Gleaming and Barbara

by OverthoughtName

Gleaming and Barbara Part 1

Gleaming and Barbara

Life in Canterlot had been quite hectic lately. Townsponies and royals alike hustled to the castle in preparation of young Prince Tempo’s Temperance Twirl (which can be summed up as a super important social event). Among those preparing for the event was the youthful guard-in-training, Gleaming Shield, a strong, yet eloquent when needed, mare. Alongside Gleaming, was her best friend, Barbara, a baby dragon who she’s know since her brother, Dusk Shine, hatched Barbara from an egg.

They too, had been preparing for the festivities to come, bringing in the many heavy and various deliveries of food, party favors and decorations ordered by the Prince himself. Beyond that, Gleaming and Barbara did what they had always been assigned to do, protect Prince d’amore Tempo at all costs. But it was during this time, that the prince himself had sauntered over to Gleaming and Barbara prepared to ask gleaming a question.

“Throw a box of those over here, Barb!” Gleaming says.

Barbara picked up the box of eggs that were going to be used to make the cake for the Twirl and threw it over to Gleaming. On the way over, Gleaming could have sworn that she heard the faint sound of chirping from the box.

“You don’t think any of these eggs hatched yet, do you?” Gleaming asks her friend standing at the other side of the box.

“What? No! They were plucked only this morning.” Prince Tempo says as he walks over and takes an egg from the large box. As he does, the egg hatches, and once again the faint chirping sound returns only to be silenced by Tempo’s hoof covering the baby chick’s beak.

“Just hand them off to the chefs and they will take it from there.” Tempo says as he attempts to cover up his blunder.

“Eh. Makes sense, I guess.” Barbara says as she reclaims the box and hands it off to the chef walking by.

“So, can you run the…whatever you called it by me again?” Barbara asks as a look of confusion crept upon her face.

“You mean my Biannual Tempo Twirl? Tonight?” Tempo says in response.

“It sounds like it going to be a pretty big deal.” Gleaming exclaims.

“Oh yes, a fairly big deal indeed. And I’d like to ask if you would come as my special guest?” Tempo says as Gleaming begins to wear a slight, yet noticeable blush

“You want me to go to the Twirl with you?” Gleaming questions and her blush intensifies, Barbara getting a knowing look on her face.

“By Solaris’ beard yes! As my buddy!” Tempo exclaims with a look of glee dawning his face.

“Oh. Right.” Gleaming mumbles in slight disappointment.

“It starts at 8. So don’t be late!” Tempo finishes as he begins to saunter off, laughing at his poor rhyme only somepony such as himself would find funny. As he does, both Gleaming and Barbara notice that a black fog has begun to roll in, unsure of what to make of it, they prepare for a defensive.

“Gleam, it looks like trouble. What should we do?” Barbara asks with worry in her voice.

“We do what we always do, we check it out. And if we need to fight it, we fight it.” Gleaming says nonchalantly as she begins to ascend one of the many towers in Canterlot Castle.

As they both reach the top of the tower, they begin to see a figure appear from the fog. What they saw was a tall, slender body covered by a black coat and mane, piercing red eyes, and a small crown adorned above what looked like a crooked unicorn’s horn. Both Gleaming and Barbara knew who it was right away.

“It’s Queen Oscura!” Gleaming exclaims.

“The Prince shall be my slave...of love!” Oscura screams as she descends from the fog, creating spires of black crystal with her magic.

“Get inside the castle!” Gleaming yells out to Barbara and Tempo as they all run into the safety of the castle and away from the deranged queen. But as they continue further, another black spire erupts from the wall, Oscura not far behind.

“Why are you always after Prince Tempo? Aren’t you with King Metamorphosis or something? ” Gleaming asks confused.

“Him? I wouldn’t even bother with that bug or a stallion.” Oscura retorts. “Why do you get to keep all the hot stallions for yourself? You’re totally fog-blocking me here.” She continues, Tempo holding his look of disgust upon his face.

“Whaaaaa...?” Gleaming blurts out from the utter randomness of Oscura’s response.

“Not today!” Oscura says as she forms a fog beast around herself prepared to attack.

“Yeesh! Fog Beast!” Tempo exclaims, still in disgust.

“Barb, I choose you! Use Flamethrower!” Gleaming orders as Barbara stabilizes herself on all fours and unleashes a powerful, green flame at the fog beast. As the beast dissipates, black goo spreads across the room, covering the prince, Gleaming and Barbara.

“You saved me from Oscura.” Tempo says with gratefulness in his words.

“Yeah. I guess we did. Is she gone?” Gleaming asks the prince not asking the better question of what the goo they were covered with is.

“She must have fled. Gleam you’re so strong. And you look beautiful covered in goo. What are you doing later? Tempo asks as Gleaming regained her previous blush.

“I was going to go home for the night and look after my…” Gleaming says.

“Come with me. Let’s go out.” Tempo says as Gleaming wears a questioning look on her face.

“Go… out?” Gleaming asks at Tempo’s sudden question.

“Yeah. Let’s go somewhere.” Tempo hurriedly answers hopping for the answer he is looking for.

“What?” Gleaming once again questions due to her lack of believing her current situation.

“We’d love to!” Barbara answering for Gleaming in a squeeing manner.

“Great! Meet me in the castle gardens in an hour!” Tempo says, beaming with glee as Gleaming makes a meeting with the floor beneath her as she passes out from the shock and awe of what just happened.

Barbara begins to drag her friend out of the castle in preparation for the “date”. “What am I going to do with you girl? I won’t always be there when you get asked out.” Barbara says as she continues out into the crowded streets of Canterlot.