//------------------------------// // DELETED SCENE #1 // Story: Building Walls, Burning Bridges // by MonolithiuM //------------------------------// A week passed. The Elements went back to Ponyville finally, and I was left to my own devices. I had spent a week in the Paradise Sector several blocks away from the castle. My actions burned down a bank, opened a pub, got hundreds of foals mixed up, and made me a celebrity and trusted friend. Trusted to certain ponies anyway. Damn, does Fancy Pants know how to party. Oh, and I did that thing Twilight asked me to do. I even got some of my aforementioned friends to help out. It was great… for my friends and I. Everything wound down and this morning was going swimmingly. I had my eggs and ham, with a glass of orange juice. My blood sugar was fantastic, and my insulin levels nominal. I strolled over to the windows, where I had jury-rigged several large textbooks to function as stairs. I flung open the panes and breathed in that fresh air, watching the ponies not too far below me. I hopped back down and flipped on my laptop. Strange thing about it was that it had no battery symbol or advanced feature buttons. It was funky. I opened iTunes and played a speedy song to get my ass moving and ready for nothing. As soon as I heard the electronic beats, I was moving like the devil himself. My clothes zipped on, I fished that piece of bacon out of the sheets, I made my bed, and I packed my bag to prepare for a standard walk outside of the castle. I heard a distant, "Yes! Oh my gawd!" and perked up. "The hell was that?" I walked back to my window overlooking the streets, scanning for the noise over my noisy laptop. I'll admit it, dubstep is noise. But I actually like this noise. It's not like it's a thousand five year-olds screaming at you, that's noise. I shriveled when I thought of who I had attracted. Vinyl. Scratch. "Shitfuckdamn." My eyes began to dart around to check for her, and sure enough, there she was. She brightened and waved to me. "Hey! You're Mono, right?" I nodded. "No! Bad head! BAD HEAD! I'm not Mono!" "Sweet! Weren't you that guy that launched Blueblood into the Lion's Pit at the zoo?" No, Vinyl, that was that other two foot tall human. "I thought so! Where are those tunes coming from, damn! I gotta get me some of that!" My windows shut so hard the glass cracked, and iTunes was closed. I snapped up my laptop and tucked it in my bag, making my way out of the room like hell was right behind me. Well, it basically was. If hell was a cliche. \\\\||||//// The Vinyl Diaries Dear Diary, Mono ran away when I asked him about those lethal-ass tunes. He's hiding something, I know it. Obviously that's his music, and I'm going to get it, one way or another. XOXOXO, Vinyl Scratch -------d-_-b------- Dear Diary, This is day two, and Mono is actively avoiding me, I'm sure of it. When I threw a pebble at his window, he chucked a boulder at me. HOW DID HE EVEN DO THAT?! He doesn't want to give up his beats, that's for sure. But he still plays them every morning. It's like he NEEDS them to wake up. I have an idea to get close though, and I hope it works. Love, Vinyl Scratch -------d-_-b------- Dear Diary, The plan failed. Well, it worked partially. I got into the Night Court, and I bullshitted my way through the entire thing. I thought it was worth waiting two days to get on that damned list. So afterwards, I hid in a potted plant until morning. When I saw the sun on the horizon, I snuck into Mono's room. He was sound asleep, so I started looking for a record, a speaker-system, something. He woke up and saw me, and before I could do anything, he yells: "Rape! RAPE!" and the guards were on me in seconds. He's a clever little bastard, but I'll find those records yet. -Vinyl Scratch -------d-_-b------- Diary, Mono is an asshole. He is a cheating, dick-eating, shit-smelling cunt. While I was rappelling down the side of the castle, he saw me and ran away. I thought he had gone to get the guards, but he came back with scissors. And he was above me. HOW DOES HE MOVE SO FAST?! He gave me a big goofy smile and said, "See you next fall!" He commented on how that comment was so corny he could smell ethanol. Then, without so much as looking my way, he cut the friggin' rope. While still talking to himself… I have to rest my back, it hurts. -Vinyl Scratch -------d-_-b------- I'm going to find those wubs, strap Mono to my biggest bass, and blast his fucking brains out all over Canterlot with his own music. He's taunting me now. He has little plugs in his ears and he's dancing around on the roof of the castle. He has the music on him. I knew it. So I decided to get them myself. It was difficult, but while I was resting my sore back, I picked up some teleportation from a book. I teleported up to the roof. And fell through a massive skylight. Apparently he had commissioned one to be built the same day he let me fall. And they let him… WHY?! I'm going to lose my mind. -Vinyl -------d-_-b------- I can't do this. He's outsmarted me every time. I dug a tunnel, he re-routed the plumbing. For the restrooms. I snuck inside as a delivery mare, he refused to sign. I was found out after that. I tried gliding inside his window with a kite. He installed a screen. I scaled the gate and climbed the wall to the same window. Since when does he have a flower box? He dropped it on my face. I threatened him. He outmatched anything I could think of. I'm at a loss. I surrender tonight. Fuck it, V \\\\||||//// I flipped open the newspaper casually, sipping my morning tea happily. I recalled the events of the past week and a half fending off Vinyl Scratch, and chuckled. "I wonder what she'll think of next. Magic can't beat me, her taunts are beneath me, and her creativity is lacking." Suddenly, a brick sailed through my window, shattering it and tearing the screen apart. I didn't scream. No, really, I didn't. Fine, I did. …like a little girl. Tied to the brick, which was freaking massive compared to me, was a little journal. I looked at the title: Vinyl Scratch's Diary. I read it immediately. \\\\||||//// "Wow. I'm a total asshole." Mono pondered for a moment. "And she's a psycho bitch. We can work this out." Without further delay, he hopped up from his massive chair and informed the guards to summon a certain Vinyl Scratch. She was let into the castle within the hour, looking absolutely dumb-struck. She met Mono in a small conference room. To his right was a very, very, very small device. Flat and rectangular, with a black screen and a cord leading out of it, separating into two cords with buds at the ends. On his left was a size-able rectangle, much larger than the last, with no screen visible. He awaited calmly. Vinyl sat at the chair on the far end of the table, exactly opposite of Mono. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I tried to force you and threaten you, and I shouldn't have." she said with a tinge of guilt in her voice. Mono chuckled. "Nah, don't worry about it. I got a kick out of it, and I'm sure you got a workout and some time to think. That one fall looked pretty nasty." Scratch perked up. "Which one?" "Sky-light fall. You know, number two." "Heh, heh. Yeah…" the alabaster unicorn rubbed her neck. "I want to make a deal. So let's cut to it. I want VIP status to all of the big clubs in Canterlot. I know you work them, and I garner a lot of attention, especially after last week's fiasco." Mono sipped his tea casually, and cleared his throat as Scratch stared at him in utter excitement. "Here's my offer." \\\\||||//// "Sooo. What'd you propose, my little human?" Discord bent over backwards, staring at me with one freakishly elongated eye. I simply waved at the ecstatic unicorn practically shaking with excitement. "I get VIP status at all of her concerts and events, I am affiliated with the music she has in her possession, and she's going to be available on a whim for anything I need." Discord shot me a sly grin, his singular fang pointing directly at me like a finger. "Nothing dirty, you obsessed freak." I walked away from Discord, who was already seducing some poor castle maid. Very effectively, I might add. I was back to my room, sorting my things, when a guard notified me of an extremely important meeting with the Princesses regarding my future in Equestria. I sighed and heaved my tiny shoulders, the same sweat drop appearing with the bubble of air exiting my mouth.. "Let's get this shit over with, then."