//------------------------------// // End of Part 1 // Story: Night of Night Shade // by HexGirl //------------------------------// Night Shade was fear striken. She hadn't been able to get far from Apple Jack. She pressed her wings into her sides desperately attempting to hide them. "Night Shade! Please help! Apple Bloom has been bitten by something and she won't wake up!" Apple Jack had begun to approach Shade. She let out a deep breath and turned to face Apple Jack. Apple Bloom lied across her back completely limp. Thin, withered and growing pale. Night Shade had no choice but to do the first thing she thought of. Bite Apple Jack. Fangs unsheathed themselves as Night Shade lept forward to an orange neck. Her teeth found their mark just center between the shoulder blade and chin. The vein ripped open spilling its contents onto red stained fangs. Tiny holes on the tips of the fangs pumped blood from the vein into Night Shade's mouth. Tangy yet sweet. A warm sensation rippled through Night Shade. More, more! Her brain persisted on draining Apple Jacks entire body of the suculent blood. After a minute saliva had blocked the passage from the vein. With a agitated growl, she replaced her fangson the opposite side of Apple Jack's neck. A sprinkle of apple flavoring enriched the red liquid gushing from peirced veins. Shade didn't really get to enjoy her meal for much longer for the sun was peeking over the horizon. Night Shade's skin seemed to catch fire as the chemical keeping her alive began to evaporate from her bloodstream. She dropped the lifeless body that was once a hard working pony and sped for home. She was safe. She had a small burn on the back of her hindleg but she was safe. Safe from the temptations of blood. Safe from Apple Jack. Most importantly she was safe from the sun. Night Shade hurried to her bathroom eager to cleanse her mouth of not only maroon stains but also a foul odor. It wasn't until the toothbrush was in her mouth did Night Shade realize she was looking at the wall behind her. She waved her free hoof in the direction of the mirror but no response came. She tapped her hoof against the mirror as to reassure herself that this was not one of Dash's pranks. Reflective glass. The same mirror she had always had. It hadn't been tampered with or even so much as breathed on since Night Shade had last seen herself reflected. The toothbrush fell from her mouth onto the sink. She leaned in staring directly into the mirror. She breathed onto the surface created a breif fog which revealed nothing of Night Shade or of the creature she had become. "I have to get Twilight to reverse this somehow. Somehow."