//------------------------------// // The Birth of Equestria // Story: The chronicles of the Horsemaster // by Paradise Oasis //------------------------------// The Birth of Equestria "Keep your wits about you, young Clover." Starswirl told his young apprentice, when they had explored the darkened caverns of Miritainia. "You never know when the unexpected could lunge forth from the darkness, and be upon you before you know it!" And that was how it was, when the greatest challenge ponykind had to deal with in generations was upon Clover's generation. It came to pass that the three tribes, having settled and made a home for themselves in the land of Argyte, did hold each other in contempt and hatred. They still held grudges over what had transpired generations before, and the three tribes did only associate with each other only enough for what was needed to survive. The unicorns and the Pegasus did oppress the earth ponies most bitterly, extorting crops from the beleaguered tribe in return for raising lowering the sun and moon, and turning the seasons so that the plants could grow. "Enough! Ponykind has forgotten the messages of love and friendship I had created them with, and therefore must be cleansed from this world." The horsemaster decreed, regretting she had made this ungrateful, sinful ponies in the first place. "Therefore, I shall send a bitter cold to cleanse this world of their poison, and the other races I have mane may inherit the planet in their stead." And so, the angry B'zekre unleashed the windigoes, the great spirits of the frozen cold who destroy hatred by feeding off of it. They descended onto the land of Argyte, and brought untold misery and suffering upon the ponies. Bitter, chilling winds froze the earth ponies's crops, while snow and ice froze the unicorns in thier high palaces. And the bitter cold froze even the wings of the Pegasus, resisting all of the flying ponies’ attempts totame the suddenly wild and untamable weather. Thousands of ponies died from the freezing cold, but this only increased the tribes hatred even more. "It is the earth ponies, they are hoarding the crops!" The unicorns cried. "It's the Pegasus, they are freezing us to make us grow more food!" The earth ponies protested. "It's the unicorns, they have cursed the weather!" The Pegasus accused. And so the disagreements continued, each tribe at the others throats. Clover the clever tried to speak reason to Princess Platinum, the ruler of their tribe who had taken over after her father's death. "It is the horsemaster, who has sent this foul chill upon us!" The respected court mage declared. "We must repent of our hatred, and return to the ways of friendship!" "Great B'zekre is on the unicorn's side, for we have not abandoned her as the other tribes did!" Platinum responded angrily. "She would not freeze us for their transgressions." There were likewise voices among the Pegasus, who equally spoke of peace and harmony. "Puddinhead, we must cease this hatred amongst our fellow ponies!" Smart Cookie, a servant of the eath pony chancellor, declared to her superior. "It is the only way the alicorns will show us favor once more!" "Most exalted Commander Hurricane, why must we fight with our sister tribes?" Private Pansy, valet to the Pegasus dictator, pleaded to her mistress. "We should all band together, and try to survive!" But the three leaders only hardened their hearts, and would not listen. It was only when nine tenths of their total population had perished, that the leaders reluctantly agreed to work together. It was decided that the three tribes would migrate together, leaving the land of Argyte behind, and finding their way through the bitter cold back to the now-abandoned lands of the Penna. The trip was perilous for the tribes, with many ponies dying along the way. The weary herds could only bury their lost in the snow and keep moving, lest they were lost to the colds, too. But at last the three tribes left the cold behind them, and came to a place flowing with oats and clean water. But alas, the anger and bitterness from their old home followed them. Encamped together in the shadow of the mountain they named Canterlot, that three leaders once more began arguing over whom this new land belonged to. "This place shall be called unicornia!" Princess Platinum declared, ready to make war on the others. "We unicorns should rule!" "This place shall pe called Pegasopolis, and it shall be the Pegasus that shall call the shots!" Commander Hurricane declared, signaling to her spear ponies to stand at the ready. "We earth ponies will have to grow your food, so we should be in charge!" Puddinhead declared, ready to fight with the others. Around the shared encampment, the refugees from each tribe started to argue amongst themselves once more, and the three advisors to the leaders noticed that the snow was beginning to fall once more. "Stop, you fools!" Smart Cookie declared angrily. "Can you not see your hatred is bringing this cold down upon us!" "Behold, we have not made the journey to this new land alone!" Clover the clever declared, using her magic to make the icy horse spirits appear in the skies above them. "It is the windigoes, sent to freeze us for the folly of our hatred!" "Only by joining together in friendship, can we survive and conquer the cold chill of hatred!" Private Pansy declared defiantly, finally standing up to the blustery hurricane. "Finally seeing the error of their ways, the three leaders at last repented. Turning their hearts away from anger, they did embrace each other in friendship, and ordered the survivors of each tribe to do the same. And lo, the great fiery heart of friendship burned brightly over the refugee encampment, blazing as a beacon of the rekindled friendship of ponykind. "Great horsemaster, please forgive our evil ways, and spare ponykind from your planned destruction." Clover the Clever prayed in her heart. "Turn aside your just wrath, and show mercy on us, your beloved children." "Ponykind has turned away from their path of ignorance, and returned to the love and harmony I had intended for them." B'zekre declared, "Therefore, I shall set aside my anger, and spare these ponies from my wrath." And the great flames of friendship burned even brighter over the camp, and that fire did cause the windigoes to flee in frozen terror before it's gentle but powerful warmth. So it came to pass, that the great cold abated itself, and the warmth of the sun returned to ponykind once more. Finally agreeing to lay aside their hatred and live as one herd, the Ponies named their new home Equestria. Establishing a council of six to rule the three united tribes, they began building the great city of Canterlot as a symbol of the sisterhood of all ponykind. Thus ends the tale of Equestria's beginning.