//------------------------------// // Rainbow Dash writes a fanfiction. // Story: Rainbow Dash writes a fanfiction. // by goatsauce //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash was just finishing her story she was writing, since she read Daring Do. Daring Do was just so awesome, that she had to write her own action-packed story! "Oh man, when Twilight sees this, she'll be gasping in awe! Then, I'm going to show it to everypony else!" she said. What she didn't know, was going to kill her and everyone else. She had finally gotten over to Twilight's house, right after she had finished her story. "Heya, Twilight! Watcha doin'?" she said. "Oh, I'm just cleaning up a bit. What do you need, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight Sparkle said. "I want to show you my cool and new action packed story I made after you showed me Daring Do!" Rainbow said. Twilight did not believe Rainbow even had the smarts to make a good, decent story. Twilight looked confused, and grabbed hold of the paper Rainbow Dash held out. Little did she know, though, that she was going to develop a brain tumor. Twilight Sparkle began to read. MaHahahaha! Queen Chrysalis laughed as she gazed at her big armies!!! "Soon I will enslave Twilight Sparkles planet!!! And nobody can stop me!!! this story fetures mai original character Serenity Darkmoon!! Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven felt really dperessed one day.She had been slitting her wrists even more then normal. She had just found out that she was adopted. Her real parents turned out to be nobels from Equestria. They had a castle and were mighty richt! But she had none of that richness around. It made her feel pretty bad about herself so she listened to some good music. like Evanessence and Within Temptation but also like My Chemical Romance But long she did not have to be depressed as Twilight Sparkle came in and kissed her in her special place (they had falled in love at the end of the story see). And she said: "I love oyu so much, it hurts.But fortunately I like pain, as I am into that stuff. But I know you are hurt now and not in the sexy way. What is wrong with you? If you feel bad then I feel bad.But not in the sexy way" So Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven told her the whole story. She was shocked to hear this and said "I'm really shocked to hear this! Your parents are horrible!" "Which ones?" "All four of them, I don't like them. As much as I don't like Pinkie Pie!" And that was a lot because Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven knew that Twilight Sparkle hated Pinkie Pie because she was consistently dumb and ugly. But Twilight Sparkle took out a letter, "this had just arrived," said Twilight Sparkle. Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven openend the envolupe and inside was an invitation: "Most Esteemed Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven said the message" "You are condord invited to the royal ball of your parents. Your real parents, miss." "We hope to see you soon. Most esteamly yours, dutchess!" Oh my, said Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven this is aweomse. But Twilight Sparkle was a little sceptic: "Maybe it's a trick." "Why?" said Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven "Because there are.... rumours. Of Queen Chrysalis still being around!" "Surely she could not come all the way to Equestria!?" said Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven wisely because she didn't think that Queen Chrysalis could travel that far. "Hurm," said Twilight Sparkle contagiously, "we just have to be careful." "Hold on," exlciamed Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven, there is something else in the invitation! "Princess Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven, hereby we also bestow upon you the keys to the cage of a flying unicorn your parents have provided you with. Also, whenever you hold this key in your hand, your powers are increased" Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven was really happy with that but also felt a little bad for Twilight Sparkle. After they had a relaction ship, Twilight Sparkle had taught her her Magic and she picked it up really well! She was now even better at Twilight Sparkle at the Magic! So they went and picked up the flying unicorn. It was really quick and agile and flew around them like it really enjoyed itself! It took a moment but with enough training and perversion, Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven trained it to her will! Now they could go and visit their parents! But little did they know that the invitation was not from Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven's european nobel parents, but from Pinkie Pie instead! And she had teamed up with Queen Chrysalis! A/N I got bord of writing the fanfic as it was so I decided to change things around. I hope u guys like it!! She was as of yet the most awe-inspiring thingy in the whole universe, Twilight Sparkle believed her to be. As she faigjt the great evil Queen Chrysalis, her teacups bobbed up and down consistantly like someone making love in a car. She swipped sexlyat the Queen Chrysalis and was more than anything Twilight Sparkle had seen before. Her beatiful feistful pressure shocked Queen Chrysalis's henchmen into copulating before her. Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven, take my sword! said Twilight Sparkle, and give it to the greatness before us. She will need our legendary sword in order to defeat the great monsteriousQueen Chrysalis And lo! Unstopable Serenity Darkmoon Raven did so and the maginificent great mysterious woman took the sword and stabbed Queen Chrysalis. She was defeated. But was Queen Chrysalis? Because as Twilight Sparkle ran towards the mysterious strange beauty of Her draems and was about to share the greatest kiss She(and more) had ever given to someomne in the history of mankind, Queen Chrysalis rose up and fled! And this is where the story ends... Twilight Sparkle was on the ground, eyes bleeding and mouth foaming. Rainbow Dash noticed and started crying. "OH MY CELESTIA...." Rainbow Dash weeped before going to the same fate as Twilight Sparkle as she was then on the ground, eyes bleeding, and mouth foaming. Fluttershy came in, and gasped in shock at what she saw. Rainbow Dash and Twilight where hurt! She had to help them! But, when she got 5 feet close to them, she fell, too, leaving a trail of shit as she fell on top of Rainbow and Twilight, having the same fate as them both. 2 hours later, Applejack came in, and saw. "What in tarnation! What happened!?" Applejack said. Then she noticed the piece of paper, and picked it up. She read it and died on the spot, and had the same fate as the three. The same process went on, and the whole mane 6 where dead. On the spot. Several reports where filed, and both Princesses came in to see what the bad smells where. They picked up the paper, and read it, and cried, and died. They where on the ground, eyes bleeding, and mouth foaming, and their shit had stunk up the place. Then, ANOTHER Rainbow Dash came in, and was confused as hell. "What the hay happened?!" she said, getting mad and tearing up. She picked up the paper in pure agony, and read it. She died and fell to the same fate as the rest of the ponies in the room. The first Rainbow Dash got up, and laughed. "Foolish ponies! You shouldn't have wiped out half my race, Celestia. Now, I can take over Equestria from you tyrants, and feed my changelings!" Queen Chrysalis said as she got up and showed her true form. And from that point on, Changeling and Pony kind lived together in peace for the next 5 thousand years before being found by humans in space and blown up and used for resources.