by ChromeRegios

Peach 25

An hour passed, and Mayuri gave locations on where Aizen is hiding. The soul reapers went to investigate, along with the ponies, Ishida went along the Soul Reapers despite their plea for him to stay and rest. Spike, Luna and Trixie went out and Mayuri, Pinkie Pie, and Celestia were the only ones left on the castle. At this point,

Mayuri sets out to take a look at the place, wondering how good the architecture of this world is quite adequate. Much like the human world...

Mayuri was first interested to studying about this land, and all its inhabitants.

But he was more interested in... Pinkie...

Mayuri observed her as she suddenly pops out from nowhere and seemingly defying all odds of physics... Mayuri became more and more interested towards the pink one...

“Hi!” Pinkie suddenly said, while looking at Mayuri’s shoulder. Mayuri jerks back, startled by Pinkies presence.

“What the~” Mayuri looks back but Pinkie was no longer there.

“What are you? Are you a monster?” Pinkie said, who was now under Mayuri.

“How did you~” Mayuri was cut off, as Pinkie disappears yet again.

“Are you wearing a mask? Is that head for real?” Pinkie’s voice echoes through the grand hall. Mayuri looks back and forth to find where the voice is coming from...

Until he looks up the ceiling...

“How did you get up there?” Mayuki asked, looking up to the castle ceiling.

Pinkie then disappears again, popping behind Mayuri once again. Mayuri is now wanting to tie her up and examine her, wanting to learn what makes her so... odd...

“You know, the earth is divided to the top and bottom... you can’t just do those things that are not related to physics...

Pinkie tilts her head, wondering what Mayuri just said... then something came to Pinkie’s mind.

“The earth is round, there is no up or down...” Pinkie said before floating up to the air, towards the ceiling.

Mayuri has a strange look on his face, that cannot compare of what he is feeling right now, as he looks at Pinkie going up and about.


“Ichigo.” Rainbow Dash started. Ichigo gave her a glance while waking to their first destination.
“Sorry about calling you an egg head earlier...” She said, while looking down at the ground a bit. Ichigo grins a bit.

“Don’t sweat it; it doesn’t bother me at all...” Ichigo simply said, while walking along with Dash hovering on his side. Ichigo can see that she’s getting tired, after that frozen ordeal Dash still hasn’t fully recovered.

“Dash, you can rest on my... shoulder if you want to.” Ichigo offered, not showing his modest face to her.

“Why would I do that? I feel great!” Dash said, but not before she almost fell to the ground. Ichigo was fast on his feet and immediately catches her.

“Well, ready to take my offer or what?” Ichigo said, as he sets her up to his shoulder not even waiting Dash’s reply.

Dash was out of words, and was already blushing in embarrassment. In all modesty, she doesn't want to be carried like that. Ichigo never felt like, he would ever carry another person...or rather a pony on his back like that again, just like his sisters back in his world. Ichigo immediately remembers his time on his world, with his sisters and his super enthusiastic father...

Sure it has its ups and downs... but all the same, they are family. And he loves them the way they are...

“Ichigo!” Dash yelled, breaking Ichigo’s flash back.

“What?” He said, a bit upset about her interrupting his day dream.

“Something isn’t right here...” Dash said, while looking all over the forest... Just then something rustled at the bushes nearby.

Ichigo quickly sets Dash down, and draws Zangetsu out, ready for a battle. “Show you self!” Ichigo commands at what was hiding behind the bushes. “I’m not going to ask again!” Ichigo shouts, more demanding this time. Then, something came out, it jumps out of the bush and towards Ichigo, as he lets out a scream as the thing jumps right into his face!


Back at the castle, after several minutes of running around and acting like a total nut job. Mayuri finally convinced Pinkie to participate on his... “Game”.

“Now then...” Mayuri started, “Relax, and sit tight...” He said as he picks up a strange blade-like saw on a bag.

Pinkie was asking questions one after another. Mayuri was a bit irritated, but continues his plans for this pink one. Mayuri prepares for dissection...

Ichigo kicks and screams and stumbles back, as he valiantly tries to get off the thing jumped on his face.

“GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!!” He shouts, seeking help from his only companion at that time... but then ~~

“Bwahahahahah!!!” Rainbow Dash started to laugh out loud, Dash fell down holding her stomach, laughing so hard that she didn’t even notice shes already in a thorny bush. Dash yelped ad jumped towards the sky, despite her... “Point” of view, she still laughs on Ichigo’s plight.

Ichigo stops his cries of help and looks at Dash... Has she gone insane?!

“HEY! Stop laughing and HELP ME OUT HERE!” Ichigo shouts as he gets hold of the thing again.

“Ichigo you idiot! Will you look at what just jumped in front of your ugly FACE.” Dash laughed some more.

Ichigo stops and calms down a bit. He slowly rips the thing out of his face and as he took a good long look at it...

It was a rabbit...

“What the fuck?!” Ichigo shouts, showing a very horrifying face to the critter. The rabbit shook in fright.

“Don’t scare him!” Dash said as she flies down to Ichigo. “It’s just Angel” She said.

“Angel?” Ichigo said, not really knowing who she’s referring to.

“Angel... one of Fluttershy’s pets...” Dash said.

Ichigo now gets even more frustrated, the fact is he made those embarrassing things earlier, and for Dash not telling him earlier that it was just a rabbit.

“Why you little on of a~” Ichigo was about to swear some more to Dash when something caught his attention... The rabbit immediately ran off to the bushes as Ichigo looks towards his right.

Dash noticed his facial expression became serious, and suddenly got an uneasy feeling. “W-whats wrong, Ichigo?” Dash asked.

“Something is coming.” He said in a low voice.

At this time, the wind blew harder, as the sky turns to darkness. The clouds blocked the moon, giving faint visibility to Dash and Ichigo... Then...


Ichigo grabs his Zanpaktou, and prepares for a fight.

“Guess this is not going to be a dull night after all...” Ichigo said to Dash, smiling and waiting for his adversary to come close...