The chronicles of the Horsemaster

by Paradise Oasis

Love and War

Love and War

And it came to pass, that four generations following the lifetime of the first alicorn, the three tribes were at peace. Despite the misguided faith of the majority, ponykind did live in harmony. Both with each other, and the other races that surrounded them. The terrible day came, however, that the crystal ponies of the north came under trouble most dire. For whilst exploring the caves of their northern home, the crystal ponies did awaken a slumbering dragon, Basil the mighty, guarding his hoard. Not at all pleased to discover his new neighbors, the dragon took notice how much their crystalline bodies resembled the gemstones he so coveted, and so Basil began to take them.

"Help us, our sisters!" The crystal ponies cried out in their agony. "For we shall surely be destroyed by this beast if something is not done!"

And so after hearing the words of a royal pony seer, the three tribes decided to send Princess Golden Dream to aid their northern kinsfolk. The proud daughter of the Pegasus queen, the youthful mare trudged through the bitter cold towards the Crystal Empire, and was greeted warmly by the crystal ponies. Now, not having yet discovered it special talent, it had been hoped by both the mare and her family that this adventure would point the princess towards her proper path, as well as help save the lives of the poor ponies of the north. And so one of the Crystal ponies guided the frightened yet determined mare towards Basil's cave, and she gazed upon the terrifying wyrm for the first time.

"Great dragon, I am here to tame you!" The princess declared. "So that you will leave my northern sisters in peace!"

Despite her obvious intentions to free the ponies he considered a part of his hoard, the amused dragon tolerated her presence for a time. Alas, all of her threats, pleas, and attempts to bargain fell upon deaf ears, and she found herself unable to convince the greedy dragon to free the crystal ponies. After several hours, the mighty Basil grew weary of the pony's words, and wished her gone from his cave. Standing up and flexing his wings, the dragon shot fire from his nose.

"Begone from my home, little pony." Basil declared menacingly. "Or I shall most certainly destroy you in a hail of fire!"

But the princess was determined, and would not let the dragon drive her away. Suddenly, Golden Dream's body began to glow, and like the mighty Rosetta before her, the princess was changed. Not only did the blue mare add a unicorn's horn to her set of glorious wings, but a fiery heart, a symbol of her unyielding courage, emblazoned itself on her flank. Princess Golden Dream had become the second alicorn sent by B'zekre, and now stood more determined than ever to end this.

"Now, mighty Basil! You shall free my kinsponies!" The alicorn declared, looking back at the terrified crystal ponies amongst the dragon's hoard pile. "Or it shall be you who shall most certainly be destroyed!"

As so a great battle ensued, between the magical might of the alicorn, and the fiery power of the dragon. It looked like many times that Golden Dream's newfound magic would fail her, allowing the dragon to emerge the victor, but a powerful blast from her horn knocked the beast back, finally forcing him to yield. Forced to admit defeat, the dragon finally released his frightened captives.

"Now, do I have your word, that you will bother these ponies no more?" Princess Golden Dream asked, glaring at her felled foe menacingly.

"Indeed, and to seal my oath, I shall even give you a token of my sincerity." The dragon replied, reaching back into his treasure pile with his claw.

And from the amassed treasure, Basil retrieved a large crystal, which Golden Dream found she could see her reflection in. After much studying of the gemstone, the alicorn did discover that the crystal could charge up and react to the emotions of a group of ponies. Struck by an idea, the princess used her alicorn magic to carve the crystal into the shape of a heart. Presenting it to the ponies of the Crystal Empire, the alicorn declared;

"Charged by your loved, this crystal heart shall protect you from the dragon, or any other threat which may challenge you!"

Deeply grateful for the alicorn's princess's actions, the ponies of the north started the annual crystal fair, in commemoration of her heroic deeds. Princess Golden Dream then made her way home, where the three tribes held a great feat in honor of her success. The Pegasus were overjoyed that another alicorn had come to them from their own tribe, and this time a royal princess who would rule over them. And when the time came for Golden Dream to inherit the throne, the winged ponies showed the greatest love and reverence for this great pony who had brought them so much joy.

But after many years of just rule, the Tirac saw his chance to once again bring misery to B'zekre's children. During a diplomatic visit from the earth pony royal family, the spirit of evil placed a desire for the alicorn princess in the heart of Prince Blue Dream, the stallion who had recently inherited the earth pony throne. Upon his first sight of the beautiful mare, Blue Dream could think of nothing but her flowing golden mane. It was then and there that the stallion was determined to possess her, no matter what it took.

"I must have this mare as my bride." the stallion cried in agony. "Or I shall most assuredly die."

But alas, the mare noticed him not. Despite all of his honey-filled words and sweet gifts, she was too busy to notice his attentions. Caught in the pains of desire, the prince decided to resort to desperate measures. Reaching into the few penna treasures the earth ponies had brought with them, Prince Blue Dream found the recipe for what he thought was a love potion. Preparing the mixture, Blue Dream set about winning what he felt was his true love. During one of his courtship visits, the blue stallion did slip the potion into her dirk, and the two ponies gazed deeply into each others eyes.

At first, the two kingdoms were overjoyed at the union of prince and princess. But soon, it became apparent that the two ponies only had eyes for each other. The very Pegasus and earth pony kingdoms began to crumble, as royal duties were neglected. Chaos reigned in both kingdoms, as the two royal only stared into each others eyes longingly. Blue Dream would kiss her tenderly, making the alicorn's heart light up with a glow that shown through her very chest. But far worse was in store for the two pony kingdoms, as Basil soon got word of the chaos in the land of Argyte.

Having grown angry over time at the way the alicorn had handled him, the dragon thirsted for revenge. Although his dragon honor-sworn oath forbade him from attacking the empire and retaking his crystal, Basil had no qualms about taking revenge on Golden Dream's own kingdom. And so the dragon flew his way south, setting pony rooftops ablaze, and scattering both Pegasus and earth pony alike in terror. Basil ravaged the two kingdoms, stripping them over every jewel and precious gemstone he could find, before finally flying away, his rage at last abated. The traumatized ponies looked around at the ruins, and realized that something had to be done.

"Our rulers have betrayed us with their love." They told themselves, both earth pony and Pegasus. "Let us rid ourselves of the ponies who caused us so much grief."

And so, the assassins crept into the alicorn's palace, and came upon the gazing lovers without their notice. No resistance was given had they plunged their spears into the two ponies’ hearts, and they dropped over in death. The plotters, feeling somewhat guilty over their actions, buried the couple in the palace garden. In vain the assassins searched for Princess Skyla, the little filly who was the royal heir, but they found her not. The alicorn's loyal crystal pony retainers had spirited the foal away to the Crystal empire, where she would one day become their very first Crystal Princess.

After the brutal murder of their monarchs, the earth ponies became a republic, and the Pegasus kingdom became a military dictatorship. Only in the unicorn royal line, who had remained loyal to the teachings of the horsemaster, did the bloodline of Queen Sunsparkle not fail. Both of the tribes blamed each other and the unicorns, whom they both accused of secretly casing the whole mess with a magical plot, and enmity began to brew between all three types of ponies. This enmity would lead to a hatred that would poison the harmony of ponykind, and bring on the mightiest blizzard this world had ever seen.