Pinkie's Past

by Kaitou

Hello Journal, I'm Pinkie [DAY 1-20]

Legend: Luffy made this! :D
Italic text = Writer’s notes
Normal text = Fanfic

Hello, and welcome to my very first fanfic! My name is Luffy, also known as Kaitou and Chocobunny and I’m the writer of Pinkie’s Past, no matter what anyone else say. Now that is said, I can use it as vital evidence for hipsters and stealers. I hope you’ll be enjoying this story, but for anyone whom want to read a description of this story, then I’d be pleased to oblige!

In the ruins of the old stonefarm, long abandoned, a journal is discovered. This is the journal of Ponyville’s famed joker, Pinkie Pie (Pinkamena Diane Pie). It covers Pinkie’s life on the stonefarm, and how her life was back then. The story of Pinkie is discovered.. Pinkie’s past.


Day 1

Hello, journal. My name is Pinkamena. I’m not sure you know much about me, we just met..
I work at the stonefarm at Ponyville.. I help to transport stones to Ponyville. I work here with my family.. I’m sure you know m- no wait.. I’m sorry, I forgot you don’t know much about me..
In my family I have;
Me, my sister Starawirl (grey mane with a purple-ish skintone) who likes to look up at the sky at night. My parents gets mad at her when she does that when she’s supposed to work. My other sister Gravelgem (darkertoned gray mane with a gray skintone). She likes to work alot and help the family. My dad is very angry, but I don’t know why. My mom is very quiet. She only talks to dad. My granny lives in the city, Ponyville. I wa-Oh.. my sisters called me, I have to go. Bye journal!

Day 3

Hello, journal. Yesterday, me and my sisters worked really hard, almost all day. Dad was very proud of us. The mayor of the city came to give us a gift, my dad was really proud and happy for it. I was really angry, because we only got some water and 4 bits! Dad yelled at me and told me to go to sleep early.

Day 4

Journal, is the city dangerous? My dad told me so.. he was going to purchase some food for the bits. I asked if I could come, but he yelled at me that I would never be allowed to go to the city.
I’m really sad, but I’m also mad. I hope that dad will change his mind, because I want to see if they have stones there.. or something else than stone.

Day 7

Today Granny came to visit! My dad seems to be annoyed by the fact that Granny came. Anyways, Granny gave me a circular kind of thing. It was squishy and very easy to break. I asked Granny what this thing is, and she responded “It’s a cupcake”.. Journal, what’s a cupcake?

Day 9

Journal, I'm really angry! My mom told me that yesterday the mayor of the city took Granny's home away from her! I feel sorry for Granny, I mean, no one wants to be without a home, right? My mom told me that Granny is going to move to a place called Canterlot.. what's Canterlot? Is it a place where old people live, or is it a really big garden.. is it another stone farm.. is Granny moving to another stone farm? Doesn't she want to live with me and mom, dad, and my sisters?
I don't know what to say..

Day 9, nightfall
Actually, Canterlot is a big city, where the princess lives! Woow.. I wonder how it feels to be a princess.. to live life without worries.. or without to work.. everyone knowing who you are.. being loved..

Day 10

Today, mom and dad got very mad at Starawirl for not working. They took her book that she purchased when she ran away from home a year ago. It's a book about stars and her idol, Starswirl the Bearded. What a silly name..
They took the book and put it into the covert. Starawirl got sent to bed without any food.

Day 14

Journal, you can't believe what I just saw! It looked amazing, like a giant bird..
I told mom about it.. about the giant bird I saw. She told me that it wasn't a bird, but a pony with the name "Pegasus".. who is this "Pegasus" and how come they can walk on the sky like the birdies do?

Day 14, nightfall

I saw Pegasus again. She is so beautiful.. I wish I could walk that fast in the sky like her..

Day 15, early morning.

I'm very hungry today, so I'm going to go and work extra hard in the morning, before dad gets up. Then he'll be proud of me and give me more food.

Day 15, morning

Dad just woke up, and boy was he proud! He told me that I was going to get a large dinner, but if I work like I did today tomorrow, I'll get a day off in a few days or so!

Day 15, nightfall

Pegasus was spotted again! I want to meet her very badly, and when I do, I'm going to ask her how to walk in the sky like she does! I'm really excited, this will be my long dream come true. I'll finally become what I've always wanted to be.. free, having no one else choosing rules for me, eating what I want, having alot of friends and such.. sigh..

Day 16

I worked very hard today, like yesterday. Dad was very proud, and he said "Pinkamena, how can you get up so early to work?". I responded by saying that I'm doing it for my dream.. He nodded, like he was concerned.. sigh..

Day 17

I got my day off! I asked mom before she was going out to work what a "day off" means. She responded saying "You'll skip work today and rest because you worked so very hard!". Gravelgem wasn't happy about it. She yelled at mom, like she was mad at her and me. I responded that I was sorry to her, but she yelled "Shut up, you buckhead". Mom started screaming at her to go to bed without any dinner. I was so sad.. I went to the corner of the farm, where I built my hideout (but I have no use for it, since it's very obvious) to cry..

Day 18

Gravelgem was forced to apologize to me. Mom said that she wouldn't receive food for a week if she didn't apologize.
I'm still very sad..

Day 19

I couldn't work today. I was to depressed from Gravelgem's yelling. Dad got mad at me for sitting around and doing nothing, saying he was disappointed because I worked so very hard before, but now just slacking off.
I was sent to my room without food.

Day 20

I got a letter from Granny Pie! She told us that the big city Canterlot is very easy to get lost in. I wondered if I might travel there someday.. I asked if I could go there. My parents yelled "No, Pinkamena Diane Pie, you're supposed to work in this farm until you either die or get back problems (like Granny Pie)!" I went to my room, crying, skipping over food.