//------------------------------// // Pegasi in Ponyville // Story: Our World Wasn't As Perfect As It Seemed // by bass-and-the-siren8976 //------------------------------// “Apple Bloom!” Applejack’s voice resounded through the farmhouse, waking Apple Bloom from her sleep “Breakfast!” Applejack grabbed the plates in her mouth and set them down at the table. Just as Apple Bloom came down the stairs, Big Mac strode in through the front door “Letter for Granny, big brother?” Big Mac knocked on her door “Eeyup.” Granny Smith burst through her door angrily “Na’ what is it ya’ want!?” Big Mac handed her the letter and she eyed it carefully “Why tie me up and throw me in a biscuit!” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes; it seemed Granny’s sayings got stranger each day “Yer’ cousins are comin’!” Applejack helped Granny into the seat at the head of the table “Is it cousin Braeburn?” Apple Bloom grabbed the letter. “It’s our cousins from Cloudsdale!” Apple Bloom froze “Cloudsdale!?” Big Mac downed his plate of apple treats “You’ve never met them Bloom. Anyways, Uncle Apple Core married a Pegasus, when he died they moved to Cloudsdale.” Granny nearly jumped out of her seat “My nephew Core is dead!” Applejack sighed “It’s been 2 years, Gran.” Granny Smith settled down “Oh yeah…” Apple Bloom set aside her plate “Well,” she hopped off her chair and grabbed her saddlebag “I’m goin’ to school.” “Hey Bloom!’ Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were waiting at the gate “What’s up!” Apple Bloom beamed “Ma’ Uncle Core’s kids are vistin’ sometime soon! I remember someone at the funeral said that one of em’ doesn’t have a Cutie Mark!” Scootaloo cheered “Awesome!” Sweetie Belle looked confused “Wait… Your Uncle Core died?” Apple Bloom face-hoofed “Dear Celestia, you’re like a mini-Granny Smith...” Cheerilee stepped out of the building “Good morning everyone! Time for class!” The three Cutie Mark Crusaders walked into the classroom and took their seats. “Today,” Cheerilee gestured to the door and a stallion walked into the room “We have a very special guest!” The stallion was a grey intimidating figure with a dark turquoise mane and yellow eyes. “Ms. Cheerilee?” Snips raised his hand “is he your special somepony?” Cheerilee gagged and the stallion adjusted his purple spectacles “N-no Snips…” She tried to stop coughing “This… is Mr. Black Board… He’s a magic teacher at Canterlot University.” The man cleared his throat and stepped forward “Hello children.” The students replied in a bored voice “Hello Mr. Black Board.” Black Board looked at the crowd of children “You there, young filly with the tiara Cutie Mark, please come up here.” Diamond Tiara reluctantly stood in front of the class “Now say ‘Ahhh’ please.” Diamond Tiara complied and Black Board’s horn shone black and he slowly changed the pitch of her voice. Sweetie Belle watched intently as he manipulated the now shocked Diamond Tiara’s voice. When he stopped, Sweetie’s hand shot up “Mr. Black Board!” he looked at her “can I go next!” Black Board lifted her with his magic and placed her down in front of him “This time will be something different,” Sweetie frowned slightly “Now close your eyes little filly.” Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and Black Board touched their horns together “Imagine something.” Sweetie Belle thought of the wonderful time she had with Rarity at the Sisterhooves Social. To everyone’s shock, images of Rarity and Sweetie danced across the walls and ceiling “Open your eyes.” Black Board whispered. Sweetie Belle’s eyes fluttered open and she gazed in awe at the sight before her. Black Board withdrew his horn and stepped back “I apologize, but it seems we've run out time.” Cheerilee looked at the clock “Oh my it seems so! The class ended just a little bit ago!” she cleared her throat “Goodbye everyone!” The children all thanked Black Board and walked out. “Apple Bloom!” Applejack was waiting outside “Yer’ cousins are at Sweet Apple Acres, come on!” Apple Bloom and her two friends excitedly galloped with Applejack to the farm. “Hello!” a sweet, unfamiliar voice rang out from in front of the house. In the time the three fillies had spent panting in front of the farm house, a mare had walked out to greet them. Her brown coat complimented her cream-orange mane and she had a dark orange bow very similar to Apple Bloom’s “You must be Apple Bloom!” she looked at the little filly “How’d ya’ know?” The mare laughed “When I heard that Applejack was getting a little sister, I sent her a bow for you. I’m Autumn Leaf.” A cheery male voice interrupted them “Hiya!” a green colt with a lime green mane exited the house “I’m Evergreen! I’m a little younger than your sister!” Big Mac exited the farm house “Howdy Bloom, I’m taking Autumn and Ever out to explore, but there’s another little colt your age inside.” Applejack stopped Big Mac “Actually can I take Ever?” she beamed “I think I know the perfect place for him.” Applejack led the green colt to a familiar cottage at the edge of the Everfree forest “Fluttershy!” Applejack knocked on the door “I’ve brought someone!” Fluttershy slowly opened the door “W-Who?” Applejack nudged Evergreen forward “This is my cousin Evergreen! He’s a year younger than us and he’s got a knack for animals! So… Bye!” Applejack disappeared as soon as she arrived. Fluttershy barely managed to whisper the words Hello, and Welcome to the colt before her. Fluttershy led Ever inside and sat him down “I’ll get you tea…” at first she thought he hadn’t heard her whispering and shifted uncomfortably, but Ever looked around and replied “Yeah, Tea’s fine.” Fluttershy went into the kitchen and shut the door behind her. She turned on the stove and placed the kettle. Sighing, she held her head in her hands. Fluttershy had met Ever once before when she and Rainbow dash had visited the Cloudsdale Aviary. He had been helping a friend take care of the animals for a day. He was so good with animals and his smile was so nice that Fluttershy had almost walked into Rainbow Dash since she was too busy staring to pay attention. Fluttershy had never felt way that before. Applejack of course, knew all of this. She was brought back to the real word by the hissing of the kettle. Hurriedly she poured the cups of tea and put them on a tray which she balanced on her back. As soon as she walked into the room Ever sprang from his seat and walked towards “Oh my, let me help you.” He grabbed the tray from Fluttershy. Fluttershy’s heart nearly burst out of her chest when he approached her. She took deep breaths as Ever walked to the table. “So then Ms. Fluttershy-” Evergreen set down the tray. Fluttershy quickly blurted out “Just Fluttershy is fine.” She caught herself “I mean… if you want to, that is.” Ever pet one of the many squirrels in Fluttershy’s cottage “So Fluttershy, do you take care of all these animals yourself?” Fluttershy sat down on the coach “Oh yes, they’re very well behaved so it’s not too much trouble.” She began pointing at animals “This is Fluffy, and that’s Toadstool, oh! And this is Diver…” she continued naming animals for another 10 minutes. Realizing she had been rambling, she glanced at Ever who had been sipping his tea silently the whole time. “So then…” he picked up the little dove perched on the coffee table “This is… Snowfall… right? Or is it Chirpington? Maybe THIS one was Twiddler….” Fluttershy was amazed at the fact he had been listening “No, you’re right…. It is Snowfall. Chirpington is that blue jay over there and Twiddler is the canary on your head.” Ever looked at her confused “On my… head?” he looked up and chuckled “Well hey there little guy.” Fluttershy set down her cup of tea “W-would you like to help me feed the rest of the animals?” Ever beamed “Would I! I’d love to!” Fluttershy gingerly led Ever outside to the rest of the animals in her care. Meanwhile, in the Ponyville market, Big Mac led Autumn around different shops. “Mackey!” Autumn hovered next to him “Look at all the pretty bows!” Autumn darted from shelf to shelf inside the Bow Store. “Are they really that special?” Mac looked around at the plain bows stacked around the rooms. “Of course!” she said picking up a frilly pink bow “NOW HOLD STILL~” Big Mac’s eyes widened and he tried to step back, but it was too late. Autumn had planted the bow in his hair and was on the floor laughing. “Oh Celestia! You look… so…” she burst into laughter mid-sentence. “Whatever.” Big Mac’s face reddened, but luckily it was hidden by his naturally red coat. Autumn stood up and wiped her tears “Phew… Sorry Mackey. In exchange I’ll take you to your favorite place… The Hay Hustler! It’s still your favorite food joint, right?” Mac grinned and put the bow back “Eeyup’.” Autumn settled into a seat as Big Mac went to order their food. He came back with large Hay fries, two Hay smoothies, and a large Hay pizza. “Hey, do you…” Autumn picked up a fry “…still remember that one time….” Big Mac looked up “What?” Autumn chuckled “That time when we first met… and you tried to take my bow just to mess with me?” Big Mac groaned “You don’t forget somethin’ like that…” He held his head in his hoof “You tackled me so hard, I flew into the nearest tree… I expected you to be a little weaker than most Earth Ponies since Pegasi are built for speed instead of strength… but boy was I wrong…” Autumn grinned “And do you remember what happened after that?” Big Mac tore through a slice of pizza “Of course,” Autumn beamed when he said this “Applejack stayed by my bedside for a whole month! I feel kinda’ bad, you had to stay to help with the fields while I was injured.” Autumn crushed the fry in her hoof “Right… Thank goodness Applejack was there.” She stood up and walked out the door. “Autumn!” Big Mac stood up to chase after his cousin, but when he got outside, she was gone. Not sure what else to do, he rushed back to Sweet Apple Acres. “So your name’s Charcoal?” The Cutie Mark Crusaders stared at the grey colt in front of them. “Yes…” he replied shifting his dark red tail to cover his flank “Most people just call me Char…” Scootaloo hovered close to him “Say, you don’t have a Cutie Mark do you?” Charcoal looked to the side. “Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom said aggravated “You worded it stupidly!” Sweetie Belle lightly hit them both “Quiet!” she looked at Charcoal “Sorry, we don’t mean it like that.” She turned so he could see her flank “we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we don’t have any Cutie Marks yet either!” Charcoal looked at them “Cutie Mark… Crusaders?” Apple Bloom beamed “Yeah! Do you wanna’ join!” Charcoal shifted in his seat “Gee, I don’t know… I’ve never been in a club before…” A mare, who had been introduced as their aunt Summer Oak, nuzzled Charcoal “Go ahead.” Charcoal smiled and ran outside with his new fellow Crusaders. “Have y’all…” Big Mac burst through the door panting “Seen… Autumn? Phew… that girl is faster… than a rabbit… I tell ya’…” Summer Oak nearly dropped the plate of leftovers she held “Mac? What’s happened to Autumn!?” Big Mac gulped “Nothing. Nope. Ain’t no troubles here.” Summer glared at him “BIG MAC.” Big Mac gulped and told her the entire story “-and that’s when she ran away, PleaseDontHurtMe!” Summer grabbed a frying pan in her mouth and smacked Big Mac in the face “Na’ you better give me one good reason to spare ya’! Or I might just smack yer’ brains out this time!” he winced, Aunt Summer only let the country accent she had adopted from her husband leak through when she was angry “Applejack my-” her next word was cut off by the moo of one of the farm’s cows. Big Mac stared at his Aunt. Now she had her accent and she was cursing. He let out a whimper, she was REALLY mad now. “It was Autumn ya’ twit!” he looked at her curiously “What?” She hit his head with the pan again “Autumn stayed by yer’ side ya’ good for nothing *moo!*, how could ya’ be such an insensitive *moo!* and go forgettin’ that! Grrr! Yer’ just as insensitive as yer’ *moo!* Uncle Core!” she stomped into the yard while continuing her ramblings. “Did Aunt Summer Oak just call me a-” granny took over pan duty and smacked him “Is that really all ya’ can think of now!? Ya’ idiot! Go find yer’ cousin before I use this ere’ pan again!” Big Mac winced and ran out the house to look for Autumn. Granny chuckled as she set the pan down on the table “Boy, this ere’ pan business sure is fun!”