//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: The Party // by Shaderunner //------------------------------// A roosters crow pierced the silence of the rustic barn, it’s six occupants rose up rubbing the sand from their eyes, three women (two human and one drow) , a tiefling plus a dwarf. Oric, the dwarf, rose without much complaints his stout constitution being used to far harsher conditions. He walked up to then knelt down besides the mountain of fur that was his peat bore, Chester, inspecting the wounds he received the previous day to make sure they didn’t get infected and start to fester. The heartier one of the two human female who was resting not to far away, got up stretching and popping her sore joints. She also took quite a beating the other day though not as much as her porcine friend, but was sorely feeling it this morning. Noticing Oric she walked up besides him.“ How’s the little fella?” “ Me boy’s been through worse. The wounds are closed up and everythin’ seems to be in place. A weak o’ rest and he’ll be fine.” Oric gave the bore a friendly pat on the head. “He deserves it.” She laid down besides the bore petting him as tenderly as she could. “The way you held your own out there against those lizards. Heck Tempus would have a trough just for you besides his table. “ In response the grateful creature tried to nuzzle his massive head against her with a bit of difficulty. The group spent the night on beads of hay, a fair improvement from the hard dirt of the road but still a bit of a inconvenience to the more refined member of the group, Evelyna who was now quite cross at having to pick stray strands of hay from her shoulder long raven black hair. “ Umh... How can you be so cheery. Half the hay in this barn must have found it’s way into yours.” Evelyna vented some of her frustration on Diline, the drow who was also trying to clean the white and golden mess that was now her hair and doing a considerably better job of it, in far better spirits to boot. “Just had a nice dream, that’s all.” she answered as her dexterous fingers quickly removed several pieces of hay. “ Actually, I made a new friend there.” Evelyna gave her a curious look. Most would have questioned the sanity behind those words but she had seen enough strange things, last evening included, to know better. “ Could you be less enigmatic?” “Hahaha... yes.Remember when the ponies told us how Equestria is ruled by two sisters, one by day and the other by night? Well last night we had a visit from their nightly ruler, and I was the only one who got to greet her?” As Evelyna finished cleaning her hair she gave Dilline a blank expression until finally putting it together. “ She visited you in your dreams?” “ Well she said she visited all of us but apparently I was the only one that notice her.” Diline’s lips curled up in a wide smile, as Evelyn's cheeks turned a bright read followed swiftly by the rest of her face as she turned to peek at Bram, with the corner of her eyes. The tiefling was sitting not to far from them but just out of earshot with Jerry ,his familiar, in his lap. Both of them were studying Brams spellbook preparing the day's selection of spells, oblivious to what the others were doing. “Calm down. Luna didn’t mention anything she saw in your heads, and I didn’t press the issue. Though by your reaction I can take a guess.” That didn’t calm Evelyna down to much.” Maybe the others would like to hear this too.” Dilline got up, her long white hair flowing down close to her ankles free of any hay, and called the others over telling them what she experienced last night. A brief explanation later. “ Hmm.... That’s quite an impressive feat, entering just one person's thoughts without him knowing, is quite a tiring task even for a skilled psionics user. And by what Dilline is saying princess Luna entered the thoughts of five individuals without a trace and seemed no worse for ware.” Bram was stroking his chin after hearing Dillines tale about last night, quite impressed by the night princess magical aptitude. “I wonder...” “ Ah... lad I think ye’re missing the point. The damned beastie entered our minds without any effort or consent. Now I don’t know about ye but I ain’t taking too kindly to that.” commented the rather disgruntled dwarf. “ He’s right. Remember that Night Hag covenant we had to root out.” Tula while not to concerned by this bit of information, backed up her smaller friend. Half the town’s people had been killed in their dreams by the fowle witches in that particular incident their souls captured and bartered off to devils or other bearings of the lower planes by the time they got there. “ I doubt she’d do anything like that.” Dilline pinched in walking behind a bale of hay to change into her spare set of traveling clothes Evelyna following after her. The clothes they wore the other day had been taken by Rarity so she could patch them up back at her shop. “ I got a good measure of her while we talked. She didn’t seem the type to go to such lengths.” “ Believe me Oric, I am just as upset regarding this as you are.” Said Evelina walking out from behind the bale wearing a woolen skirt with fine leather boots and stockings. A white puffy shirt with a fine leather vest and her trademark tophat.” But I can see where they are coming from. In their ‘shoes’ I might have done the same. ” Dilline also stepped out now wearing leather britches with a pair of traveling boots, a plane woolen shirt and a colorful headband wrapped around her head.” Can we just let it slide for now. No harm’s been done.” Oric Crossed his arms and thought about it for a few moments. He was wearing the same Dragonscale chainmail from the previous day having scrubbed of all the grime and blood the night before.” Bah.. Fine, I’ll let it slide. “Throwing his arms up in defeat. “Excellent, so are we all ready to go?” Evelina clapped her hands together as Bram finished putting on a spare rob. Oric and Tula looked at each other and noded in agreement, those two were wearing the same things they had on the previous day only somewhat less stained. The group was now ready to leave the barn and join the apple clan for breakfast, the invitation having been extended the previous night. As the door opened a jolly colorful wagon adorned with a myriad of bells whistles tubes and ribbons was waiting for them besides an even more jolly pink mare. She pressed a button on the wagon then began the strangest song and dance routine for a four legged animal. As the mare finished her number a hach popped open on the wagon firing a volley of confetti and balloons at the group. Bram, Evelyna and Oric were staring slack jawed at the pinket pony still trying to comprehend what they just witnessed. Dilline was also a little shocked but mostly because of the abruptness of the performance, she approached the pink pony clapping her hands. “That was wonderful. I’ve never seen a show quite like that.” the elf started to pet the pink bundle of joy. “Thank yooouuu. I’m Pinkie Pie and Ohhh.... that feels sooo nice.”She let out a satisfied sigh enjoying the alien sensation of Dilline’s hand and fingers running down her mane and neck. Evelina started regaining her composure and was approaching the marry duo.“ You must be the pony miss Sparkle sent to guide us through your lovely town.” “Uhh.... yeh. After hearing what happened yesterday I was really worried and a bit upset. The girls found new friends from out of this world and didn’t bring me with them. Still now I get spend the whole day with you guys.” Pinkie reared up on her hind legs and wrapping her forelegs around Dilline in a tight hug. The elf was a bit taken aback by this spontaneous display of affection for a moment, then quickly returned the favor. Evelina turned to her two other friends that seemed equally perplexed by the pink pony. “Wait... two. Oh gods where did Tula run off to?” A quick glance around finds the large nordic woman seated at a wooden table with Applejack and the rest of her family the later staring wide eyed at how much there guests could eat. After finishing breakfast and a few cheres of admiration to Tulas gut, the party plus Pinkie were making their way towards Ponyville discussing the day's itinerary, well not discussing more like Pinkie rambling on about what she planned for that day. “.... and at the end there’s gonna be a really big surprise, bigger than anything you might think of. Ohhhh..... I can hardly wait.” Pinkie was bouncing joyfully every few feet but just slow enough so the other five could keep up with her. Dilline was walking besides her listening and nodding at every comment, she admired the little creatures innocent spirit and was impressed by the lengths she went to ensure them a pleasant experience. “That sounds good. Will any of your friends be joining us?” At the mention of her friends Pinkie stopped in her tracks smacking a hoof to her forehead. ”Uhh... I almost forgot. Rarity said she wants you to pass by her boutique today, and Twilight wanted to have a talk with Bramie.” Bram struggled not to cringe at the sound of the new nickname he received during breakfast. “ She offered me a place to set up a workshop and she also wanted to talk about how magic works back on Toril. I’m quite interested about equestrian magic myself” Brams gaze shifts toward Evelina and after seeing the look she was giving him he quickly added “..... but fixing the qube’s my first priority.” Pinkie giggle as she started bouncing off towards town. ”Ooookkkkkeeeeyyy. First we’ll go to see Rarity and Twilight. Then you’ll get the full Ponyville experience, Pinkie Pie style.” The rest of the journey through town was relatively uneventful ignoring the stares some townsfolk were giving the party, ranging from awe and wonder to fear and worry. Pinkie was introducing them to some of the closer townsfolk and pointing out every store they passed mentioning the owner and what they dealt in. “ .... oh and that is Rarity's boutique across the street from Rose Lucks Flower shop and Mr Shining Polish’s jewelry store. Rarity is one of Mr Polish’s best customers. Uhhh.... and down the street you can see the Ponyville library, a.k.a Twilight’s fortress of solitude.heheheh” “For such a small town you do seem to have a quite a flourishing market.” Evelina playfully commented while making a mental not of all the two dozen stores they passed by since arriving in town. If this was anything to go by then Bram was not going to lack any of the reagents needed to fix that magical device.But paying for them was another thing, considering that they had none of the local coin. She turned her gaze towards the jewelry store Pinkie mentioned earlier weighing her options. “You all should go on, I’ll catch up with you at Rarity's boutique.” Evelina started to make her way towards the jewelry store just as Oric asked. “What do ya have in mind lassie?” the rest of the group just as curios. “Well, seeing as we will be staying in Ponyville for a while I was hoping to trade some of our gems, seeing we don’t have the local coin.” The others noded their approval and continued on their way. Evelina adjusted her top hat and straightened her attire before entering the store, a good first impression always helped when bartering with merchants of any kind. Walking in her gaze fell first on the shop clerk who was a middle aged stallion with a deep brown coat and a perfectly trimmed grey-silver mane and moustache. Then she quickly turned to regard the only other patron in the store and a smile cracked her lips. “Evelina darling, it is so nice to see you. I was expecting you and your friends to arrive a bit later in the afternoon.” Rarity trotted next to her acquaintance, her elegantly curled mane bouncing with each step. “Well our mutual pink friend was a bit too eager to meet with us. She seems nice though, a bit.... overenthusiastic.” Evelina chose her words carefully to not offend their guide. Rarity let out a dainty laughter at the comment.” Yes, Pinkie is something else to say the least, but the dear means well. Still my shop is further down the street, what brings you here and where are the others?” Rarity looked paste the young woman through the still open doorway in hopes of catching a glimpse or the others. “They went ahead while I came in to do a little business.” She walked in closing the door behind her. “And what business might that be, my dear?”The two ladies turned to face the shop clerk who was adjusting a pair of spectacles on his muzzle to have a better look, his steely grey eyes not as good at seeing at a distance as they used to be. “ Ah... yes. I will not take up much of your time mr Shining Polish.” Evelina walked up to the showcase managed by the stallion tipping her hat in a court bow.”I was hoping maybe you would be interested in buying some gemstones me and my companions collected on our travels.” Mr Polish stood there his steely gaze fixed on this new client, it’s intensity a bit off putting but Evelina did not let that show matching it with her own. A few moments later Mr Shine broke the staring contest with a pleased smirk.” Very well my dear I’m always eager to do business with any of miss Rarity’s friends. Let us see what you have for me. And call me Shine” Pleased with the merchants reaction, Evelina pulled out a small sack from the bag of holding hanging against her hip and neatly arranging it’s contents by quality rarity and cut. Mr Shine’s grin seemed to extend a bit as he watches her hands swiftly and delicately sort the gemstones. “I see you know your merchandise my dear. Now let us see here.”He picked up a ornate magnifying glass and began meticulously checking several choice gems on every side noting every detail, scratch, flaw or lack there of with the skill of one with years of experience in the trade. “May I?” Rarity asked as a light blue aura covered one of the precious stones, and with a nod from Evelina she levitated it closer to take a better look at it. A bright shine in her eyes as she marveled at it’s wondrous design. Finally Mr Polish put down the magnifying glas and the last stone, his brow furrowed in deep thought calculating just how much the gems were worth. “Well miss... I’m sorry I neglected to ask your name.” “Evelina Colt, It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance mr Shining.” She introduced herself with a bow of her head, the top hat not budging an inch from where it was perched. “Very well miss Colt, after examining the gems you have provided me I am willing to offer you 1000 bids for them all, I’m sure you can agree that is a fair amount.” Rarity took in a deep breath surprised at the offer made by her business associate behind the showcase, if the other stones were similar to the one she held then they should be worth quite a bit more. Before she could voice her thoughts tough Evelina squatted down eyeing several of the pieces exposed in the showcase. Mr Polish in the meanwhile was watching her with curious and somewhat amused eyes. “Rarity, Could you please tell me how much that necklace is worth?” She pointed to a lovely piece of neckwear adorned with five gemstones similar to the ones she had placed on the showcase earlier. “It sais 2200 bids my dear. But you can't be expecting to buy that?” “No, I still have a few better gems in my bag. Is the body of the piece made of silver mr Shine? And would you mind telling me how much pure silver is worth?” “Yes it is pure silver. Hmm, last time I checked it came at about 40 bits per gram.” The gem merchant was smiling impressed by the raven haired girls keen eye, and he had a idea where this conversation was going. “Hm minus the stones the piece shouldn't weigh more than 20-30 g.”Mr shine noded again as she was spot on. “Well then Mr Shine, considering all the gems I’m willing to part with you could easily make three time the amount you offered me by making more of this exact piece with this gemes alone not taking in to consideration the other base materials. I’m sure you can share a bit more of that profit with me.” Mr Shine let out a merry laugh.“No it was not a fair offer my dear, I was just having a bit of fun seeing how good your judgement is. I have to say I am impressed. Hows this sound, 1800 bids for the stones and I could use a keen eye like yours in the store.” Before Evelina could think of her answer Rarity threw her hat in the ring with a better offer.”You know, I could use some of these gems in my designs. Would you sell them for 1900 bids?” “I appreciate the job offer Mr Shine but me and my companions aren’t known for staying too long in one place, accepting your offer would be a waste of both our times.’ “Very well my dear. How's about 1950 bids for your stones.” the stallion, even if he couldn’t get the girl as a employe, still wanted the gemstones. Rarity turned her eye towards Evelina giving her the faintest notion of a sly smirk. “2100 bids!?”Apparently the white unicorn wanted to help her get the best deal she could, and Evelina had no problem with that that. “2200 is my final offer, not one more.” Mr Shine taped his hoof on the showcase to emphasise the point. While he did catch up on the young ladies game and really enjoyed the way those two worked together he still had a business to run and needed to make a profit of this purchase and about 800 bids was nothing to sneeze at. Evelina looked over to Rarity who was nodding her head in approval. “I graciously accept your offer Mr Shine.”and with that the two ladies left the jewelry store quite happy with themselves. “I have to say darling. You have quite a knack for business. Do you own a establishment back where you come from?” The fashionista asked her companion as they made their way towards her boutique. “No, not yet. I’m hoping to open a magic shop back in Silverymoon City together with Bram. That is actually the reason why I started on the path of an adventure.” Evelyna answered in a cheerful tone. “Ohhh... So you travel the world together with your friends in hopes of finding your fortune and starting up your own business. That must be so exciting, seeing new exotic places finding mountains of jewels and gold in intrepid adventures with strange and mysterious characters.” Rarity trailed off her eyes gazing into the distance imagining scenes from the collection of Saddle Arabian romance novels she had on the bookshelf in her room. Evelina looked at the daydreaming ponie not sure if she should dash her fantasies with the truth or not. Her life since she left home was anything but that, the hardships of the open road were quite strenuous weeks passing until she could rest in a proper bead. And the untold horrors and monsters of the world plus the power hungry madmen and women who’d do anything to increase their lot in life at the expense of otheres. “Yes. Well I was hoping to retire from that life after our last endeavor, buy a store in the city and practice my craft. I am quite an accomplished alchemist and Bram is a skilled enchanter. We could have made quite a profit together selling my potions and elixirs together with his wondrous items. Unfortunately fate had other plans.” “That is a shame, would you consider opening shop in Ponyville?” “The thought had crossed my mind but no. Most of the resources I gathered for that project are still on Faerun. And now that the shock from when we first realised our predicament has past I can say with certainty that if anyone can bring us home that would be Bram. He’s the one who enchanted this and some of the equipment the others are wearing.” She patted the bag hanging against her left hip. “I have been meaning to ask you about your saddlebag my dear. However did you manage to hide all those bids plus the gemstones Mr Shine cut for me in that little thing?” Rarity asked the question plaguing her mind since she saw Evelina store that huge pile of bits into such a small place. “I am a little fuzzy on the details on how it works. Bram said it can store up to about 20 cubic meters(about 70 cubic ft) or just over 200 kilograms (500 lbs).” Evelina opened the bag as they walked revealing what seemed to be a bottomless black pit. “Uhm.. Sow your telling me that it’s inside is much larger than the outside.” Rarity was trying to peer into the dark empty void of the sack.” How do you find anything in there?” Evelina closed the bag and opened it again to reveal the gleaming pile of golden coins she just received from Mr Shine plus the sack of gems she offered to carry for her new friend.”You can divide it into compartments that store specific items. What you’ve seen earlier was the remaining empty space.” “Do you think Bram could make me one of those. Applejacks birthday is coming up and this would be the perfect gift for her, I would lighten her transit from the farm to the market quite a bit.” “These are not cheap items to make but I’ll have a talk with him, he likes to work on several projects at once so this won’t derail his work on the cube to much. We’ll only charge you for the base materials.” “No need for that. I am more then willing to pay you full price.” Evelina thought back at the sum they had to spend for Bram to make his and her bags, it was over 5000 pieces of gold. Normally she’d have no problem with charging someone more than the market price, business was business, but she wanted to keep good relations with the ponies and a bit of generosity would help a lot in that. “We’d best talk about this later after I get a better grasp of the market and can figure out a base price.” “I’ll keep you to that. Well we have arrived.” They stood before an elaborately decorated building with lovely carvings of pony silhouettes on the walls, elaborately designed large windows and a wide plac above the front door with the words “Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic unique and magnifique.” written in a flowing elaborate hand. Entering the shop they were greeted by the doorbell and the joyful laughter of a small child. Pinkie and a small white filly with a purple and pink mane and tail were sitting on the floor and enjoying the show of Dilline juggling 3 daggers two balls and a bowling pin. The two spectators were at a safe four meters away from the juggling drow. “Eveline, I see you found our hostess. How did it go?” Dilline was slowly but surely making her way towards the newly arrived duo. “Can I get a hand please?” Before Evelina could answer she threw the bowling pin towards her friend which caused Rarity to let out a startled yelp. Evelina caught the projectile without missing a beat, the two had practice a series of routines like this to use as an excuse for infiltrate several questionable organizations as entertainers.”Dilline please try not to scare our hostess, after all she did helped get quite a profitable deal on the gemstones.” She caught the two balls that Dilline threw and was now juggling them like a well trained jester. Dilline stopped juggling the daggers and was now hidden them two in her boots and one under her shirt. “Sorry, I just wanted a flashy finaley?” “A well no harm done.... Wait where’s Bram?” Evelina asked after realising that only three of her four friends were present. “Ohh... After you left us we ran into Twilight on the way here and she took Bramie with her to the library. I said it was alright as long as she brought him back by tonight .” Pinkie quickly pitched in. Evelina wasn’t sure what to make of that, she didn’t want them to separate too much apart, then again Bram wasn't Tula or Dilline, how much trouble could he get in to.