//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Spike the Dragon: A Tale of Redwall // by Redwallfan2000 //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Meeting the Long Patrol Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Spike were walking in the woods. They had been traveling ever sense. They had no map, nothing to guide them to where Redwall Abbey would be. Twilight Sparkle knew Spike better than any other pony had known him. The fact he sounded very worried was something she wanted to find out. Still the knowledge that a new castle and land that was surrounded in rumor being found excited her. She wasn't the only pony who was excited. Rainbow Dash herself was excited "This is going to be the greatest adventure ever!" the Cyan Pegasus reports "Just imagine, a whole new land that no pony has ever discovered! And we're about to discover it!" Princess Twilight Sparkle agrees "Yeah, and when we get there if it's real, I'd like to see it's history!" Spike smiles "Just sounds like you Princess Twilight!" The Princess walks a bit more "Man I just hope this Redwall place exsists." "It has to be" Spike said "Otherwise, why would I dream of this Redwall place." "Good point" Rainbow Dash admitted. Twilight walks ahead "I wonder what sort of ponies live at this Redwall place. Oh that place should have a lot of history and I'd love to read all of that!" As the three are walking or flying in Rainbow Dash's case, they leave Ponyville behind. As they are walking towards an open wood area. They hear the sound of something stalking them. Spike looks around "Any pony feel that?" Princess Twilight did feel something "Yes, I do Spike." Rainbow Dash watches as they were surrounded by River rats whom were just as big as they were, and all carrying ether swords, or spears. Rainbow Dash blinked "Uh...Princess Twilight..." Princess Twilight sees this as well "Fluttershy isn't going to like this." A river rat makes his way towards them "Tonight we take our captives mate!" "You'll try!" Rainbow Dash shouted. The river rat gang laughed with the river rat that had spoke earlier speaking up once again "We out number you! You are no threat to us." "They might not be a match to you but how about facing against a group of true warriors!" a new voice sounded "Long Patrol...Charge! Eeulia! Give em blood and vingar mates!" What happened next over threw Princess Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike. Hares armed to the teeth with every kind of weapon imaginable rushed in to aide them. The hares wore bright red military tunics and completely took the River rats by surprise as three of them fell to javelins that were expertly thrown by the hares. This surprise attack caused the River Rat leader to shout "Retreat mates! We've wandered too far!" The River Rats ran away with an older but still young hare shouting "Don't come back here you vermin! Or I Captain Joshua Saberpaw and me Long patrol will run you down!" Princess Twilight approaches the Hare "Thanks for coming to rescue us!" The hare turns to her surprised in seeing such a beautiful horse with both wings and horn. He turns to her "You're welcome fair maiden." The hare now bows to her respecting her not even suspecting that she was a Princess "Captain Joshua Saberpaw at ya service!" Twilight Sparkle introduces herself now "Pleasure to meet you Joshua. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle." The hare blinks at this "Princess? Well I'll be!" He eyes the other hares whom along with their captain bow to her "Then it was an honor for us to spring into action to save ya Princess Twilight!" Princess Twilight blinked at this, these hares she had just met were now treating her like most of the other ponies that visited Ponyville "Thanks again Captain...Now let me introduce my friends here, Rainbow Dash and Spike." Rainbow Dash salutes the Hare "What's up?" Spike waves to the hare "Hello." "Nice to meet you all" Joshua said "So...What brings you to Salamandastron's cost?" Spike thinks about it as Twilight asked "Salmandastron?" Joshua answered her as he points behind him towards a huge mountain "This is Salmandastron. Home of the mighty Badger Lords and us Long Patrol." "Long Patrol?" Spike asked "As in you and the other hares under your command?" "That's right me bucko!" Joshua said "Now if I may, let me show you to Lord Angus!" The three are kindly escorted to see a tall badger looking out at the sea. His white stripped face seemed to be peering out. The badger heard footpaws and hoof beats coming up and turns to see the hare "Welcome back Captain." "Thanks my lord" Joshua told him "I've brought you some visitors we've saved..." At his words Princess Twilight, Spike and Rainbow Dash advance. The Badger Lord turns seeing them "Welcome friends, Salamandastron is always opened to peaceful visitors. I am Lord Angus the Badger Lord and leader of all Salamandastron. Who are you?" "I'm Rainbow Dash, sir!" Rainbow Dash said bowing to the Badger Lord for once clearly not wanting to feel the wrath of such a big and powerful creature. Spike introduced himself as well "I'm Spike!" Princess Twilight bows to him showing him respect "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle." Seeing another creature that was a Princess the tall and powerful Badger Lord bows back "Pleasure to meet you. So what brings you to my mountain?" Spike looks at Joshua and the Badger Lord "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and I come from a place in Equestria called Ponyville. Anyway just last night I had a dream. One where I saw a mouse in armor." Rainbow Dash sighs whispering to Twilight "They might think he's nuts!" "Hold on Rainbow" Twilight told her friend watching the Hares and the Badger Lord seemed interested in Spike's explanation "They don't seem to be ignoring this." "I see" Joshua said to Spike "A mouse in armor appeared in your dream...Did he have a sword?" "He did!" Spike said "Anyway I saw a dark cloud coming over to this red stone castle. Then this warrior mouse appeared telling me that only Twilight, and Rainbow Dash could join me to find this red stone castle and warn them of the danger." "We aren't too sure of what danger Spike seen in his dream" Twilight told the hares of the Long Patrol and the Badger Lord, but Rainbow and I are willing to help Spike warn them...Have you heard of this red stone castle and this mouse Spike saw?" Lord Angus answered "We do, what your dragon friend had seen in his dream was no other than Martin the Warrior. A Warrior mouse-" "From Salamandastron?" Rainbow Dash kindly interrupted "Because if he was, then this shall be great!" Captain Joshua answered her chuckling "Gotta real good hi-ho attitude for a lovely maiden Rainbow Dash, but no Martin the Warrior wasn't a warrior from Salmandastron although I myself wish he was." "Then where is this Martin?" Spike asked "And why can't he warn this red stone castle?" "That red stone castle is where Martin helped to build and protect" Lord Angus said "And that place does exist." "Really?" Twilight, Rainbow and Spike asked "What is it called?" "It's called Redwall Abbey" Joshua said "The most peaceful place in Mossflower Country." Spike then asked "Uh, if Martin lives at Redwall Abbey, how'd he appear in my dream?" Joshua answered once again "Why Martin doesn't live any more. He died many, many seasons ago. He might be dead but many good beast such as yourself has seen Martin the Warrior's spirit in their dreams. Most of the cases though he appears in mostly the Redwaller's dreams. There are quite a few cases where he doesn't but he generally appears in the dreams of the Redwallers." Twilight Sparkle then asks Lord Angus "Do you know where this Redwall Abbey is? We've gotta warn them of this danger that's approaching them." Lord Angus nods "Sure we do, but I wouldn't set out of Salmandestron at night. Captain Joshua!" "Yes, my lord?" Joshua asked. Lord Angus eyes the hare "You'll take and command three score of our men with you to occupy Princess Twilight and her friends to Redwall Abbey once morning rises. If danger is approaching Redwall Abbey, we must come to their aide." "Right!" Joshua said. Twilight Sparkle looks outside and sees the Badger Lord's point of view. They had nearly been captured by a Rat gang, had the Long Patrol not shown up...She didn't want to think about it. She turns to her friends agreeing with the Badger Lord "We spend our first night here." The Princess, Spike and Rainbow Dash prepare to sleep in Salmandestron for the night. *end of chapter*