//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Escape Plan // Story: Adventure In The Everfree Forest // by AppleJack40 //------------------------------// The Apple Family woke up excited about tomorrow because of the Apple Family Reunion. They went to the barn and while Applejack searched the barn for the past family reunion items Apple Bloom was looking at all the invitations to see how many ponies was coming to the "Apple Family Reunion." "I Found Them" Said Applejack while throwing down the dusty box of items to Granny Smith. "Ah Choo, Why thank you Applejack, I still can't believe that it's been one hundred moons since our last family reunion" Said Granny Smith after sneezing because of the dust particles in the air, "I remember like it was yesterday" Said Granny Smith while holding the quilt from the past family reunion's. "Well you have been talking about it about everyday since then" Said Applejack climbing down the ladder. "How many ponies are coming to the family reunion" Asked Granny Smith talking to Apple Bloom. "Everypony, Even my favorite cousin Babs seed" Said Apple Bloom with excitement. "I reckon we should start gettin ready" Answered Granny Smith surprised that so many ponies are coming. The four of them went to the dinning room to plan out the evening for tomorrow. "Looks like the family grew a lot since our last family reunion" Said Granny Smith feeling worried about all the work she has to do. "Im going to be busier than a worm in a rotten tomater trying to put everything together" Said Granny Smith "I could always help" Said Applejack "Eeyup" Said Big McIntosh "Oh I sure would appreciate that, Grannies a little rustier in the giddy up since the last family reunion" Said Granny Smith pushing her face up to look like she's younger. Applejack was getting the evening for tomorrow ready hoping it was going to be the best one yet. She made the 7 legged race three times longer than before. She wanted Granny Smith and the others to finish the quilt they were working on the past reunion's. As Granny Smith was flipping through the memory book from the past reunion's Applejack was marking off what she needed in the party. "I'm looking forward to making more memories at this reunion" Said Granny Smith with excitement. "We got the whole family together this time around, Who knows if they will all be able to make the next one" Said Granny Smith "Don't worry Granny Smith, I'm gonna make sure that tomorrow is the most memorable family reunion yet" Said Applejack with enthusiasm. "Better get planning then" Said Applejack The sun set and night time came and Applejack was pacing around her room worrying about how the evening is going to go tomorrow. As she was pacing Apple Bloom walked in. "Apple Bloom" Said Applejack with wonderment. "What are you doing up?" Asked Applejack "I was gonna ask you the same thing" Answered Apple Bloom "I cant sleep" Said Applejack "I cant wait to see my cousin babs" Said Apple Bloom "Were gonna do so many fun things together" Said Apple Bloom with excitement "Fun. That's just the beginning of it" Said Applejack still worried. "Granny Smith handed me the rains of this family reunion and im gonna make the most of it. I have so many things planned. Said Applejack As Applejack was talking Apple Bloom fell asleep. And soon after Applejack did too. The morning came and Applejack was excited about the reunion. She feel's it's going to be the best one yet. "Rise and shine, We don't have much time" Said Applejack pulling the cover off of Apple Bloom. They were all getting ready for the reunion. Apple Bloom, Big McIntosh, And Applejack was getting apples for the reunion. Applejack went to get honey, glitter, water, and decorating paper. And Started cooking. Big McIntosh got some fire wood for the reunion and set it up. They were finally finished getting ready and as soon as they finished the family started arriving. Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, Apple Cobbler, Apple Honey, Gala Appleby, Lavender Fritter, Peachy Sweet was all there. "There here" Yelled Applejack felling worried about the evening she planned. Ponies were arriving every which a way. Everypony gathered around the barn. Applejack got on the stage and started speaking into a bull horn. "Howdy Ya'll, And welcome to the Apple Family Reunion." Said Applejack "My name is Applejack and I just want ya'll to know that I have a real big day planed for ya" Said Applejack with excitement. "Were going to start off with an obstacle course for the youngins and some fritter makin and quiltin for some not so youngins. And many more. Hope ya'll enjoy it" Said Applejack feeling excited Apple Bloom finally found her favorite cousin Babs and they were excited about spending the day together. "Babs" Said Apple Bloom felling ecstatic "Cous" Said Babs feeling glad to see her cousin. They started talking to catch up on how each others life is. As Babs was talking about her new school Applejack walked up. "Babs, Glad you could make it" Said Applejack "What am I, Gonna miss out on spending time with my favorite cousin" Answered Babs "Forget about it" "Why dont you head over to the obstacle course" Said Applejack "But we kinda want to spend time together and talk" Said Apple Bloom feeling sad "There will be plenty of that while your racing your other cousin's" They both lined up at the 7 legged race starting line and got ready to race. Babs noticed how long the race was. "Whoa, Is that the finish line? Its like a mile away or something" Said Babs feeling unexcited "Actually that is just the marker where you enter the next part of the race" Answered Applejack "I have put together something you are never gonna forget" Apple Bloom and Babs looked at each other feeling worried about not being able to spend time together. "After the 7 legged race your gonna be heading over here bobbing for apples. Then you will run around these tree's 50 times until your real good and dizzy. Then you will jump these big wooden hurdles. And then there is a final obstacle where you will balance a plate on a stick that is on top of your head while your saying "Pappy Pony Picked a Pluck of Prickly Pluffnuggets" over and over again, And the last pony standing wins" Said Applejack while demonstrating what to do. "On your mark, Get set, Go" Yelled Applejack And the ponies were off. Apple Bloom and Babs didn't plan this to be the time they spend together so as they were running to the marker they were making a plan to sneak off on an adventure in the Everfree Forest so they can spend more time together doing what they want. They made it to the marker and was on there way back to the reunion. They were already tired from the first half of the run so they rested for a second and everypony started passing them so they got up and tried to pass everyone but they were to far ahead and Apple Bloom and Babs was still tired from the firsts half. They finally got back and went to the apple bobbing. They started bobbing for apples and when they were finished they noticed that Applejack was occupied by the other ponies so they thought it was a good opportunity to sneak off to the Everfree Forest. "Now is our chance to go Apple Bloom" Said Babs Applejack was with Granny Smith and the others to get them started on the quilt.and as she was doing so Babs and Apple Bloom snuck off to the Everfree Forest. Applejack noticed that Apple Bloom and Babs weren't at the tree's going around them. "Where are those two" Said Applejack to herself. Applejack went to Big McIntosh and asked him if he's seen them. "Big McIntosh have you seen Apple Bloom and Babs I cant find them anywhere" Said Applejack with worriment "Nnope" Answered Big McIntosh. "We have to go find them" Applejack said as her heart was beating faster and faster.