//------------------------------// // Prologue- Week 1, Monday // Story: Redemption of Our Lives // by Tanxiaoevans //------------------------------// AN: It’s been, what, a few months since I last touched this? Anyway, I have lost all respect for myself and am once again working on this miserable excuse for a fanfic. But, if any of you out there even considered following this, I thank you so much for your support, unless you gave up on this, then I would say you did the right thing. But anyway, I took the liberty of rewriting this and am now presenting the Prologue: Shocking Twist! (Actually, I am kidding about some parts of what I said. I lost faith in this fic after seeing the reception I had gotten, and sort of gave up, but then I remember I needed to finish what I started. Updates will be very slow, due to a horrible concoction of school, real life, and homework, and laziness. I still am grateful at the few supports I get, that much is true. Alright, enough taking, it’s time to get to the fic.) Disclaimer: I do not own MLP: FIM as it is property of Hasbro, Inc and our queen, Lauren Faust. This was made for entertainment, not profit. Now, onwards! ALLONS-Y! Mondays. This day was dreaded by the masses. Whether it is those with jobs or those with school, Mondays have an uncanny ability to piss people off. Some have gone as far as calling this day the devil’s favorite. All in all, everyone hated Monday. Well, almost everyone did. A certain teenager was sound asleep on this day, not worried about going anywhere, doing anything, or meeting anyone. It was just him and his peaceful rest. Sadly, that peace did not stay long, as a blaring alarm clock echoed through that teen’s otherwise quiet neighborhood. Forcefully awakened, he found himself falling to the ground, letting out a loud curse as he landed with a *thud*. Slowly picking himself off his bedroom floor, he glared menacingly at the offending instrument that dared disturb his rest. This had no effect whatsoever, so he threw it at the wall before going off to complete his daily routine. Approaching his mirror, his reflection showed a teen who looked to be of twenty, with messy black hair and tanned skin. He stared for a moment at his reflection. Satisfied, he brushed his teeth before stepping into the shower. Stepping out of his shower, the teen dried himself off, humming a familiar tune as he went to his kitchen to make his breakfast. Caught up in pouring milk onto his applejacks, he was almost oblivious to the now ringing cell phone in his pocket. Finally realizing it was ringing, he put the milk back into the fridge and answered. “Hello?” He said “Hey buddy, how you doing?” Came a relaxed voice. “Oh what’s up Thomas? And everything’s fine, thanks.” “No prob on my side. Anyway, how about joining me and the boys for a drink tonight?” Thomas asked. “Well, my schedule’s tight and I have to- Nope, I’m free!” Xiao never passed up a chance to be a smartass to Thomas; as lame as the attempts were, anyway. “Ha-ha, good to hear! You know where to go, just be there at four, OK?” “Cool, I ain’t drinking though.” Xiao said. “Aww, why not? Is it that you have a date with imaginary Fluttershy and your hand again?” Xiao ignored Thomas as he heard howling laughter from the other end. “Nope, ’Cuz I know I’m the one who’s gotta drag your drunk ass home right after!” “Ouch” He replied in a mock hurt tone, “You wound me man, you wound me…” “Well, I’ll buy you the first two rounds to make up for it, How’s that?” “Apology accepted, see ya!” “Alright, catch you later.” Hanging up, he chuckled as he ate his breakfast, letting his thoughts wonder to the land of Equestria while he replayed last night’s recording. Slamming the truck’s door, Xiao turned to face the local bar. He grimaced at the amount of punks, idiots, and drunks standing outside, but nevertheless went inside…only to get stopped by a trio of punks that Xiao recognized to be former classmates. And here I thought I was gonna have a good time with some friends… He thought. “Well ya look’t here, if it isn’t our little faggot from school?” One of the punks said. “How’s the real world for ya, no ponies to fuck around here, huh?” Another taunted. “Look guys, what do you want?” Xiao demanded. “Oh, nothing special, just your car.” The third replied, bringing out a stiletto Dammit, I just wanted to drink with some friends! Xiao thought angrily, already bringing himself into a defensive stance. “Woah guys, look out, we got a badass over here!” The first taunted, making all three howl in laughter. “Look guys, just leave me alone before you three embarrass yourselves.” “Pft, We’ll take our chances!” the leader came right at Xiao, his fists clenched. Xiao easily dodged his swinging haymaker and punched him in the gut hard. As the goon clenched his stomach painfully, he tripped him with a quick sweep kick and finished the job with an elbow to the face, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. Seeing their ‘leader’ groaning on the pavement, one of his goons decided to end this little game with his knife. He began to wildly swing the blade, getting a couple of good cuts and tears on Xiao’s clothes. The quick Asian tried to knock the blade from his hand, only to be interrupted when the last guy joined in with a knee to the ribs, downing Xiao. Xiao clutched his chest in agony as he desperately tried to bring air back into his lungs. The ‘leader’ rose shakily to his feet again, this time pissed off. Walking over to the downed Asian, he began to relentlessly kick his victim in the gut. “Not so tough now, huh, asshole?” The goon taunted before kicking him again. Just as he was about to kick Xiao's teeth, a boot meet the leader’s face, sending him a good distance away from Xiao. The other two goons reacted immediately to face their leader’s assailant, who was now walking up to them. “Oh, you’re fucked!” the goon with the blade said, already charging at the man, though only to be met with a fist to the face that disoriented the goon. The newcomer followed up with a punch to the goon’s throat, putting him down almost instantly. The last goon was smart enough to back away, leaving the mystery man and Xiao with two punks on the ground, one groaning and the other gagging uncontrollably. “Thomas, is that you?” Xiao asked. “Heyyyyy buddy!" Thomas hiccupped, his head swaying a bit, "man…why you not in the bar? I been waitin’ there fer..." he looked at his wrist as if he had a watch on. "…a while!" Thomas put his arm under Xiao’s and picked him up, "Come on man, we gots drinkin’ to dooo!" He said. “Why weren’t there any cops? I almost got killed!” Xiao exclaimed. “Ohhhh, that? Um….there was a rent-a-cop there in that car,” He slurred, pointing to a car a few yard down the parking lot, “Umm…but…he’s been sleepin’ ever since we came, and yeah…” Talk about protecting the citizens, Xiao thought irritably. “Wait… how drunk are you?” Xiao asked. “Not as drunk as I would be if you weren’t hanging out with your COOL NEW FRIENDS!!!” he yelled, pointing right at the three punks who were stumbling away from the two, saying things that neither the two bronies could hear. “Heh. Well, thanks for saving me.” “Ey! You still owe me a couple a’ drinks!” Thomas yelled out. Damn as drunk as he is he still has a good memory. Xiao thought as the two went into the bar. The two were welcomed with surprisingly friendly faces from high school. Many of them cheered on the duo, giving Thomas a pat on the back, thanking him for getting rid of the assholes. “Eh, no prob. guys!” he yelled out, “now who’s up fer some drinking?” The group responded with a war-cry, holding their bottles and cups in the air. “Oh boy, this is going to be a looooong night…” Xiao said, now taking a seat with Thomas who was now guzzling another bottle of beer down. Within two hours, Thomas had plastered himself and was now lying on the couch, groaning from the amount of alcohol he drank. Xiao looked on with disdain, before turning back to the other designated driver for the night. The driver had his own fair share of drunks to drive home, as well as the bearer of bad news. “Hey there, name’s Matt, we had a few classes back in high school, remember?” Xiao pondered for a minute before his eyes lit with realization. “…Oh! You’re that Matt! Long time no see!” “Well, it’s been only a year, but yeah, listen, Thomas didn’t want to tell you this, but I decided it would save you the confusion later on. With all the crap that you have to deal with from him all the time, this will probably hurt you bad in the long run if you didn’t know…” The suddenly serious air around Matt worried Xiao. “What is it? Did he burn down a house again and put the blame on me? Was he involved in some sort of lawsuit….OH DEAR GOD, did he get a girl pregnant?” “What? No, no, nothing like that. He just used a few hundred bucks from your savings to fund this party. He even snuck into your house yesterday to grab the pin number to your account hidden inside your, um, painting of ponies, was it? But yeah... Hope you’re not pissed…” Matt ended awkwardly, half-expecting Xiao to throw his friend into chokehold. “…Matt, do you have any duct tape on you?” “No…why?” “Oh, no reason, just going to hang him upside down and whack him until candy comes out of him.” “O-oh, um…no,” Matt stuttered, the response catching him by surprise, “But whatever floats your boat, man.” The two at this point reverted to small talk, chatting away about their lives and plans. Without realizing, the two looked at the clock to see it was already past midnight. “Time sure flies when you’re having fun…Well,” Matt said, already rising to shake awake his buddies, “I gotta run, these idiots won’t drive themselves.” “Yeah, me too, got to drag this idiot home before he does something stupid.” Xiao answered, pointing to a passed out Thomas. They both shared a laugh, before going their separate ways, dragging their assigned drunkards with them. The truck ride home was silent, the two friends not saying a word to each other since one was somewhat dead while the other was thinking of how to get back at the former in the most painful way possible. Well maybe I can get some bamboo and put them under his finger nails…but I don’t have any bamboo at the moment… I wonder if wood chips would work just as well… Xiao’s thought bubble was interrupted when Thomas suddenly spoke. “Xiao! We there yet?” “No, not yet, just wait a couple of minutes.” “I don wanna.” Xiao sighed. “Geez man, you’re acting like an 8 year old.” “No I’m not… I’m 19 years old.” a mischievous grin spread around Thomas’ face, “get it right next time.” “Whatever man, I’m not in the mood for your bullshit.” Thomas’ grin disappeared, now in a state of curiosity. “Well looks like someone put a dick up your ass again…” he began to giggle uncontrollably as if he was a little girl. I swear to god if he keeps this up, I’ll unbuckle his seatbelt and throw him out of this car! Xiao thought angrily, taking a right into a neighborhood. The two knew each other for a pretty long time, since they both lived in the same neighborhood and watched MLP together sometimes. The two were pretty much like brothers, even if they fought constantly; they had each other’s backs when one was in a tight situation. Xiao finally got to the front of Thomas’ house after a couple of minutes and the constant barrage of insults his drunken friend kept dishing out. “Damn my kindness,” Xiao said out loud, dragging Thomas onto his porch, “if I didn’t have that, I would’ve left you on the sidewalk.” “T’ank’a buddy fer takin mi home,” Thomas hiccupped, his words coming out as nonsense again, “yer a gud sun ya know tha?” “Heh, yeah, whatever.” Xiao shrugged, putting Thomas down in front of the door. The drunkard staggered to a nearby flower pot and took the key to the door from under it. He was in the middle of unlocking the door when he suddenly spoke out. “Sooooo, whatt you thinks gonna happen ta us now?” he slurred, still under the alcohol’s effects. “Um…What are you talking about?” Xiao asked, having no idea why Thomas asked such a question. “What I’m sayin’ is what we gonna do with the rest of our lives,” Thomas shakily sat down and leaned on the door. “I mean, look a’ us, it’s already been 5 years since we been friends! Just ‘cuz of a girls show, man! What’s gonna happen after college; both o’ us just go our separate ways, find a nice girl, pop out a family and then, ‘happy ever after’? It’s already been done man!” he fell on his back with a thud. “I want somethin’ new, I wanna live my life better than that before I die…” his finished as he fell silent again. For Xiao, the question actually surprised him. He really didn’t have anything else after college since he already had his life set. He would get a job in the medical field as a surgeon, and then get a big house filled with expensive crap and fancy cars. For the wife part… he was never the ladies’ man to begin with. He actually got scared at the fact that he would probably die alone. “Damn, why does he have be right, even drunk no less… but what can I do to change?” he began to ponder it when suddenly Thomas spoke again. “One more thing before ya throw me in…” “And that would be…?” Xiao asked. Thomas pointed to Xiao’s truck. “There’s a guitar case in the back, could ya get that fer me?” “When did you put your guitar in the back of my truck?” “Around the time you were getting yer ass handed to you by those goons.” Thomas jabbed at his friend, a grin spread across his face. “Ugh, Fine…and for the record, it was an unfair fight!” Xiao said, walking up to his truck. He pressed the button on his key to unlock the door only to briefly see the Ford get slammed by another car. “HOLY SHIT!” he yelled, barely dodging the giant heap of metal screeching toward him. The two trucks collided with Thomas’ house with a huge crash, followed with a cloud of dust. Xiao quickly picked himself up again, surveying the damage done. “Shit man, my fucking car!!! That thing cost me a arm and leg!!!” his personal problems disappeared when he remembered his friend was in the line of the giant heap of metal. “Oh Shit, THOMAS!!!” He ran up to the new crater that used to be a side of Thomas’ house and saw the gruesome sight. His beloved car was crushed under a giant diesel truck, which seemed to have no passengers in it. Xiao paid no attention to it as he threw aside rubble, hoping that his friend was still alive underneath all the destruction. “Come on man, where are you?” Xiao began to form tears in his eyes as he began to lose hope of his friend being alive. “Awwwww, it looks like the little faggot here misses his boyfriend already.” A slurred voice said from behind. Even though the voice was slurred, Xiao knew who the voice belonged to, as his sadness erupted into fury. “YOU SONAVABITCH!” He screamed, turning around to face the three punks from before, all with wicked grins on their faces. The leader started laugh, watching as tears rolled down Xiao’s face. “Heh, not so tough now, are you, since your friend isn’t here to protect you anymore.” the leader said. “I’LL KILL YOU!!!” Xiao screamed, sprinting toward the punks, murderous intent in his eyes, ready to rip their throats out with his bare hands…only to stopped as he looked down the end of a Glock pointed at his chest. “Oh, nonononono…I think you’re fucking dead!” He said, using the end to his pistol to knock Xiao to the ground. The other two punks began to wail on him with no mercy. They stopped after a while, leaving Xiao bruised and bloodied. “Now, where were we…?” The leader asked, scratching his head with his gun, “Oh right, killing your sorry ass.” He said, pointing the gun at his victim’s head. The brony staggered to his feet, backing away slowly, clutching his stomach as he coughed up blood. “Why-“ he began only to be interrupted when the sounds of moving rubble came from behind, as a dark figure crawled out from under the hunk of metal that used to be Xiao’s car. “Oh, you have to be fucking with me!!!” one of the henchmen shouted, stumbling behind the gun wielder just in case anything happened like last time. The other punk backed away, rubbing his still sore neck from where he hit him. “I saw you get ran over, how the fuck are you still alive!?” the leader yelled, now aiming at the new target. “That, son… is a secret you won’t find out!” Thomas yelled triumphantly, stumbling next to his friend. Xiao jumped for joy internally, relieved his best friend wasn’t dead. “Man I’m glad to see you!” Xiao said, getting into a fighting stance, “you ready for another fight?” Thomas didn’t answer the question, swaying side to side with a smile on his face. He held a black case up with his hand and began to laugh uncontrollably. “I have acquired my guitar back, and everything’s now okay in Equestria…” he slurred just before falling face first into the dirt, followed with snoring. Xiao and the three punks just stared at Thomas, wondering what the fuck just happened. “All right, fuck this, I don’t really give a shit anymore, FUCK YOU TWO FREAKS!!!” the leader yelled, now aiming his pistol at both of them. He squeezed off the first shot, cursing as it barely missed Xiao’s head. His next shot were even worse, missing the two by a long shot. “Damn man, you fucking suck at this!!!” the punk to his right hollered, “You can’t even hit a fag that’s right in front of you!!!” “Shut the fuck up man or you’ll be like these two after I’m done with them.” The leader yelled, putting more rounds right at Xiao and his unconscious comrade. Surprisingly, the bullets kept passing around the two bronies, somehow not wanting to hit their destined targets. This didn’t stop Xiao from dancing around like a maniac, frantically trying to dodge the lethal pieces of metal. BUCKBUCKBUCKBUCKBUCKBUCK was all Xiao could think as he continued to dodge, hoping his luck would hold until police arrive. The shooting spree finally stopped when the slide of the Glock locked back and flung the last shell out of the chamber. “Shit, I do suck at this,” the leader chuckled “well, that’s why I got two more clips with me.” He into his pocket, pulling out another magazine filled with 9mm rounds. “Oh shit, not again.” Xiao mumbled, already priming himself to dodge another onslaught of metal. Replacing the gun with a fresh clip, the punk put his sights on Xiao again, this time a smirk written across his face instead of a murderous scowl. “I think I got this now.” “DUDE, FUCKIN' HURRY!” one of the punks yelled, “I can hear the cops!” the distant sound of multiple sirens began to get louder and louder. The punk behind the leader was fidgeting, biting his nails as he listened intently to the approaching sirens until he finally snapped. “Fuck this, I’m outta here!” he shouted, already sprinting away from the group. “What a pussy.” The leader said, before turning back to address the brony. “Hahaha,You’re not gonna dodge this one, horsefag…” He laughed manically, as thunder began to crash overhead. Xiao cursed under his breath, hoping the cops would hurry. Heh, I was hoping for something cheesy like in the movies where the super hero comes and saves us… He smirked as another bolt of lightning nearly hit the ground far away. He averted his attention to the sky as he noted something strange about the lightning that struck near them. Wait...lightning is white, not purple… “…Because, I’ll kill ‘Thomas the Train’ here first.” His attention swung back on the gun wielder as he suddenly pointed his gun towards Thomas. “I didn’t forget him breaking my nose at the bar.” he chuckled, squeezing the trigger. NO! Xiao mentally screamed. Instinct acted for him and with all of his strength, he dove in front of the bullets path. Time seemed to slow down as he watched the bullet come closer and closer to him. So this is it, then? Xiao thought. Well, Thomas was right about life; that it seems so repetitive and boring… I just wish I could redo mine the way I wanted to… As if mother nature had heard that simple wish, another bolt of purple lightning came down from the dark grim sky. Xiao saw the whole scene take place in slow motion as the bolt of electricity destroyed the bullet on contact and hit him right in the chest. He felt the electricity spread through his body along with the agonizing pain threatening to rip his mind apart. After what felt like an eternity of pain and torture, Xiao couldn’t take any more and began to slip into blissful unconsciousness, the last thing he saw was a bright light in the distance. “Wha…how?” the two punks asked simultaneously, gaping at the scene before them. Shortly after the leader fired the shot, a huge bolt of lightning crashed down on his victim, creating a huge explosion that threw the two punks away. As they rose back up to their feet, they could not do anything but stare at the small crater in front of then, where no trace of the two bronies remained. Finally, the other punk spoke. “W-w-what the hell happened, where did-” he began. “DROP THE GUN AND PUT YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD!!!” The police had finally arrived, and noticing the destruction of property, quickly sought to apprehend the two remaining suspects at the scene. A few officers were confused at the explosion of lightning they had witnessed before, but ignored it as they threw the dazed punks to the ground. As they were handcuffed, an officer began the necessary procedures. “You are under arrest. Anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law…”