//------------------------------// // A Sweat Surprise // Story: My life // by Najee_uzimaki //------------------------------// During my dream I feel something warm blowing against my neck. I slowly open my eyes and find that Sunshower is in my face. I jump back. “Ahh. W-what are you doing?” I ask, as I see Sunshower jump back also. “U-um. Nothing. I was just waking up and I somehow ended up laying over top of you” She started to blush. “Um... Okay...” I was still waking up and I did not know how to react to what just happened. “I-I'm sorry I will make you some breakfast, if you'd like” I shook my head. “I'm sorry it is to late for that. I have to head off to work” I get up and head for the shower. When I turn back I see Sunshower was not there anymore. I think she wanted to make me something anyway. Sigh. That pony can be really modest at times. *** When I get out the shower the smell of pancakes and eggs touches my mussel. I look at the clock. 10:40 am. I will be lucky to make it in at 11:00. I sigh, and go downstairs. When I reach the kitchen I see Sunshower placing my food on the table. “Hehe, I beat the time, now sit down and eat...Please” She blushes a little bit. “Um. I told you, you did not have to do this, hehe, I am flattered, really.” She started to get more aggressive. “Look, Eric, Please sit down and eat, I spent a lot of time making you this and if you don't eat I would feel like I did not accompany you in your time of need” She sighs and falls into my arms dramatically. I sighed and sat down. “Oh, your so sweet” She said hugging me. I slowly pushed her away. “Ugh, yeah, I am sweet” I said rolling my eyes. The food was quite good. The best part about it was the eggs, they were delicious. After I ate, I looked at the time. It was 10:50. Yes. I might make it before 11:00! I packed up my saddle and headed out my house. *** “I was about to think yer wont make it in time” Applejack said. “I am sorry, I just have this really modest friend living at my house” Applejack smiled. “Is it a stallion friend?” She raised her eyebrows in a sarcastic way. “Or a mare?” She bumped me with her flank. “N-no not like that” I felt my face getting hot. “J-just friends” I said blushing and looking down at the ground. “Mmm hm. Just friends, and I reckon that she lives there with ya cause yall are just friends” She quoted the last part. I ignored her and went back to making pies. My brain kept thinking on what it would be like to date Sunshower. They were sweet thoughts. Wait, what am I saying, I do not like her. I sighed and continued my work. *** When I got home again, the smell of food touched my mussel. It smelled really good. Like rice, or, fried apples, or even apple pie! I rushed into the kitchen and to my surprise I found Sunshower sitting on the ground crying. My body froze up and before she noticed me I turned around and walked back out. I did not know what to do in this kind of situation. I panicked. I tried to go back inside to comfort her but my body just wouldn't let me do it. So I turned around and went to do something else. I walked around for about ten minutes. “She should be okay right now...I hope” On my way toward the house, I notice a pink pony pouncing toward me. Oh no, Pinkie pie, the most annoying pony of all time! I quickly turned around and walked away trying not to make me seem rude. She started to get closer, and closer. I started to run, no sprint. She just kept coming. I was all out of breath, I looked back for one last time, and to my luck she turned around the corner. “Few I almost thought I was got” I sighed. “Got from what?” A squeaky voice said from behind me. It was pinkie pie. I screamed and jumped backwards. “Ahh, pinkie you scared me” I said nearly on the verge of a heart attack. The pink pony smiled at me and hugged me. “Hello Eric!” Eric? She knows my name? How? “Um, pinkie how do you know my name?” She whinnied. “Well duh, I know everypony in ponyville, I have to so I can be friends with everypony!” I rolled my eyes. “Whatever...What did you want anyway?” Pinkies face lit up. “Oh yeah, I came here for....” She looked back at a piece of paper she obviously needed to help her remember things. “Oh, yeah that is right, a mare pony named Sunshower is looking for you. She would have searched the entire world of equestria but I stop to help her out” I paused for a minute. She was looking for me? I wonder why? “Um, where is she now pinkie pie?” She smiled. “She is at your house silly!” I thanked her, and walked off. She yelled back a 'Your welcome' then turned around and trotted away. As I got to the house, I noticed that the door was opened. When I go into the house I was welcomed with a hug. “I missed you so much! Are you okay? You did not come home at the right time so I got a little worried” “Um, yeah I am okay, just had to work over-time” I tried to force a smile. Sunshower looked like she knew I was lying, but still went along with it. “Good. I hope that pay check is bigger than ever!” She then realizes that she had cooked some food. “Oh are you hungry? I made you something!” She said while dragging me into the room. “Um. Sure I guess” The food was great! There was fruit, rice, and even oatmeal! I loved the oatmeal. I also noticed that she tried harder this time then the few other times. “Wow you really out did yourself on this one” I said as I finished my rice. She blushed and turned her head. “Well, duh, I love yo—I mean I love to cook for you so yeah...” She blushed even harder. “Well, thanks” I said smiling brightly. I looked down and I was holding her hoof. I pulled away as fast as I could. “Um. I am going to be upstairs, taking a shower...” I walked upstairs and as I looked down, I could see Sunshowers face turn from happy to sad. I did not really want to make a scene about it so I kept going. *** After I got out of the shower and went into my bedroom, I noticed that Sunshower was already in the bed sleeping. I have gotten so use to her doing this it did not even bother me anymore. So I pulled back the sheets, slowly got into the bed, and went to sleep. The next day I was woken by something really mussy and soft touching my muzzle. I tried to get off but it just would not move. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the Sunshower had rolled over on me, cuddling me. It was cute in a way, but creepy in another. I slowly moved her back leg away from mine, then slowly pushed myself away from her cuddling grip. As I got up I sighed, then looked over at Sunshower. “Man she out did herself yesterday, to the point where she cannot even make breakfast for me” I said slightly giggling. I went downstairs to get me a quick snack, and head off to work. Applejack was not the pony to mess with on a bad day. I figured that out the hard way, when she nearly bucked me in my face for asking her how her day was. I did not know why she was sad or mad today, but I knew to stay a far distance. I did not see her after about five minutes, so I clocked in and began to work. After about twenty minutes I heard some loud, angry hoof-steps coming my way. Damn. It was AJ. “Eric?! How many pies did you make today?” She asked me in a angry tone. “Well, only three. I did---” “Three?!” She said cutting me off. “Why only three? Yall have been here for twenty-five minutes and only made three pies!” She was really angry at this point. I actually thought she was going to buck me this time. “W-well it does take a while to bake a apple pie. So I ju---” “I know that! Yall think I dont know that?” She said interrupting me again. “I showed you how to cook, dont try n tell me how things work! Just do yer job and stay on task. Dont nopony got time for that!” she said storming off. It took me a while to figure out what just happened. When I did, I just continued my work. After about two hours of baking pies. I over-heard Big Mac, and Granny Smith talking in the room right beside the kitchen. The room, was not that big in the first place so even with the door closed and the stove on. I could hear them loud and clear. “Do you have any idea why Applejack is mad?” GrannySmith asked Big Mac. “Nope” he replied. “Well, I hope it is not because of that thing that happened five years ago.” I stopped what I was doing and put my ear to the wall. What happened five years ago? And was it that bad to make her be like this? “Well, if she is still mad about that. It was not her fault. She shouldn't be mad about it anymore. Its all in the past. We all forgave her.” Forgave her? For what? I had to hear more. It was getting so interesting! “Eeyup” Big Mac replied. There was a long pause, when grannysmith finally spoke again. “I just hope that one day she can find forgiveness for herself...” “Eeyup” Big Mac replied, with a sad tone. “I think she will be okay, I have to go and get some wood for the ponys who need it. I will talk to you later GrannySmith.” Wow! That was the most I ever heard Big Mac say. I actually didnt know he could say more words. But what was this thing that AppleJack did? I wanted to ask her about it, but I couldn't because she would kill me. If I tried to ask grannysmith or big mac, they would think that I was ease dropping and get mad at me. I sighed. “Welp. Time to get back to work” I said still thinking about what just happened. “I got the feeling I will hear more about it anyway.”