//------------------------------// // Chapter Five // Story: Memories // by Sada Pazaki //------------------------------// As the images around Twilight slowly faded, she noticed that she did not become aware of her bedroom again. Instead, the area around her shifted as a familiar voice read aloud in her head: Discord didn't show up again for a few days. At least, I think they were days. The sun and moon spent most of the time playing tag in the sky. Actually I don't know how long he was gone. Celestia was very nice to me and spent a lot of time with me. She even took me flying around Discord's humongous castle. It sticks out of a mountain, defying gravity as she put it. I've also met her younger sister Luna. She's nice and quiet and she likes Discord's jokes too. This helps us get along... It was a dark hallway of the palace. Twilight glanced around in apprehension and saw no pony around. Where was Serenity? Suddenly, she heard something from behind her. Twilight turned around, feeling completely creeped out, and saw it was Discord. He looked much like he had when he had disappeared into the cloud: discontent, aloof, brooding. She wondered what could be wrong with him. Had Celestia's words really affected him that much? He suddenly stopped, blinked, and leaned forward with his eyes narrowed, looking right at Twilight. Unsure of what to do, she smiled nervously, “Uh, hi?” He slowly reached out a paw, claws extended, and she desperately wished she could move, “Look, I'm not sure if you recognize me or anything but-” He grasped something invisible between two digits and she shut her mouth, realizing how silly it was for her to be talking to him. Of course he couldn't see her. She was nothing but this unseen entity being dragged around Serenity's memories. Discord's narrowed eyes widened and he abruptly pulled whatever it was. A pie fell from above, landing right in front of him with a resounding PLAT! He stared at it, looking thoroughly unimpressed, “A...pie? Must be Luna again.” “Nope!” Twilight turned to see Serenity and Luna pop out of nowhere. Serenity had been cleaned and Twilight could clearly see her beautiful, deep purple coat for the first time. Her black and purple mane was also clean, though still wild-looking, and her tail had grown a tiny bit. “The pie was MY idea!” Serenity boasted, “But the trick was her's,” she proudly pointed at Luna who giggled. Discord rolled his eyes, “I suppose I shouldn't expect much more from a couple of amateurs.” “Hey!” Luna exclaimed indignantly, “It was foal proof!” “Foal proof?” Discord scoffed, “You used a trip-wire. A TRIP-wire. Any pony could have seen it, even in this gloomy lighting,” he glared around, “If you ever want to prank me with something this-this...pathetically predictable, at least use magic instead of trip-wires!” Luna sat down with a pout but Serenity stared at him with a determined expression. Crouching, she suddenly grinned yelling, “You're a grouchy-face!” and leaped at him. She landed on his chest, latching on and singing, “Why do you frown? Turn it upside down! You're better than that! So open your mouth and laugh!” She looked up his nose and laughed, “Ha! Ha! Ha!” A small smile started growing on Discord's face and she quickly continued, “In case you haven't noticed, I still haven't caught Celestia's cold!” she scrutinized him, “I think YOU have though. No sense of humor at all,” she slid down to the floor and picked up a piece of pie, “No worries! I have just the thing to cure you!” and she flung the piece at his face. It hit his chest with a soft 'plut'. His slightly amused expression froze. His left eye twitched. A weird sound could be heard from within him. His lips squeezed together then parted, revealing his sharpened teeth. Hunching over, he abruptly started howling with laughter. The two ponies grinned triumphantly at each other, not noticing the mischievous glint in Discord's eyes. Nor did they notice all the other pies mysteriously appearing behind him. “Oooh my little ponies...” They looked at him expectantly and froze. Luna was the first to understand and attempt to flee, “RUN!!” “Wha-?” Serenity turned to watch her leave and was creamed in the face by a...well, a cream pie. She blinked past the sugary whiteness, looked to see Discord with his paw and talons on his hips with over fifty pies behind him, and blinked again. “I'd run now princess,” he arched his back, laughing uproariously as the pies started moving forward like an advancing army. As several more flew past her, something finally seemed to click and she said, “Oh.” She streaked away, hopelessly behind Luna. Twilight was pulled along behind her but managed to look back at Discord to see him let out another laugh and disappear with all his pies. Serenity ran as though for her life but to no avail. When it was all over, the entire interior of the palace was covered in every single kind of pie pony-kind had ever physically created or only dreamed of. In one of the main rooms, Serenity and Luna were sitting in the middle of a giant chocolate-mousse pie, throwing pieces at each other and laughing. Twilight watched from a corner, having truly enjoyed the entire spectacle. It had certainly been exciting to watch. The two ponies had been at the mercy of Discord whose ruthless pie-throwing skills left them multicolored and sticky. He hovered above them now, laughing as he went over all their failed attempts to escape him. They didn't seem to mind this, though the occasional piece of pie was tossed in his direction. The only one who wasn't there was Celestia. “And I can't believe you actually jumped!” Discord gasped with glee, “And Luna had to fly down and save you! Ohahahaa!” Serenity stuck her tongue out at him, “I didn't jump. Your Apple-Cheese Pie bomb blew me out the window!” This only made him laugh harder. Luna leaned in close to Serenity and whispered, “At least the plan worked. I was worried about him.” Serenity nodded and whispered back, “Does he usually get like that after Celestia's mean to him?” “Sometimes,” Luna hissed, “But not usually. Never for so long.” “Well she did say she hated him.” The scene faded with Discord's laughter echoing in her ears. Things around her moved, shifted, and she felt like she was being dragged through water. Various glimpses of other scenes floated past her, pieces of Serenity's script sighing in her ear... I've been here one year. We celebrated with a birthday party…..Discord and I went flying all around Equestria today…..Today we went to the beach…..Celestia really is nice, just not to Discord…..Luna and I have created the ultimate muffin to surprise Celestia with because she loves muffins.....Discord taught me to stack cards and I'm really good at it.....Celestia is helping me to read more complicated books.....Another birthday! Discord created a new bed for me that is always in the dark so I can sleep even when the sun is up.....Discord...Discord...Discord... Images faded, became dark, and then shifted to a setting Twilight felt more at home with. She was in some kind of library. As she looked around at the floating books, mismatched titles, and random papers on the walls, she concluded it was the same library she had seen Serenity in when she had read about that prank at the beginning of the book. Where was Serenity anyways? A pile of books lifted and floated out of her way and she found herself looking into the face of an older Serenity. She had grown taller and her tail finally looked like a proper tail, though it was still messy like her mane. As she trotted past her, humming contentedly, Twilight noticed she wore a silver ring on each leg. They glinted and sparkled and she was obviously proud of them, stopping to look at them or pose with her legs attractively crossed now and then. “Admiring yourself?” Discord appeared, lounging on several wobbling book piles. Serenity didn't seem fazed by his sudden appearance at all. Twilight guessed she was used to it by now. “I am, thank you,” she twirled, “It’s hard not to.” He sleepily smiled, “Especially when they're a birthday gift from me.” “Especially,” she beamed at him and jumped on a random book, “There it is! You go over...here.” With an over-dramatic yawn, he drawled, “Why bother organizing them at all? They'll be in different spots when you come back later anyways.” Serenity shrugged, “I don't know. It's fun.” “Fun?” he stretched down and took hold of her head, “Are you feeling ill? You can't possibly think organizing books is fun.” “I'm fine,” she laughed and he popped into being beside her, “I wouldn't be so sure about that. Perhaps you're confused because of lack of sleep. Isn't this the time you're usually in dreamland?” “Yeah, but I'm not tired right now,” she opened another book, “Ah ha! That's what you're really about! You go over here!” This went on for a while: Serenity organizing her books and Discord watching her with bored disbelief. As she went on with her organizing, he floated around while occasionally letting out a loud sigh. The frequency these sighs issued from his mouth kept increasing until Serenity finally exclaimed, “Why are you doing that?!” In answer, he let out another sigh. “Arrrrg,” she rubbed her head with her hooves then abruptly looked up at him, “How about you go play a game with some pesky Pegasuses?” Admiring his paw, he said, “I'm hurt. You're actually trying to get rid of me?” “Not really,” she tried to smile, “You're just being distracting.” He rolled his eyes, “Okay, fine, how about we play some word games while you indulge in your warped sense of fun.” “Ha ha, that's still distracting,” Serenity sat down, “Why are you here anyways?” “I happen to live here princess,” he crossed his arms and she laughed, “What I meant was, why are you with me and not with somepony else?” Discord twirled his talons in the air, “You mean Celestia? She's being all doom and gloom again and when she's like that, she's horribly booooring.” Serenity nodded, “True. What about Luna?” Bringing his paw up, he made Serenity float over to him until they touched noses, “Why would I want to be with Luna when I can have loads of fun annoying you?” “What a compliment,” Serenity's eyes twinkled, “Okay, you've persuaded me, I'll play some word games with you,” she cleared her throat, “Twisting and turning, both tall and short, as diverse as the land, though all it distorts. Who am I?” “Let's see now,” he began to grin, still touching his nose to her's, “Twisting and turning? That can be so many things...but both tall and short? Cryptic my dear, cryptic. Diverse as the land...though all it distorts,” he chuckled, “Well that gives it away. It's me!” She giggled, “Correct!” and blew some air up his nose, making him lean back and sneeze. Rubbing his nose, he said, “Now it's my turn: It shines in the night as strongly as during the day but it is never seen. It makes the heart leap, the ears pleasantly ring, and drives away all that is dull. What am I dearie?” “Hmm,” Serenity crossed her hoofs in thought, “It shines with the same strength be it night or day...but is never seen...well, if it doesn't actually shine in the first place, that would explain why it is never seen. You didn't actually say that it literally shines.” Discord smirked with a raised eyebrow, “Continue...” “I think it's a sound,” she stated, “It makes the ears ring...in a good way. So it's a good sound...that makes the heart leap. So it makes you happy. It drives away all that is dull...” her eyes suddenly widened and she pointed a hoof at him victoriously, “It's laughter isn't it? I know you well enough to know that that sound makes you happier than any other sound in all Equestria.” He laughed in response, “Very good Serenity! But can you guess whose laughter my dear? Whose?” “Um...” Serenity bit her lower lip, “Celestia's?” “What? Her? No!” he scoffed, “I have a completely different riddle for her. It's obviously somepony else.” “Uh, Luna's?” “Ugh, no.” “...yours?” “Silly pony!” he grabbed her front hooves and pulled her to him, “It shines in the night as strongly as during the day but it is never seen and is pleasing to the ear! Obviously laughter! But it makes the heart leap and drives away all that is dull! Obviously you!” Serenity blinked, “Oh.” “Oh? Oh?! That's all you have to say to that?! OH?!” Discord pushed her away and turned to the side with a scowl, propping his head up with his talons. Serenity softly landed on the floor and blinked again, “Um, are you alri-” “Basta!” Discord growled in frustration and disappeared in a flash, leaving Serenity to look confused and completely clueless. Twilight, who was comfortably observing all this as though watching an unfolding soap-opera, suddenly exclaimed, “No way! Really?!” It had suddenly occurred to her that Discord might actually like Serenity. As in LIKE-like. Wasn't he pursuing Celestia though? Had he given up on her? He did seem annoyed with her...but...Twilight shook her head, “It just can't be.”