Doctor, Who am I?

by TARDIS_Brony

Following an Illusion

Following an Illusion

Twilight Sparkle was puffing and wheezing, mostly do to the fact she was galloping with a mix of teleporting to reach her destination faster. In short she reached the Library in record time, pausing to catch her breath. Her mind was a whirlwind of questions with only partial answers. Some questions she was desperately trying to answer and others kept on surfacing no matter how much she tried to push them back.
When Twilight began her quest for answers about the mysterious stallion, Clockwork as he calls himself, she had no idea what she was getting into. She originally believed that she would question a few ponies and her curiosity would be satisfied and she could move on, she never been more wrong. Instead Twilight found a stallion stooped in mystery with no real answers. She had theories of course, but they were merely conjecture at this point with no sound evidence. Even going through the information she had it made little sense. This stallion had access to magic, if the constant forgetting of ponies was indeed magical based. As for why the stallion would choose to be forgotten Twilight had no clue. He seemed to understand the magical properties of crystal, however the ability to do so was only theory based. Though it may explain to magical access, however to this day nopony has been able to do it without wasting more energy than obtaining. The fact he may be able to was mind boggling, he should be the most celebrated stallion in history and not locked away in some rundown building. Then again perhaps he prefers to stay out of the public eye, it would explain the recluse lifestyle.
Twilight couldn't help, but see the way his shut in lifestyle mirrors her own. When she was a filly her only friends were her teachers, her brother, and her foalsitter. Out of all of them Princess was the only one she really ever talked to, the rest of the time she spent studying. When she was young she believed what she had was enough, how wrong she was. It took five mares to show her error of her ways. Now it seems this stallion is in the same trap that she was, believing that he is better off on his own. However, unlike her he arrived at that decision though interaction with other ponies. If what Pinkie Pie and Rarity revealed was true he tried various times to make friends only to be rejected. Twilight couldn't understand, how can a town that been so nice to her could be so mean to somepony else? Twilight recalls the look in eyes when she asked for his help, he looked relieved to know somepony needed him. He was such a kind and friendly stallion and yet there were ponies that disliked him, such as Rarity and the Mayor. How sad he must be, but that is why she wants to help him. Twilight wants to show him their is at least one pony who likes him.
At the thought of liking him Twilight couldn't help but blush. Rarity assumption still fresh in her mind, Rarity believed she had a crush on Clockwork. What did Rarity call it? "Love at first sight," such a notion was silly. How could anypony fall in love through one meeting knowing nothing about the other? Twilight compared it to reading a book, "You can't judge a book by it's cover," so the saying goes. She believes the same can be applied to ponies, after all she remembers Rarity's tales of Blueblood. Twilight would never compare the charming Clockwork to Blueblood, but there are other things to be considered. Things like what if he is not looking for a marefriend or isn't into mares or believes work is more important than relationships.
Twilight shakes her head, why is she thinking like that? She only want to be his friend and no matter how much it may hurt she will be happy to be just his friend. Unless he doesn't want to be her friend, that brings her down a dark path which she doesn't want to trot. No she saw it in his eyes, the desire is there Twilight just needs to bring it out.
"There you are Twilight," came an annoyed voice breaking her from her thoughts. "Where have you been? You left the Library a mess you know," Twilight looked around. She was in the Library, she doesn't even remember opening the door. How lost in thought was she? "You should be glad I am such an understanding dragon," as the owner of the voice came into view, a short dragon with purple scales and green spikes.
"Spike," acknowledging her assistant. "Shouldn't you be at Rarity's?" forgetting that she was there recently.
"I was," giving a sigh. "However I got into her Gem chest and she caught me snacking," admitting to eating some of Rarity's Gems. "She forgave me, but thought it best that leave until she hid the chest better," clearly disappointed in his own behavior.
"Well it looks like you learned your lesson, so I won't scold you," letting him off the hook. "Besides I left you with a mess to clean up," noticing the broom in his claws. "Looks like we could both learn some responsibility."
"It is nothing I am not use to," shrugging it off. "You left much bigger messes for me to clean up before. Looks like you got most of it anyway, what happened?" curious of the disarray.
"Well I kind of trashed my clock," blushing as she admitted it. "I was so focused on it that I didn't notice the mess I caused," realizing she knocked over a few things in her scramble.
"Well I guess that is understandable," knowing Twilight's ways. "So where is the clock now?" looking for it behind her, but not seeing it.
"It is with somepony for repairs," Twilight's eyes widen as she realizes something. "That's right Spike I have no time," rushing around the room. "I need to find some books," going through books at high speed pulling them off the shelves.
"Come on Twilight I just cleaned," letting out a whine and then a sigh. Knowing there is no way he will reach Twilight while she is in this stage. "What books do you need to find?" hoping his help would minimize the mess.
"You will help me Spike, thank you," giving the dragon a hug. "The books are Magic: A Scientific Dissertation, Crystals: The Untapped Source, and Science: The Key to Equestria's Future," having memorized the titles.
"Sure Twilight," aiding her in her search. "Why do you need those book haven't you read them over half a dozen times?"
"I met sompony and these books came up in conversation," not wanting to reveal her true reason for searching.
"Finally met somepony to share your love with," climbing the ladder as he search the shelves.
"What?!" violently yanking out a group of books. "No, we just met I hardly know them," quick to defend herself.
"Sheesh Twilight calm down," not understanding her reaction. "I just meant you found somepony to talk to books about. What did you think I was talking about?"
"Nothing," blushing at her assumption. "I found one of the books," quickly changing the subject. "I am going to study it. Should you find the others please bring them to me," finding a spot on the floor to study.
"Sure, sure," he waved getting back to work not wanting to look at the mess being made.
Twilight looked over the book she had it was Magic: A Scientific Dissertation. Spike was right about one thing she had read this book and the others quite a few times, what did she hope to find? She practically memorized the books having read them cover to cover when she was younger. Could this book and the others really hold the information on the stallion she met, it seemed unlikely. However, it was the only lead she had she couldn't give up.
These books were also stooped in a bit of a mystery as well. The three books came under three different authors that nopony heard about, but came with the recommendation of well known Unicorns if the fields. Giving them a chance the readers found them enthralling, especially Twilight, and they quickly became popular. However, that all changed when each of the Unicorns claimed they never heard of the books. The uproar that followed shook the book community, in the short time the books had been out they changed the landscape for readers everywhere. The reveal that they were not in fact actually credited books almost threw them out and into obscurity. It was only by a few that either didn't care or found them intelligently intriguing, Twilight being the latter, that managed to save them. However due to the scandal they were no longer printed, what was released was either kept in collections or in Libraries. They became a sort of popular because they were no longer mainstream among the younger ponies in the three fields. That and the theories and descriptions in the books were sound for those who tried to disprove them could never find any faults.
Magic: A Scientific Dissertation was one such book, and Twilight's favorite out of the three. It was a book describing the magical energies surrounding the world and ponies. It went into detail explaining the natural energies of magic and how it flowed through the world. Telling how it flowed in almost a wave with high and low points of magic. That places with high magic teamed with life and growth, while those with low would be limited to both. It even hypothesized if an area had no magic would be completely devoid of life where nothing could grow. The book also included detailed descriptions on pony interactions with magic and using it. Breaking down the use to two types conscious and unconscious. The book depicted Unicorn magic as conscious, magic that takes concentration and thought to use. Naturally being a Unicorn Twilight found this part the most interesting, she herself tested a few of the theories, but was unable to disprove them. The book included Pegasus as well, making them a mix of the two. Conscious when they made weather or moved clouds, unconscious when they flew or walked on clouds. The book went through all the pony tribes and made sure to include Earth ponies, claiming that their use of magic was purely unconscious. Earth ponies use of magic was mostly internal making them a sturdier breed than the other two. It talked about how the Earth pony interacted with the ground bring small pulses of magic to the surface which allowed the better growth of crops.
Twilight looked through the book, however she could find no hints in it on the stallion. Why did he title this book specifically? What was she missing? Perhaps she missed something, maybe there was another copy hidden in the Library. He did run the Library at one point perhaps he hid a copy, however that seemed unlikely. She was very thorough when she arrived in the Library making sure to make an inventory of all the books and copies, those books were of her own collection. There was also the fact he offered those books to her so it is most likely he took the books with him when he left.
Twilight huffed, how dare he take the Library's copies he better have a good reason. She will make sure to ask him when she sees him again and berate him for it, however that does little to solve her issue now. She may have to go and see him with nothing to show for her research. Now that she thinks of it is seems kind of silly looking through this book to find information on somepony she met. What did she hope to find, his name in the book. Not like the book described an Earth pony that could use magic...wait. Twilight hurriedly flipped to the final page on it was a note or more to the point a conjecture from the author, it spoke of just that idea, an Earth pony using magic. The note said: "I hope you enjoyed my book, for being such an intrepid reader I leave you with a thought. Speculate if you will an Earth pony who could bring his or her unconscious magic into conscious, if they could than they would be able to use magic like a Unicorn." The message spoke about what Twilight was dealing with, in fact if she thinks about it all the books have messages.
Noticing Spike coming with two books in his claws she quickly snatches up the two of them, giving her thanks, she starts reading. The next book is Crystals: The Untapped Source. Twilight knew this book by heart as well. It had created quite a following for it with many ponies trying to take on the challenge it gave. The challenge was in the back a note to the readers from the author. It said: "To the interested I present a challenge. Amaze me and do the impossible gain access to the magic crystals hold." Of course this proved difficult for all those tried. Finding crystals that held magic proved an almost impossible task in itself, the ones having been found mostly due to luck. The book did tell how to find the crystals, explaining that they reverberated when exposed to noise. However the book never said what noise, wanting ponies to discover it for themselves. Then there was gaining access to the energy they held, so far any pony that tried so far has spent more energy than they gained. The book warned of this as well, stating that the magic in a crystal was in a stable state and bringing it out of that state would require a large amount of energy.
Twilight recalls her conversation with Rarity about Clockwork's knowledge of Crystals. Could he have solved the author's challenge? From her conversation it seemed like it, having an ability to find them. Could he have also figured out how to use them? If he has access to magic, if it is like she believes than it is a possible yes. Twilight can feel herself getting excited. Perhaps it does not help her on his identity, but these books are giving her an insight on him. From what she has gathered she can speculate that he saw the notes from the authors of these books and saw them as personal challenges to overcome. So far it appears he is two for two, able to use magic despite being an Earth pony and able to use the magical energy in crystals.
Excited she goes to the next book, Science: The Key to Equestria's Future. Twilight knew the book well enough it talked about Science and Innovations all leading for a better future. The greatest innovation it spoke of was the collaboration of science and magic. The book proclaimed that ponies believed that the two were separate when in fact the two should be brought together, to meld them as one. The book called this melding Technomagic, one part pony engineering and one part magic. Proclaiming that one day the Equestria would build machines using Techomagic. Naturally out of the three books this one was considered more speculative than actual, but nothing wrong with thinking big. This book had a message at the end as well it said: "Ready yourself for the future. Dare yourself to be an innovator and make it great." It was a simple message, but powerful for anypony who want to make a bright future.
If Twilight was right then following her logic it is most likely that Clockwork took on this challenge as well. Judging by what she was discovering this theory is most likely true. Twilight could feel herself getting gitty, this stallion is truly special. He can find crystals and use their power to create magic of his own, the real question is how? Looking at the book she realizes she is staring at her answer, Technomagic! Twilight figured it out he must of built a machine that somehow allows him to generate magic using crystals. It all added up, except why hide it? Also why lead her down this path? Could she be seeing her answer because that is what she wants the see?
Twilight thought on it, was she wrong? After all she is putting all these impossible things together and forming a picture. What if she is just putting all this on him because she wants to believe he can do the impossible? Ponies have tried to do these things and failed, why would he be different? Ever since meeting him she been believing impossible things, why? Was it because of how he looked appearing as the Doctor been described? Twilight didn't want to compare a real pony to a fictional character, yet it seemed the two were linked. Clockwork even tried to bring the book to life on more than one occasion. Was there a link between the Doctor and the three books?
Twilight remembered that there was, she quickly pulled from the shelves the second book of the travelers series The Traveler: The Shining Future. It was this book that described Equestria's future. It spoke of all the three things that each book was about, crystals, earth pony magic, and Technomagic. Well it didn't name it out right, but it was the combination of technology and magic being used together. The interesting fact was this book came out long before the other three, which means the authors must of been influenced by this book. It was truly a discovery, but something nagged at the back of Twilight's mind. Why would three separate authors be so influenced that they would write books and study the subjects? In fact everything was strange about the authors they were complete unknowns, nopony could find anypony with the authors names. They all released their books around the same time first it was Crystals followed by Science and Magic. They all had some message in their book and now it seemed they were all influenced by the same book.
The similarities matched up to well to be a coincidence. Twilight knew she was missing something all she had to do was figure it out, she could feel she was close. Since they all shared the influence then perhaps the answer laid within on of the books in The Traveler's Series, but which one? Clockwork's clues lead her this far, did he give her a clue for this one as well? Then she remembered he may have the last book he offered her, the one she would gain should she win the bet, The Traveler: A Journey Through Time and Space.
Twilight quickly went back to the bookshelf and pulled a copy of the book from the shelf. She flipped through it quickly going to the back of the book hoping to find a message. She felt disheartened when she did not find one, why did she think she would? She has read the book a dozen times she would of recalled if it had a message at the end. Perhaps the message was hidden, she had read many magic books that hid a spell or message to gauge the reader's abilities. Casting the spell to reveal hidden messages she was disappointed when none came up. She had come so far was this where her quest would end, no, shaking her head she would not give up.
Twilight tried the spell a second time and was surprised when only a single word lit up, T.A.R.D.I.S. It didn't make any sense why would that word light up, it was written a dozen times or more in the book. Scanning through the book no other times did the word TARDIS light up. It was the name of the Doctor's ship and he often spoke of it as a living thing, but why would the word light up only at the end of the book? Actually it the word was part of a line spoken by the Doctor when his companion asked him where he was going next and why he traveled.
"I do not know where I am going next, perhaps to a planet made of Crystal," he chuckled. "As for why I travel," looking to the stars. "The science of discovery always draws my curiosity, a desire to learn more. I want to see the magic the universe holds with my very eyes," grinning to nopony as he appears to stare beyond the sky. "You can come with me on my adventures. The T.A.R.D.I.S. is easy to find if you know where to look. I will leave the door open for you, all you have to do is come inside." entering his rectangular box shaped ship of blue. Leaving the doors open wide, as promised, inviting anypony to come on an adventure.
Twilight enjoyed the end of the book, when she was younger she imagined it was her being invited to join the Doctor in his travels. Many ponies believed that the author chose to write the last part of the book for that purpose, to give a message to the reader.
A message... Twilight couldn't believe it that is what she was seeking, the author hid it within the book. Twilight smiled at her cleverness, there was a message there the entire time and she found it. Now all she has to do if figure out what that message is. Looking back at the glowing word the message must be related to the word T.A.R.D.I.S. The message said the T.A.R.D.I.S. could be found if you know where to look. But what did that mean? The way the word was written was strange through the book it had been written as a single word, but here at the end it was separated, there must be some meaning to it.
Twilight went through her facts, four books and four messages and four different authors, the only thing they seem to have in common was the Doctor. Did the books hold the answers? If they did then she knew where to look, but they didn't contain her word. That is a silly notion anyway in order to even possibly contain the word they would of needed to be written by the same pony. Realization hit Twilight like inspiration hits Rarity or like Rainbow Dash kicking a cloud to make lighting, what if they were written by the same pony? Did she just stumble onto the greatest book discovery in her life? She could barely contain her excitement to think all this time the author of the Traveler had written these books and managed to hide it. Even Twilight herself never considered the notion until now that the books all had the same author. Of course she is aware of the possibility that she is wrong, but deep down she knew she was on the right path. All she needed to do was find the T.A.R.D.I.S. then she will know that she was right.
Twilight has four books she is certain that the words of the Doctor will lead her on her path and the messages in the other books contain what she seeks. According to what the Doctor says the first book she needs is Crystals, followed by Science and then Magic. Twilight can't believe her eyes taking the first word of each sentence; To, Amaze, Ready, Dare, I, Speculate; it spells out T.A.R.D.I.S. she had found it.
Twilight gasped at the implications, the author of her favorite series and three books were one in the same. The proof was right in front of her, the need to write about her discovery overwhelming. A desire to share with everypony what she found, it may reawaken interest in the books and the series. The fact she found it was amazing and she owed it to the guidance of Clockwork.
The thought of Clockwork and this revelation made her think of him a different light. This entire time he knew this secret, for how long she is not sure, and he decided to share it with her. Why did he? What made him trust her? Did he want her to tell other ponies or keep it between them? The thought of keeping a secret between the two of them made her cheeks burn. He was clearly an intelligent pony able to solve a riddle nopony knew of, how did he?
Twiight gasped, the book of course. He had the original copy of the The Traveler: A Journey Through Time and Space with the authors true name in it, the author must of guided him. It also made her prize much more valuable, not only would she have the name of the Traveler's Series but also the author of the other three books. Information she could share with the pony community, however it came at a price. If Twilight gains the book she loses the stallion, that was the last thing she wanted. Twilight was at a crossroads, what is more important knowledge or friendship?
Even when he is not here he causing her frustration. Twilight can feel herself split wanting both, now that she has the knowledge she want to know more her curiosity driving her to learn everything she can. However was the price to high, she would lose somepony in the process. A stallion that has brought chaos to her mind and a myriad of feelings she never experienced before, yet the thought of it going away hurts in ways she doesn't understand. Twilight wishes she could ask Princess Celestia for help, but stopped herself before calling on Spike. She had just looked outside, the sun was due to set, she had to go and meet him soon.
Armed with knowledge she felt ready, accept for the fact she felt something was amiss. It only took a quick look in a mirror to realize what that was, she looked terrible. Her mane was disheveled from the running, her coat was covered in sweat, and she was covered in dust. Now she was no Rarity, but she knew she could never show up at his place like this. He cleaned off for her it is only right that she does the same, it would be rude otherwise.
Hopping into the shower her mind flowed with thoughts as water flowed over her body. How would she approach her discovery when she saw him next? Did he even want her to tell him of it? Never has she felt such conflicting emotions. Part of her wants to ask him out right how he knew, she believed he knew the author. However there is another part that doesn't feel she would not need to tell or ask anything, as if he already would know when she saw him next. Twilight knew that it seemed impossible for him to know her thoughts, however he gave her the clues probably expecting her to solve his puzzle. That brought her back to a question she asked herself when she first met Clockwork, how well did he know her?
Twilight admits she made an impression on Ponyville since moving here, with the whole saving the day thing and the occasional trouble she has caused. She has made friends with various ponies, not as many a Pinkie Pie, but enough that they know her name. But only her close friends understand her habits, so how would he? Was he able to gain that knowledge from their brief meeting? Under his piercing blue eyed gaze she felt exposed, more than she did while taking a shower. She felt like his eyes could read anything they wanted about her, she had felt powerless and yet felt empowered at the same time. Like the time she faced Nightmare Moon, despite having been overcome and close to defeat the thought of her friends gave her new strength to win. That is how she felt under his gaze except he was the source of both, he made her feel powerless and empowered. It didn't make any sense, why did he make her feel that way? He causes her mind to go topsy turvy frustrating her to no end, yet she is excited to go see him again. What did that mean?
Twilight shook her head she was losing to much time standing in the shower. Quickly getting out she dried herself off with a towel, levitating her brush combing her mane. Out of the corner of her eye she spots something, it was a make up kit and some perfume Rarity gave her a while ago. Normally she never would of given it a second thought, the lack of use evident due to it still being sealed. For some reason she felt it seemed unfair to Rarity not to use her gift. Besides it was getting dark nopony would notice and she could tell Rarity she had used it.
Twilight's mind made up she sets the brush aside and opens the make up kit. Applying a light foundation first, a shudder going down her spine not wanting to retake Rarity's lesson for make up. Twilight knew she didn't want to go to heavy a light touch here and there was enough. Using an eyelash curler for her eyes, but stopping at lipstick feeling that was to far. Finishing her work she looked over herself she could hardly believe her own eyes, she looked good. Twilight was amazed how much a little make up changed her appearance, she felt she could be mistaken for a Canterlot noble. Admiring her work the perfume caught her attention, should she put that on as well? Rarity believed the scent would suit her and if she kept it light it wouldn't be over bearing. Making her choice Twilight gives herself too small spritzes under her neck on her chest. The scent of Lavender reached her nose, Rarity was right it was a nice scent.
Looking over herself in the mirror Twilight recalls that she would not be the only seeing this, she had a stallion to meet. Twilight realized it was far to late to try and clean this off, why did she suddenly decide to put it on in the first place? She knew she would meet him soon, did she do this herself or for him? Would he like it? Shaking her head, where did that thought come from? She had no time to worry the sun had almost set she needs to leave or else be late for her dat.. appointment.
"Spike," calling out to the dragon. "I need to go the pony I left the clock with promised to have it done by the end of the day."
"Alright Twilight," noticing the books laying around. "Do I have..." noticing Twilight appearance and is struck dumb into silence.
"Oh sorry about the mess," using her magic to put the two Traveler books away. "I will clean up the rest when I get home," leaving as quickly as possible so Spike can't comment on her looks.
Rushing out of the Library Twilight slammed the door behind her. She did not want to explain her spur of the moment need for make up to Spike. Looking behind her to make sure he did not come out she left out a breath of relief, hopefully no pony else would see her like this. If Rarity saw her like this she would never leave her alone. Telling her how right she was and make comments like, "Bitten by the love bug," and other embarrassing things like that. If Rainbow Dash saw her it would be even worse, Twilight would have to listen to her laugh for about a week and then the mocking would begin. Twilight loved her friends, but sometimes they can be a hoof full.
Checking the sun Twilight sped herself up to a fast trot, she didn't want to run for fear of getting sweaty. It would not look to good if she went to all this work getting clean to mess it up in a mad dash. Though she did not have access to a clock learning under Princess Celestia had its advantages. During her lessons Twilight learned how the read the motions of the sun and could easily surmise the time of day from it. Judging from its position, looking close to setting, it was around six. She should easily make it to her destination in time, she wouldn't want to be late. Though maybe she did, it would give him more time to work on her clock. Normally Twilight wouldn't even consider being late to anything, but for some reason this time was different. After all it wasn't like they had an absolute time agreement it was more of an around time. On the other hoof if she was early perhaps he wouldn't be finished yet and she could watch him work. She would be more than happy to give him a small time extension on their bet if she could watch.
The thought of watching him sweat while working brought excitement to Twilight. Watching him as he concentrated on fixing her clock, his hooves delicacy moving over the gears, using his instruments to insure things were tight and set, and his eyes observing every detail of his craft.
Twilight's fantasy came to an end when she barely dodged a post that seemingly came from no where. What was wrong with her, she has never done that before, unless she was walking and reading. Why was the thought of watching the stallion work making her breath short close to panting? The better question was why she wanted to change his focus from the clock to her? Could Rarity's assumption been correct?
Twilight shook her head, no, no it wasn't right. It couldn't be right, could it? Twilight was at war with herself, logic versus emotion. She knew nothing about him, relationships don't work like that. Two ponies need to go out several dates to see if they are compatible. From there they can analyze their findings and decide to be a couple. There are other data points to be considered such as attraction, but that it has to go deeper than just appearance. Only when all the data has been assembled and analyzed can a pony decide if they in love. Love does not happen sporadically or like in those books she indulged Rarity by reading. So why did it cause her discomfort to think this way?
Twilight shook her head, she was losing time thinking like this. Having these questions on her mind would get her no where. She wanted to be a little bit early not late, picking up the pace to reach her destination faster. After all her answers weren't going to fall from the sky. That part was true for Twilight, her answer wouldn't come from the sky, instead it would come from a collision. A collision with a grey Pegasus with a blond mane, one that went by the name of Ditzy Doo.
"Oh I am so sorry," Twilight quick to apologize. "I was in such a rush that I wasn't paying attention," groaning as she noticed the dirt on her once clean coat.
"It is alright," replied the Grey mare as she brushed herself off. "I wasn't paying attention either. I was lost in thought, I am the one who should of been paying attention," acting like she was the one at fault.
Twilight got a better look at the mare and realized it was the mailmare Ditzy Doo. Twilight has met the and spoken to the energetic mare on more than one occasion, mostly book deliveries. She was on friendly terms with the Pegasus who seemed more than happy to make a friend. Today she seemed to be lost in thought for some reason. Noticing that she was staring at her.
"What wrong?" noticing Ditzy's shock. "Is something on my face," worried about how she looked due to the crash using a spell to clean herself of the dirt.
"No its not that," speaking calmly to soothe Twilight's nerves. "It just you look so nice. Are you going out on a date?" surprising her with an innocent question.
"What, no of course not," trying to think of an excuse. "It just Rarity has been persistent about me wearing make up and all, so I decided to give it a try. You know purely experimental," sighing at her inability to lie.
"Right," clearly not convinced. "Hey wait... is the library still open?" changing the subject quickly.
"Yes," caught off guard by the question, but glad to change it. "I left Spike in charge. It will be open for another hour or so, why do you ask?" curious why Ditzy needed to know.
"Do you have a map of Ponyville?" Twilight could see the Pegasus grow excited.
"Several," answering Ditzy's odd question. "But why..." getting caught in a hug by the Grey Pegasus mare.
"Oh thank you Twilight," releasing her from her hug. "That helps me out a lot," moving towards the Library.
"Your welcome?" questioning Ditzy's behavior. Turning to leave the pony to her own devices.
"Oh and Twilight," catching the mare's attention. "You look great, your going to floor him when he sees you," she could hear her giggle.
Twilight was caught completely off guard by that comment. Trying to think of anything to throw off the Pegasus. Was she really that obvious? She was out near the end of the day wearing make up and perfume, how much more obvious can one get? Now she herself is realizing how obvious she was, finally admitting to herself that she was in deep. She had lost the argument before it even began, best to admit defeat. "Thanks Ditzy," thanking her for several reasons, but mostly for freeing her from the burden she had on her mind. Taking notice of the sun rushing off leaving the kind mare behind.
Twilight had an extra bounce to her step as she raced towards her destination. She felt lighter than she did when she started her adventure. This entire time she been asking herself why she was so interested in Clockwork. Why she wanted to know so much about him, why she wanted to empress him, and why she just wanted to be around him. She had skirted the issue more than once with Rarity and with herself, but often changed the subject not wanting to dive to far. Hard to believe it took a mare that she barely knew to give her the answer, she had fallen for him. It felt freeing to admit that to herself it defied logic, however she didn't care. Twilight never thought she would ever see the day where she didn't care about logic, it felt good. Naturally she had her doubts, she was no fool, she knew he may have a wife or simply be not interested. She would ready herself for the possible heart break. However for now she would bask in the freedom she felt at admitting she had fallen for somepony.
So many thoughts and feeling flowed through Twilight as she headed for the stallions home, would he be ready? Given her new feelings she was split between him being done and not being done. If he was not done then she could watch him work, though she blushed at the thought that she may watch him more than his work. On the other hoof if he was done than she can lose the bet and be his assistant and watch him work whenever she wanted. Perhaps she could start that night, that wouldn't be to forward would it? She could feel her face turn red she had no clue how relationships worked, taking a mental note to look up books on the subject.
Of course Twilight knew she was going to far forward, after all it depended on the bet they made. Problem is, given her feelings, she didn't know if she would make sure he won the bet on purpose. However she made a promise and she didn't want to go back on it, plus it may be insult to him to lie for his benefit. But she didn't want to lose him, she knew what she was feeling now and she wanted to give it a chance. He said himself if he lost the bet he would leave, could she convince him to stay? She could refuse the book, part of Twilight couldn't believe she thought that, however that may not stop him from leaving. Revealing her feelings was out of the question, she herself was coming to terms with them. To tell him anything may cause a gap between them, Twilight didn't want to damage something before it had a chance. She hoped that she would think of something before she arrived.
Coming to a stop Twilight realized something, she had no clue where she was. She was so lost in a daze that she even forgotten she was running, how did she not hit anything? Twilight wanted to berate herself, she would be lucky to make on time now. Nothing more to do than look around and hope she not at the other side of town. One quick look around and she realized where she was and one thought entered her mind, it was impossible. She was standing in front of Clockwork's shop. There was no way it was possible, yet here she was. She didn't remember taking turns or even even entering the area, there was no way she was that lost in thought? She arrived safe, she should of hit something. There was no denying her own eyes, it was the same worn down building with a door barely on it hinges. Twilight reached out a hoof just to be sure, touching the door it creaked just like before.
Twilight had no idea how, but she was at her destination. Standing at the door now she felt as if Celestia was on the other side and she didn't study hard enough, she felt nervous. She knew she shouldn't she had solved his puzzle, however learned little about him. Questions still flowed though her head and for the first time she wondered if she wanted to know the answers. It was an unusual feeling not wanting to know. She didn't feel worry or anxiety she felt almost content with the idea. How could one stallion cause such a shift in her? Wanting to know everything about him and yet content with the idea of learning nothing. Perhaps that is what love is, wanting everything but content with nothing so long as you with sompony.
Twilight still wan't sure if she was in love, but she acknowledged that she felt something for him. How this feeling came from a brief encounter with him she is not certain, but she won't deny it is there. He was a mystery and it was that mystery that made her follow the path he gave her. What she discovered was an even deeper mystery one that opened her eyes to things she never knew before. But what did she learn about him? That he was intelligent, insightful, caring, and to some can come out as rude, however he was lonely too. Perhaps she learned more about him then she originally thought.
As Twilight moved to enter the building she could feel her nerves settle down and worries melt away. She had accepted the fact that she had no idea what to expect once she entered though that door, he could be a magic using earth pony after all. Twilight also excepted that they may never move beyond friends. Leaving her doubts behind she made for the door, would entering change everything or nothing she did not know. As the Doctor would sometimes say, "nothing ventured nothing gained," ready for anything she went in to see what future held for her.