Beasts and Beings - Stories of Equestria's Inhabitants

by Strongbolt Stonewing


A Griffon is a Being with the head and claws of an eagle, body and tail of a lion and a temper between that's a mixture of the two.

You mean 'Gryphon', not 'Griffon.'

I'm pretty sure it's spelt Griffon.

No, it's Gryphon.







Wrong chapter, you idiot... and it's still Griffon.

It is not!

Fine, you say Gryphon and I'll say Griffon.

Deal, so Gryphons are generally alright, they can get a bit aggressive and are known to pick on smaller creatures, but they're a proud race, very proud and very patriotic.

Insult one Griffon and you insult their whole nation.

And believe me: you do not want to annoy the Gryphon nation. We've already been through enough wars.

Yes, in all truthfulness, we don't have the greatest history with the Griffons...

I've lost track of how many fights, feuds and falling outs we've had with them. Seems like we can't go three months without another Pony versus Gryphon scandal.

But Griffons aren't creatures to be feared, they're generally quite nice. They were pretty helpful when we got stranded in the Bleakland.

That's the area of the Badlands that borders on the Gryphon Kingdom. It's dry, dangerous and completely deserted. Not even bacteria lives out there...

So as you can imagine, it's quite... well, bleak. And we weren't exactly prepared for the harsh conditions.

Well, if that blasted street performer hadn't blotched up that teleportation spell...

Yeah, long story short: a certain 'friend-of-a-friend', who claimed to be an expert in magic, promised us a quick trip home.

'Great and Powerful' my hoof. Somehow she managed to send us in the complete wrong direction. Three weeks it took us, three weeks to get back to Equestria!

We wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for those friendly Griffons.

True. Even if they tried to kill me.

They did apologise, that's rare enough for a Griffon.

I suppose so. But those claws hurt.

Oh please, they barely scratched you.

And did they scratch you?

Well, no.

Then shut it!

But, I...

Um... I, uh...


I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

Works every time.

Wow, you're unbelievable.

Yep, and you're an egocentric idiot. But you're my egocentric idiot.

I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I'll take it as: 'I love you.'

Back to the Griffons?

You mean: 'Back to the Gryphons?'


Basically, after a brief misunderstanding, the Gryphons realised that we weren't in fact trying to invade their kingdom, gave us some supplies and directed us home.

Yes, it was nice of them to help us. Although, I'm not sure if they wanted to assist or just wanted us to leave.

Careful, Shiera, you might start another war.

And if you do manage to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation with a Griffon, you must remember their one weakness-

Sharp objects!

No, fire.

Oh, yes! Gryphon wings are strong, but their feathers are delicate and incredibly flammable. Once they lose them, they're grounded, giving you the advantage.

Was it wise to tell everyone that?

What do you mean?

Well, what if a Griffon reads this? We've kinda just told everyone their sole weakness.

Good point.




Perhaps we should start running.