Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree

by Ponyess

The Scoots: 12

”I need some action. Maybe we could take my scooter for a spin, see if we find something cool, something new to try for the one important reason behind everything!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“If we skip breakfast, and go to Sugar-Cube Corner, we could start with breakfast over at her place?”Sweetie Belle suggested hopefully, looking around for support.

“I'd love that, just hook the scooter up to the cart, and we could be going? Apple Bloom filled in, supporting the idea wholeheartedly.

“Who am I to say no? She did make the best Cup Cakes, after all!” I toned in.

Scootaloo had already jumped to the ground, as it is faster, and it did look cool. Even if she wasn't a true flyer, her wings did make for a safe landing. The next instant she was behind the scooter and managed the cart the rest of us was to sit on, while she scooted in to town, and ultimately to the Sugar-Cube Corner, where we intended to have our breakfast.

I followed the rest of the little group of fillies down the ladder to the scooter, and managed to get down, just after Scootaloo had finished her initial task. Once we had all settled on the cart, she started off towards town. Sicking and sacking between the crowds in high speeds along the streets. Thankfully most of the crowd had not gotten up and about, since it would have slowed us down considerably, even for a small village, like Ponyville.

Thankfully, nothing special happened en route, so we found ourselves outside, as the scooter came to a screeching halt, so we could hop off of the cart, and fill into the room where Pinkie Pie is standing, as she is tending the shop.

“Hi Pinkie!” we exclaimed in chorus, just as the door closed behind us, and the door chime slowly quieted down.

“Hi, fillies. Nice to see you this early in the morning. Time for breakfast?” she greeted us in her usual jolly mood.

“I'd have an Apple Muffin, since you're the one exception where I can have anything Apple that isn't baked on the Sweet Apple Acres!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“A Grape Fruit Muffin for me, please”Sweetie Belle continued.

“A Triple Chocolate Muffin for me!” Scootallo followed up.

“A Lemon and Cinnamon Cup Cake, for me!” I finished.

Pinkie Pie slowly started to pick out the chosen pastries, placing them on the individual plates, before slipping them on the cart, ready to deliver the latest order.

We all headed into the inner room to enjoy our breakfast. Once we came to the table, we found the usual comfortable hairs around it, and we sit down, waiting for her to serve us our much appreciated breakfast.

Minutes later she is back with us, this time at the table, pushing the cart before her. Placing plate by plate before us, ending up placing the cup cake before me, before she moved on to the juice, glass by glass, then serving cups of tea for me and Sweetie Belle.

She left us with a pot of tea on the table, and a small pitchette of juice. It's filled with cool, fresh squeezed orange juice.

As Pinkie pie left, I picked my cup cake, soon taking a bite out of it, enjoying the wonder of taste only Pinkie could make out of such a simple pastry. I managed to notice my friends had a similar experience, from what they had chosen for breakfast. I guess muffins was the staple choice for breakfast here?

“Cinnamon and lemon in a cup cake? I guess I've never heard of it!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“I was raised in an exotic city far from Coludsdale, Canterlot and Ponyville. Back there, Cinnamon and Lemon was common. It was my choice out of what was available. Chillie Cocolate and Ginger Apple was other common choices too. I just never caught on, with these choices. On the other hoof, there was none like Pinkie Pie there, either. I've started to regret it, but I guess I may never have met any of you, if I had stayed!” I replied.

Taking a sip of my tea, before I had a bite, nibbling my cup cake for a good moment. While I nibble my cup cake, I had an idea, pondering if it could truly work the way I envisioned it, even if it is intended as a fairly simple illusion spell, possibly connecting to a levitation spell. Just that you could never know, unless you actually tried it out in order to see it come to pass, and feel the effects of it.

I take a sip of my tea before I push my chair back and move out of it. Then I perform the spell, such as I had envisioned it. Since I wasn't a naturally born unicorn, the effect did not show, but the spell did take effect. I could clearly see how they reacted on the wings intended for this spell. Maybe I shouldn't have chosen bat wings, in part because mine now are electric blue, as opposed to the regular Pegasi wings that would have been yellow.

“How did you do that?” Sweetie Belle gasped in surprise, as she saw my new wings taking form on my back where I stood before them.

“It's a spell, maybe I could teach you!” I suggested.

“If you could do that, it would be at least 200 percent cooler!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“I could see their faces, both Diamond Tiara, staring at you when we next see them!” Apple Bloom exclaimed in an excited and amused tone of voice, giggles coming over her as she saw the image before her very eyes.

“You do realise there is no such thing as a winged Unicorn, right. It's an Alicorn!” Scootallo pointed out with an amused grin spreading all over her face as she made her point.

“That's right, I'd be an Alicorn, even if it may be an illusion only!” Sweetie Belle teased herself, as she tasted the sound of the situation.

“Does that work, even if I'm sporting bat wings?” I enquired.

“It should, but I have no idea. I've never heard anything like it. Both Celestia and Luna have regular Pegasi wings. The same goes for Cadence!” Apple Bloom pondered with a somewhat confused expression on her face.

“Woah!” Pinkie Pie emphasized, as she came back, since she was supposed to clean a few tables after guests who had left.

“Isn't the coolest to happen?” Scootaloo exploded.

“Ponies doesn't just grow wings, how ever cool it may have been. I guess it is about as cool as I could recall I've seen. Bat wings of all possible wings too?” Pinkie uttered in amazement.

“For once, I'm almost looking forwards to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Just to see the reactions on their faces. I imagine it would be priceless. Even if we're still all blank flanks, but we would still be the coolest gang of blank flanks to ever have been seen in Ponyville, if not Equestria!” Scootallo pointed out.

“Even if Both Celestia and Luna had been seen together as fillies, and as Alicorns, they still have mere regular Pegasi wings!”Sweetie Belle puts forth.

Yes, they have regular Pegasi wings, they always had, and I imagine they will have to the end of time, sometime way beyond the time I can imagine!” Pinkie Pie expressed.

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