//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 - The Fall of Havel // Story: The Life and Adventures of a Trickster // by Argentum Fabulam //------------------------------// A soft creak broke the silence of Twilight's dim room as the door opened letting in light from the hallway. An exhausted Twilight trotted up to her bed and dropped on to it. She turned her head every which way in order to get comfortable, but there was a hard lump in her pillow. She frustratedly fluffed the pillow and set it back down, but to no avail. As she sat up and moved the pillow away she saw the journal, just sitting there, taunting her. After a few moments of internally debating whether or not to read some more of the journal, she remembered what happened before she left. With her curiosity renewed she picked up the journal with her magic, got comfortable, and began to read. ****************** I awoke cuddled up with Amethyst, we had obviously done somethings I am still unsure of, but sweet mother Faust, I would go through Tartarus and back to have something that amazing happen again! Yet still I was unsure of it all, I liked Amethyst a lot, but I wasn't sure that I loved her. She was only a few years older than me, and we had known each other for two long years, and we were really good friends. "Enough, confusing yourself Flare! Just roll over look at her and decide!" I muttered to myself, and obediently rolled over to look at her. She was still sleeping there gracefully, her long chestnut brown mane was flowing over her eyes, breathing slow through her nose making a light snore that was really cute. Her stone grey fur was sleek and went perfectly with her body that had curves as smooth as a fine gemstone. And lets not forget how she treated me, she was very caring, helpful, and wasn't afraid to relax around me, and I felt the same way around her. "So what's your choice?" I muttered again to myself. My choice, well it's obvious- I had no time to answer myself as the entire chambers shook violently, waking up Amethyst in the process. We looked into each other's eyes, oh those sweet honey gold eyes. We had no time to say anything as again the whole room shook. We mentally agreed on the same thing, we were under attack. Frantically we put on our combat robes, hoping that we could quickly get out and fend off the attackers from our home. As we ran down the hall, Amethyst asked me," What do you think it is? Hydra? Pegasi? Ursa?" "I'm hoping it's the middle, I really don't want to have to our only hope." "As if you'd be a savior." She jokingly said as we came to a opening into the main courtyard. What we saw shocked us both. "What are they?" There were many legions of ponies made out of different materials, rock, ice, fire, wood, you name it there was one. "Atronachs.... And lots of them." I replied dumbfounded, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. The amount of power it would take to summon this many would be that of a god. As we watched many of our soldiers were being tossed around, frozen, burned... It was all surreal to me, Amethyst was getting closer to me, shielding her eyes to the carnage that lay before us. "W-we need to find the conjurer, kill the conjurer, and we'll stop these." I said as confidently as I could, "Amethyst, go to the throne room and help hold off them as long as you can." "Alrig- WAIT, what about you?" She said shakily. "I'm going to find the conjurer..." I said quietly, unsure of even myself. I lifted my head and looked over to Amethyst, her eyes were wet and all she seemed capable of doing in that moment was staring. "Prom-promise to co-come back..." she croaked. After a moment of hesitation I said, "I promise." After a quick embrace she fled to the throne room, I watched as she used her geomancy to pelt a flame Atronach and best it. As I turned to head to the source of the army a thought bolted through my head. What if... ~~~~~~~~~~~ I ran as fast as my hooves would carry me, dodging in between troops and atronachs alike, blasting some with concussive blasts when needed. I was making my way through out the residential area for low class civilians on my way to the castles gate when I saw a family being backed against a wall by a ice golem and a rock atronach. They were pleading for their lives, but the soulless creatures were paying no attention, the just slowly moving in for the kill. That is until I used the rock pony to shatter the ice golem with my levitation. After it was surely dead I chucked the rock violently towards the gate in hopes I'd at least damage one of the other soulless creatures. I looked back to the family who was still cowering. "Quickly get to safety!" I said as authoritatively as I could. They immediately ran off, I was kinda annoyed that they didn't even give thanks, but under the current situation, I really didn't blame them, but the father seemed to give me a dirty look before they ran away. It bothered me for a moment, but quickly escaped my thoughts as I continued to run towards the gate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was nearly at the gate when I saw the conjurer. Who ever it was, was wearing robes that completely encompassed their body. A long white horn came out of the hood, and the only facial feature I could see was their eyes. They were red irises with green where white should have been, and a purple stream seemed to be flowing away from them. Who ever it was had seen me, due to my less than stealthy entrance. The conjurer just eyed me for a few moments, while I stood there. I could feel rage flowing through me, I was ready to strike, but the conjurer just laughed at me with its distorted voice, making it impossible for me to tell if it was a mare or a stallion. "This is the finest they could send me?! Oh how pitiful, I shall clam this land in king Terra's name more swiftly than thought." the conjurer bellowed. It was official, I loathed this pony already and it was going to die. I didn't even hesitate as I unleashed a volley of energy blasts and dodged to cover. In less than a moment I heard them all deflect off in many directions. As I moved out of cover to send another blast at the conjurer, the building that was my cover exploded into rubble. I looked at the conjurer from while I was lying on my back, I saw the conjurer's horn bubbling with a varying violet energy with traces of green with in it. "YOU INSOLENT FOAL! DID YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOU COULD BEST THE POWER OF KING TERRA?!" The conjurer bellowed as it pulled me closer with its magic. "I WAS BESTOWED THIS POWER BY THE PRECIOUS CREATOR!? NOW FEEL! THY!! WRATH!!!!" It was then I was zapped with the violet energy, pain tore through my body, it was almost unbearable. I knew I screamed, but but I couldn't hear or see anything. As it began to die down I heard the conjurer mutter something about resilance as it began to bash me against the wooden stakes a top of the walls. With one final thrust I felt something break as I went flying, after what felt like an endless free fall, I splashed into something as my body and mind went numb. *************** Twilight sat in her bed dumbfounded, she slowly slipped her bookmark to the next page and placed the journal within her side table. 'Did Flare Frost just... Die?' She thought to herself. Millions of thoughts began to rush through her mind, the most prominent being, 'What about Amethyst Shine?' Having even more questions flow through her mind, she decided to call it a night and read on in the morning.