Red Lightning Ready to Bolt

by The Critical Wizard

Ponyville At Last (Chapter Five Rewrite)

Ponyville At Last

I woke up the next morning and was ready to go into Ponyville. It then occurred to me that I had been running around for sixteen days and hadn't cleaned myself since I had gotten there. I must stink horribly. I grabbed my things and found a small pond on the outskirts of town. I hid my stuff in a bush and jumped into the freezing water. It felt good and woke me up instantly. I felt like my old self again. This thought made me wonder about what Luna had said about healing. I don't know why I suddenly thought they were connected. As I swam I could feel the cool water cleaning my fur and mane, it felt fantastic. After I was done swimming I shook myself as dry as I could and combed my hair behind my head so it is out of my face. I then made a small fire as to dry off the rest of the way. By the time I was done it was ten in the morning according to the clock tower. I collected my things and walked back toward Ponyville. As I walked past the first group of houses I could see how big the city actually was. There were ponies of all sizes and colors everywhere, I was surprised that some of them looked like actual background characters, I also saw more popular background characters like Lyra and Bonbon. As I neared the center of the town I could see the water fountain. Even something as boring as a water fountain was amazing looking. I also saw the library made out of a tree. I had to actually stop and regain my breath.Wow, I'm going to actually meet one of my favorite characters. I started walking to the library and was suddenly struck with a deep foreboding fear. What if I do something to ruin my first impression like I always do? I stopped and stared upwards at the window, looking for movement. You know she probably doesn't want me to ruin her morning I turned to leave.No I didn't come all this way to just pack up and leave. After several minutes of this back and forth debate I was so scared of meeting anypony that I decided it was best if I just left and came back another day. As I walked past the water fountain, my thoughts spinning in my own mind, they were suddenly interrupted by walking full speed into a cloud of pink hair that smelled of cotton candy. I took a few steps back surprised and saw large sapphire eyes staring at me and a huge radiating smile that hung below them.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie!" the pink pony said bouncing with excitement, "You must be new around here because I've never seen you before! I know everypony in Ponyville! My Pinkie Sense told me someone new was here! What's your name?"

"I wouldn't worry about it I was just passing through," I said solemnly, "Sorry for wasting your Pinkie Sense."

"What? Your leaving? But you just got here. Is something wrong? You look sad."

"It's... complicated. I have lots of thought's sometimes and they just get to me."

"Do you want to talk about it with somepony? I have lot's of friends that can help!" Pinkie said with bubbling excitement.

"No that's alright, I'll just be on then. No need to waste your time with a wanderer," I turned and looked back at Pinkie. "Forget about me, it will be easier that way."

Pinkie seemed unconvinced, "Well if that's what you think is best, but as my friend Twilight says it's never good to run from your problem's.

"I know but for reasons only I can understand I have to."

"Well before you go I at least want to lift your spirits."

"I have no choice do I?"

"Nope!" the pink pony bounced forward with glee, "Come on you'll have fun, follow me."

I followed Pinkie all the way back to Sugar Cube Corner where upon entering I was greeted by a collection of smells and colors. Pinkie told me to take a seat and skipped into the back room. When she came back she was carrying a large tray of assorted treats and drinks. There were doughnuts, pies, cakes, cupcakes, things covered in marshmallows, coffee, hot chocolate, and something I wasn't quite sure of what it was. She looked at me, waiting to take a bite of something, a look of anticipation in her eyes. I took a doughnut and took a bite, it was so good, I couldn't help but smile. Satisfied she placed the tray on the table in front of me, then she did something unexpected for her, she walked away. On the tray was a note that said think about it. I started to rethink about my decision to leave, and thought of why I had crossed so much to get here, and I was just going to leave? After ten minuets of thinking Pinkie came back and could see my mood had lifted some. She sat down across from me and explained how she let me have sometime to calm my mind and think. I was not used to this kind of behavior, no one back on my Earth would have been as genuinely caring as Pinkie was right now, and this realization alone made me remember that Twilight or anypony else here would not act like a girl back on Earth. Healing. The word came into my mind for the second time today. With that I stood and thanked her for caring. I paid her for the treats and asked her where I could buy an apartment. Pinkie's face brightened significantly and she told me how to get to the land lords house. I left Sugar Cube Corner with a new mind set. I found the place easy enough, I rented a small apartment like building, it would be temporary while I looked at what houses were for sale. I dropped off my stuff, except for Eldur Innan, and walked back to the library, my mind quiet of fear and confidence radiating off me. A small purple dragon answered the door when I knocked. At my request he went to go and retrieve Twilight. I started to look at the books to ease my nerves. I whirled around when I heard foot steps return into the room.

"Hello, Spike told me you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes I was wondering if you had any information on this sword." I motioned toward Eldur Innan.

Twilight looked at the sword with interest as she took it, "Where did you get this?"

"I found it in a cave toward the top of a mountain, on the other side of the... Everfree...... Forest..." I trailed off as Twilight drew the sword and looked at it out of the sheath.

"You were saying?"

"Sorry, I thought only I could draw that blade." I stumbled out confused and a little disappointed.

"Don't apologize, if I know the legend you are referring to, it says only the pure of heart can draw the blade."

"That's true it did," I started thinking out-loud with out realizing, "A princess's heart is quite pure..."

"Yes it is," she said returning the blade to the sheath and then back to me, "Tell me everything you know about the sword and we'll see what we can find." I told her my findings as we climbed the stairs to a different part of the library. "So its indestructible properties are more then legend. Interesting. I think I have a book around here somewhere related to that sword and legend."

When we walked into the upper library I was taken off guard by how close it was to the show. Twilight ask if I was alright. "Yeah, I didn't expect it to actually look like this.I mean I don't think I have ever seen so many books in one place, being on the road and all."

"And exploring ancient caves and earning powerful legend based swords." Twilight said with a chuckle as she looked through some books. "My names Twilight Sparkle by the way."

"Oh yeah my name is Manna."

"Manna? That's an unusual name. It's a good name none the less. So Manna where are you from?"

"North of the mountain where I got the sword." I said a normally as I could.

"I see but where specifically do you come from."

"I come from a small village called," I looked around the room trying to think of a good name, "Europe."

"Did you just make that up on the spot?" Twilight said with amusement in her magenta eyes.

"Yes I did, I lied to you and I'm not quite sure why." I said looking ashamed "If it's alright I'd like to keep that to myself for now."

"Alright, seeing as your past before the mountain is a touche subject, are you staying in Ponyville long?"

"Yes I am, in fact I plan to move here, I'm going to start looking at houses tomorrow."

"Oh that's great news! Just as a warning, my friend Pinkie Pie will probably through you a party at some point."

"I figured. I've actually already meet her, she caught me on my way out of town. She was actually my deciding factor to stay."

"Really? Small world." she said thoughtfully, "Here this book might have what your looking for. Can I see the sword again?"

I handed her the sword and looked at the book, "Thank you, say do you teach people, I mean Ponies, magic? I don't really know how to use my magic very well."

"Sure! I'd love to help. Just stop by tomorrow and we can begin." she said smiling warmly, "I wish I knew what these strange symbols meant."

I looked and replied, "That means Eldur Innan, the name of the sword. In Icelandic Eldur Innan means fire from within."

"You can read these symbols?" she said with amazement, "That means you can translate the oldest language in Equestia!"

"Yeah there Nordic Runes," I said beaming that I impressed her, "I could teach it to you if you like."

She accepted, I would teach her Nordic Runes and she would teach me magic, I thanked her and left the library. Seeing as it was still light outside I decided to see what houses were available. I didn't like any of them. As I was about to leave the man proposed another option, that if I had the coin, I could have a house made to my parameters. I like the sound of that. I spent three hours working with the architect to construct a 3D model of the house I wanted. We then went to the bank where I bought a piece of land on the edge of the city. With all said and done I owned land and starting tomorrow they would begin construction on my dream house. Today was a good day after all, and to think I almost walked away from it all, if Pinkie hadn't stopped me... I had to go and thank her. I walked down to Sugar Cube Corner but she wasn't there. I asked around a little bit but nopony had seen her for sometime. I walked back to my apartment and when I opened the door was greeted by at least twenty ponies all crammed into my little space. I was taken off guard but I then realized what was going on and felt truly welcome. Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie were there, additionally I meet Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Derpy, Bonbon, Lyra, Vinyl Scratch, Bulk Biceps, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Golden Harvest, Colgate, and several other ponies that I did not recognize. I was amazed that my little apartment could hold so many ponies. The cutie mark crusaders noticed I didn't have my cutie mark yet and started getting worried. I assured them that mine was a rare case because of how I was raised and he I spent most of my life traveling place to place. After a couple of hours it started to get late and ponies started leaving. soon it was just me, the mane six, spike, and the cutie mark crusaders. We all got to talk on a more personal level but I still kept much about my past a secret. I could see it concerned them that I didn't want to open up but they didn't let it steer the conversation. As they were leaving I over-heard them mention how I would be more open after I got settled in more. I laid down on the bed a closed my eyes. In terms of first days go this one was extremely fantastic. I didn't fight as my body moved into a comfortable sleep.