//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Quest for Peace // by cAPSlOCK //------------------------------// Twilight wandered down the road, unaware of her surroundings, preoccupied by the suspense and excitement from her impending studying. What brought her back to reality was bumping into somepony, and she heard a scream. “Oh my goodness!” Twilight cried, “Are you okay?” She looked at the pony she had collided with and it was none other than Rarity. “Yes,” she responded, “But I don’t know if I can say the same for my dirty coat, or these,” She recovered her dropped saddle bag and opened it, revealing the many riches within it. Large gems, of all sorts of colors, some of the largest Twilight had seen. “Oh thank heavens. They’re safe. Anyway, it seems we were both a slight preoccupied. What has you so distracted? No, don’t tell me. Are you thinking about a handsome stallion that stole your heart? Well don’t worry, dear. Relationships are my-” “No,” interrupted Twilight, “I have to learn about this.” She used magic to pull a book out of her saddle bag and opened it to a random page. Rarity appeared confused. “What language is that?” “I don’t know. I have a hunch that I can find out in the Everfree Forest. I was on my way to Sweet Apple Acres to ask Applejack if she wanted to tag along. I was going to stop by Carousel Boutique in a little bit.” “I was just returning from Applejack’s. Her family is digging a reservoir for when the Pegasi get lazy and don’t water their trees with rain. She asked me if I wanted the search the dug out soil for those gems.” “While you’re here, would you like to come with me?” “Business has been rather slow,” Rarity replied, “I suppose I have no other matters to attend to. Let me return these gems to the Boutique and I will meet up with you later” “Awesome! See ya, Rarity.” “Would you like me to gather Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy for you? You seem to be in a hurry.” “That would be great,” Twilight answered, “We’ll all meet up at Fluttershy’s cottage then. It’s close to the Everfree Forest.” When Twilight found Applejack, she was taking a break from her work, sipping some cider with Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh. “Applejack,” Twilight asked, “Do you think you come to the Everfree Forest with me and the others?” “What fer,” Applejack asked, “That forest ain’t a good place to be. Must be important” Twilight held open a notebook from her bag. Applejack blinked and gave a blank expression. “I may not be the smartest pony ‘round here, but I reckon I’ve never seen those letters before. What’s that got to do with the forest?” Twilight showed Applejack the Poison Joke. “Poison Joke only grows in the Everfree Forest. I think I may find something out about this language” “Mmkay, but what’s so special ‘bout these books?” “Celestia sent them to me. They’re journals by Star Swirl the Bearded.” “Ain’t he the one that made that crazy spell that made all of our Cutie Marks change?” “Yeah, and if I find out about his secrets, I could unlock some of the most powerful magic Equestria has ever seen.” “Gee sugar cube,” said Applejack, “I’d sure love t’go, but this hole ain’t gonna dig itself.” That’s when Apple Bloom chimed in. “You should pro’ly go, sis. You got the best lassoin’ skills in all of Equestria. You never know what’s livin’ in there. They might need you. We’ve got the diggin’ covered.” “Eeyup,” comment Big Mac “Then it’s settled,” Applejack decided, “Imma comin’ Twilight. You can count on me.” All six friends wandered slowly into the Everfree forest, trying their hardest not to get the attention of the horrible creatures that resided there: Manticores, Timberwolves, Ursa Majors, and more. Each pony had had more than their fill of these creatures, and nopony wanted to experience it again. “What exactly are we looking for, anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The Everfree Forest is a big place. You weren’t just hoping to get lucky and come across something were you?” The truth was, that was exactly was Twilight was hoping for. An animal of unknown identity growled in the distance. Even if it was the middle of the day, you couldn’t tell that in the Everfree Forest. The thick canopies casted seemingly endless shadows, and they were forced to use Twilight and Rarity’s horns for a source of light. “Umm… Twilight…?” Fluttershy asked, “I um… agree with Rainbow. I don’t like it here, and if we’re walking around for nothing… I would rather be at home… if that’s ok… I mean.” They approached a clearing and that was where Twilight collapsed. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I was too excited about learning this language that I didn’t really think about how.” Footsteps were heard in the distance, and were getting louder. Fluttershy cowered behind Rainbow Dash, who, although she would never admit it, was paralyzed in fear. She wasn’t alone though. Applejack and Twilight were also motionless. Rarity fainted. The footsteps grew louder. The only other sound was a pathetic yelp by Fluttershy, barely audible. A silhouette came into sight, and everybody calmed down, except for Rarity, who was still out cold. It was the silhouette of a pony. Not a monster. “Zecora!” Twilight yelled. “Do not be afraid, A monster I’m not. But I would like to see those notebooks you brought.” “How did you know about these?” Twilight inquired. “While collecting things for homemade soup, I heard you talking with your group.” “Oh. Well then, do you think you can help me.” “There are many tongues that I speak. I would like to have a peek.” They returned to Zecora’s house in the forest and Twilight opened her saddle bag. She pulled out a scroll, the one with the Poison Joke. “Poison Joke only grows here,” said Twilight, “I thought I may be able to find something out about this language. All of these books are written in it.” Zecora carefully observed every scroll, and then skimmed the books. “This is the Alphabet of the Unicorn. It was spoken before we were born.” “Can you tell us what everything says?” Twilight asked enthusiastically. “I’m afraid this language, I don’t know. It was spoken millennia ago. These ancient alphabets are one of the things that time forgets. Not many know the retired tongue. But I’m sure you will find someone.” Twilight frowned. She was so close! She would have to find somebody old enough to have known the language while it was spoken. “Spike, take a letter” Dear Celestia, It appears the books you have sent me are written in the Alphabet of the Unicorn. I am incapable of deciphering what it says. If you or Luna knows this language, it would be much appreciated if you could help me with my studies. Twilight It was the next day when Twilight received a response. She was searching the library for perhaps a lost book that could answer her questions. She hadn’t eaten slept, or bathed. Her obsession was beginning to worry Spike. “Twilight!” Spike shouted, “It’s a letter from Princess Celestia!” Twilight hastily took the letter from Spike and read it. My Dearest Twilight I give you my sincerest apologies for the confusion, but I’m afraid that language is one that I do not know. As royalty, my education as a child was limited to what I needed to know to be ruler someday. The type of magic I use to fulfill my duties of rising the sun were not recorded in that language. My curiosity, however, is peaked. Please inform me if you encounter anyone who can read this language. Sincerely, Celestia Twilight went to sit down on her bed and sighed. “I just don’t know, Spike,” she said, “Who else is old enough to have learned that language?” Then a light bulb went off in Twilight’s head. “I think I know of somepony. Rather, some draconequus”