thinking. He is right, and so kind. He would lie on the ground to make me feel more comfortable? And as for keeping warm... her thoughts trailed shook her head, in thought. No. Now is not the time for that. Where would we sleep? And how would we keep warm aside from... Maybe we can ask Zecora for some supplies? She discounted the thought, almost at once. No, her hut is too far away... Oh!

She cast a spell, aware of Kwin's watching eyes, and before her appeared a bedroll, medium sized, that was just big enough for two ponies to fit in. Hey, I didn't mean to grab this one... this is the bedroll that Celestia got for me when we went... She stopped herself again, but this time for a different reason, one that was not as pleasant as before. Whatever reason I summoned this particular bedroll, it doesn't matter. It will do. She looked over. He was watching intently, it had seemed, but when she looked over, he looked down a bit, realizing he was staring.

"Where did that come from?" He asked, a bit distractedly.

"I summoned it, but from all the way from Canterlot to here is a long distance, so that took more out of me than I would've liked, and I don't think I can repeat it again without draining too much, if a problem should occur." She wanted to ask if he would like to share it with her, but she was too nervous to inquire.

"Oh that's fine, like I said, I don't mind much." He had simply said, and had gone for more firewood, assuring her that he wasn't trying to escape, for he was still to be questioned by Celestia. The small pile that he had built was now nothing but a fading bed of charred timber.


After he had gone, he had, of course, got to thinking of Luna. I wonder what was bugging her. Before she summoned the bedroll, it seemed as though she had wanted to ask me something, and after she did, it was the same case... Ah well, let her thoughts be her own, and if she shares them with me, I'll know, and if not, so be it. He collected the old, dry, and fallen branches that he had seen around earlier, but had not traveled too far from camp, on one hand to avoid suspicion from Luna if she saw him walking too far, and on the other to avoid any more confrontations with other beasts of the forest.

He soon came back and relit the fire, as It had gone out some moments after he had arrived, and arranged the branches to burn efficiently over some amount of time. She had set her bedroll against a nearby tree, to offer some support, and he had cleared a ground patch of stones and excessive dirt. As they set to go to sleep, he found he couldn't. It might have been that he was too cold, but the only thing he could think of was the blazing inferno that was held before him. The dance of the flames, each wraith-like tongue trying to gain dominion over another, but to be overtaken a second later by a slighted adversary. He was soon shivering, but he had never realized that he was beginning to lose his body temperature at an alarming rate.


Luna had noticed, that he jittered at some times, irregularly, but all he did was stare at the campfire. He soon began to shiver rapidly, and she was very worried about him, as she knew that he didn't notice this at all. If I don't do something, he could... She got up, a movement which took his gaze away from the flame. He only just seemed to be aware of the coldness that had crept into his limbs.

"Get up, and come over here, please. I can't stand to see you trembling the way you are." She had finally worked up the nerve to say. He looked a bit awkwardly at this, but she reassured, "Don't worry, it's big enough for the both of us." He then got up and stood next to her, not really knowing what to do from there.

"Well? Get in, get in. It's too cold out here now to stay without some kind of warmth." She had said, knowing that the bag was well insulated and that their combined body heat would keep both of them warm. He did what she said and got into it. She did the same after, daring to snuggle closer to him. His chest was warm, albeit being out in the cold a moment ago, and as for her own, she was too occupied with the butterflies that so desperately wanted to escape from inside.

She soon fell asleep like this, cradled into his side, dreaming pleasantly, until late into the night, when dome of her deepest thoughts entered her dreamscape...


She was flying over the city, her thoughts muddled, not her own, controlled by something else.

"Hahahaha! These ponies will never see the light of day again! I will keep them bathed in eternal night!" The not-her exclaimed. They had scorned her beautiful night, and now, she was going to never let the sun they oh-so revered ever pierce her night ever again!

"No, you won't." said a stern voice behind not-her. A voice she knew all too well, one that would help her rid herself of the nightmare haunting her.

"Ah, my beloved sister, so nice of you to show." Were the words that came out of her mouth. 'She's not YOUR sister, she's mine!' Luna yelled inside, but the horror shoved off her shout and resumed speaking, "Don't you love it? The night sky is simply marvelous, isn't it? It's much better than that overgrown star you call a sun." The not-her said with a wicked smile.

"Nightmare Moon, you have been found guilty of disturbing the peace by throwing night over all of Equestria. For this you are to be banished to the place you covet so much."

"Just try it, Sister!" she retorted, and prepared to cast a spell. The resulting bolt of darkness was absorbed by a shield that Celestia had cast on herself and had failed. Celestia in turn began to cast a new spell. It was bright, and it hit Luna and as it did, Luna yelled inside, 'NOOOO--


"...nooooo! Celestia, it wasn't my fault, I swear! It will never bother anyone again, but please don't do this!" Luna mumbled in her sleep. Kwin overheard all of this, and was wondering what Celestia had done, and if this was why Luna was so distant about her sister. These mumbles and whispers went on through the night, and Kwin had no choice but to endure all of the pained cries and moans of the troubled mare.