The Subversive Scrolls

by Ponyess

Realisation: 2

I knew I had to go out, some day. Or my friends would start to look for me, it is as inevitable as the sun rising by Celestia in the morning.

I knew only too well how much they cared for me, as well as needed me and depends on me. The later would go for the entire town of Ponyville, where I live.

First thing first. I picked up the scroll, then walked out, with the scroll in my saddle bag. I had slipped it into the right side.

I could as well have it done and be rid of it, I had no use of it, and I didn't want it to remaind me. Maybe Twilight had better use of it? Maybe she could figure out what it is? Or even who made it and how to reverse it?

I had no need to hurry, but I felt like being rid of the scroll, so I simply trotted of to her library. Once there, I dumped it into the book deposit bin. If Spike found it first, he'd alert her first thing, or she found it. The fact that somepony else could snatch it first simply escaped my mind. I was rid of it, and found joy in it.

Once rid of the burden, I felt an urge to see somepony more sensitive. My choice ended up on Octavia. She does play calming music, even if her music almost never did make it onto the floor of any of my parties. In part, due to the fact that I live in Ponyville.

I never had anything against the Pony, but Vinyls music was just more of the party beat for my parties.

Since I had eased my burden, I could slow down slightly, but I still did not feel like waiting, so I kept trotting. Even though the distances in Ponyville isn't that great, so it is mere minutes, until I reached her door.

Once I had stopped before her house, I knocked on the door. It may be early, but not too early for Octavia, or it is what I imagined. She was bound to have an early breakfast, then hours of practice, for her to stay on top. She was after all the foremost virtuoso in the entire of Ponyville. Her pride alone would make her practice. Not that I knew her as prideful as a Pony.

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