I Killed Fiddy Men, Not Ponies

by LtMajorDude


A pony wearing a robe hid in the shadows of the trees.

He took out a book and started writing.

It's been a week or something since that unfortunate day
I am forever an outcast...
Why? People ask.
Please, heed my story on what really happened...
...on Earth.
I was once a happy teenager.
I had a loving father, and yet no mother or brothers or sisters.
All was well...until one night...my father accidentally killed himself.
I went to my neighbors and told them about this...

The pony started crying.

They accused me of such murder.
It was too late.
I became wanted.
No one trusted me.
I was an outcast...or...a troll...as they called it on the internet. Heh.

The pony let out a ragged sigh.

Eventually, the world ended and I was sent to Equestria...
I could have started my new life...
But I didn't...

The pony couldn't control his tears.

What if they were right?
What if I am an outcast?
An outcast!
AN OUTCAST!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!

The pony dropped the book as he fell to the ground, laying in his pool of tears as he wept.