//------------------------------// // Assitant // Story: Awakening // by Silver Scrolls //------------------------------// Twilight and Spike sat in Rainbow’s living room looking at eachother but unsure of what to say. On one side sat Spike, guilt over running away and never visiting causing his eyes to flit about the room, desperate for something to look at beside Twilight. The other side of the room was occupied by Twilight, lower lip quivering as she took slow deep breaths in an attempt to keep herself from breaking out in tears again. Spike was the first one to break the silence. Tentatively he spoke up, his voice cracking slightly as he scratched the back of his head with a claw. “I’m sorry Twi, I should have been there for you like Rainbow. I shouldn’t have run away from...well you and everything else that was here.” Twilight took a second to respond as her mind rebooted and she registered somepony had spoken. “What, no Spike. It’s fine, you must have been really hurt and scared by what happened.” Twilight paused and chewed her lip. “I made a promise to you and then I got hurt and broke it. You were scared and hurt and I bet you didn’t think there was anything here for you. I can’t blame you for running away, I don’t blame anyone else for running away so why would I blame you for doing it.” Twilight took a shuddering breath and started to cry a little. “What happened was horrible and you are still young, er were, and didn’t know what to do. You and me, we have never been good with emotions.” Spike rose from the chair he was in and paused before crossing the room. Gingerly he sat next to the weeping unicorn and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s okay Twilight. You came back and everyone has come home to see you again. Life is moving forward and we have each other again and that’s all I have wanted for the last eight years.” Spike held Twilight tight as his tears began. “Your back that’s what matters right now. Your back...” Spike trailed off as he he buried his face in Twilight’s mane and cried with her. Twilight shifted and pulled spike closer in a hug of her own and together they cried themselves to sleep. Rainbow Dash poked her head into the living room when she noticed the lack of talking or crying, her brow furrowed slightly. Her muzzle split into a toothy smile and she chuckled lightly. “She looks like one of those giant dolls you get at a carnival in his arms.” Quietly she crossed the room and pulled a blanket from the closet. Turning back she couldn't help but shake her head, Twilight had curled up in Spike’s lap like a cat, her chest and forelegs on his lap and the rest of her on the couch. Placing the blanket carefully over Spike’s shoulders she tucked the blanket around them awkwardly and kissed Twilight on the forehead before sneaking out again. ~ ~ ~ Spike woke up first to find Twilight curled up on his chest like a cat sleeping quite contently, he gently ran a claw threw her mane remembering how he used to sleep on Twilight’s back before her accident. His eyes teared up as his thoughts drifted back to the day that had haunted him for the last eight years of his, the day he lost his sister, his mother. ~ ~ ~ “Twilight, is she alright? Applejack, Rainbow Dash are they okay?” Spike stood in the waiting room of the hospital looking up at a hysteric Rarity. He had seen the cloud from the library all the way over at Fluttershy’s cottage and taken off as fast as he could. When he found that the library was toppled and Applejack, Twilight and Rainbow had been sent to the hospital he took off at speeds that would have impressed Rainbow Dash. He met Rarity there and she had scooped him up in a massive hug. Usually this would have sent him to cloud nine but not today, the hug felt different. It felt sad, like she wanted to protect him from something. “Spike dear, it’s... it’s “ Rarity couldn’t finish and broke into tears and grabbed him in a tight hug again. He couldn’t remember ever seeing Rarity like this before, and he knew it meant something was terribly awry. He watched Fluttershy walk in and approach a doctor coming out of the ICU. Spike wasn’t sure what was going on or what was being said but watching Fluttershy slide to the floor and curl up, her body shaking uncontrollably sent shivers up his spine. After a moment the butter colored pegasus rose to her hooves shakily, swaying slightly in place before her vacant eyes fixed on Rarity and Spike. With halting, shaky steps she stumbled over towards them, knocking into things with soft thuds as she stumbled unaware of her surroundings. When Fluttershy reached Spike and Rarity she slowly picked her hoof up and paused. Looking at for a second she looked almost confused then reached towards Rarity before collapsing as large sobs shook her wings. She wasn’t making any noise just shaking with hard sobs into the floor, curling into a tighter and tighter ball. Spike stared wordlessly at Fluttershy for a moment before panic set in and he tore away from Rarity. He tore across the floor towards the doctor who had his head hung low and grabbed his coat. “SOMEPONY TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LIBRARY?! WHERE’S TWILIGHT AND APPLEJACK, RAINBOW DASH?! SOMEPONY, anypony tell me what’s going on.” He trailed off towards the end, his legs sliding behind him as he hung from the doctors shirt, tears trailing down his cheeks. The doctor gently wrapped a hoof around Spike and lifted him slightly while turning To Rarity and Fluttershy. “Would you two please come with me, I think we need to talk.” He pulled Spike loose and shifted him onto his back where he sat with a vacant stare. “If you have any other friends who should be informed I can send a nurse for them.” Rarity looked at the doctor and told him Pinkie down at Sugarcube Corner should be brought in. “Alright.” he motioned to the nurse at the reception desk and whispered to her to send a message. “While we wait for her would you two please follow me to my office where we can talk in private.” Rarity nudged Fluttershy a few times before wedging her head under a wing and helping her to her feet. Fluttershy leaned heavily against Rarity who had her lips set in a determined line. Passing close to the doctor she gently plucked Spike from his back and moved him to her back. They walked down the hall a short ways before entering a small office. Nondescript with a potted plant in the corner Spike could remember how he fixated on the picture that sat in the corner of the desk. A foal sitting next to it’s mother with a happy smile on his face and not a care in the world. It was a good fifteen minutes before Pinkie arrived. Her mane was flat and her trademark smile was absent. With a subdued air about her she pulled a chair out and looked over to Spike, an eerie tear trailed down her cheek. Spike knew about her Pinkie sense and watching her enter and the tear cause his chest to tighten in fear and his eyes moved to look at the doctor who cleared his throat gently. “So...there was a lab accident at the library, the details are still unclear as to what exactly happened but...your three friends...they were...caught up in it,” the doctor paused and pulled out a box of tissues. “and there’s no easy way to say this but...Twilight is in a coma. Rainbow Dash is going to lose at least one wing and her other one doesn’t look good. Applejack is currently in a coma and in critical condition.” He paused to let it sink in, he had a small tear in one eye. “Hey doc what’s a coma?” Spike looked at the doctor with a worried look, the first thing he had said since his breakdown in the waiting room. His voice was calm and collected but his eyes were brimming with tears. Part of him knew what was happening but his mind was trying to deny it. “Well it’s a little like sleeping,” the doctor paused for a second trying to think of how to explain it. “but instead of getting up in the morning they won’t. There is no way to determine if they will wake up at any point in time. They may stay that way till they day or they might wake up in a week.” Spike looked at the doctor. “So she’s gonna be okay. Twilight and Applejack will be okay.” Even though he was considered young he was as old as any of the younger ponies in the room. He was a tad bit more innocent for sure but the looks he got told him everything he needed to know. There was no need for them to answer as Spike slouched over and pulled into a small ball looking up at the doctor. “I take it that’s not the case, is it?” He looked at every pony around him, each one looked like they wanted nothing more than for him to be right. “NO, TWILIGHT WILL BE FINE. SHE WOULDN’T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS, SHE PROMISED ME.” Every ounce of Spike didn’t want to believe it but he knew that it was true. Raising unsteadily to his feet he looked around at all of them. “She promised.” “Spike she doesn’t want to but she has no choice in this matter. It isn’t her fault this has happened, all we can do right now is pray for every pony involved. I know you love her but there is nothing any pony can do, she will wake up when she does.” Rarity had finally composed herself and was holding the sobbing Fluttershy while she talked gently to Spike. “It’s going to be hard but you must know she is not abandoning you in any way. I won’t say she will be come back but she isn’t doing this to hurt you. She wouldn’t do that and you know it.” She pulled Spike in and wrapped a hoof around him. “We can’t let you guys visit them today but you should be able to visit Applejack and Twilight tomorrow. Rainbow Dash will need more time, we will let you know when she is ready.” Doctor Horse stood up and opened the door to his office. “I am so sorry about what has happened and we are doing everything we can, if you need anything let us know.” Rarity held Spike and gently led Fluttershy out of the office and they went to the Carousel Boutique to wait for tomorrow. ~ ~ ~ Spike’s thoughts returned to the present and he stared at Twilight gently sleeping on his chest. “I am so sorry that I never visited any of you. I am sorry that I ran away. It was foolish of me to think that running away would make the problem go away. It never stopped hurting no matter what I did.” Spike watched as Twilight slowly woke up as he stroked her mane. “Spike,mmm,” Twilight paused and leaned into the gentle stroking, “I missed you. I was so afraid you were gone forever. When I woke up and things started to make sense again the Princess told me that you were okay and she could deliver a message for me but I was too afraid to. I’m so sorry I didn’t send you a message sooner but I was so afraid of what you thought of me. I promised you I wouldn’t leave and then I...” Twilight paused and fidgeted a little and then continued. “I hope you can forgive me.” Twilight turned her sleepy eyes up towards Spikes face and a dark streak ran down her cheek and dropped onto Spike’s leg. Spike’s lips curled upward as he ran a hand over her poll and ruffled her mane. “I forgive you, I did that years ago.” Twilight’s eyes shot open and she slipped off his chest. “Oh Sweet Celestia were, what?” She looked at Spike and her face turned white as she woke up completely and realized how she had been sleeping. Spike smiled at her and sat up.“Sorry. You were half asleep and I have found that you usually forget to filter your thoughts on their way to your mouth when you're sleepy. I find that listening to you during that time works in my favor.” Spike leaned down and scooped her up and placed her gently in her wheelchair. “Plus you just looked so adorable sleeping on my chest like that, like a reversal of our roles.” Twilight found herself giggling slightly at Spike. “You have grown so much Spike, I remember you so much smaller. I used to scoop you up and carry you around on my back, we really have reversed our positions haven’t we.” Twilight looked around and her stomach growled loudly causing her to blush a little. “Maybe not everything should change though, I still don't know how to cook. I could go for some Spike pancakes, you still know how to make those, maybe I should wake Rainbow while you do?” “For you Twilight, your number one assistant will always make breakfast and yea go get her and clean yourself up while I cook.” Spike turned to the kitchen hiding the flash of regret that crossed his face. ~ ~ ~ Twilight rolled herself down hall as quietly as she could, she loved waking Rainbow. She opened her door slowly poking her head in first. She was startled she saw Rainbow kicking about the bed, she looked like she was having a nightmare. She quickly made her way over and placed her hoof on Rainbow’s chest. “Shh shh Rainbow, it’s okay.” Twilight paused as Rainbow calmed down and then blushed deeply and took her hoof back. “Mhm Twilight, please don’t go. I need you here, I was so lost without AJ and you were my light in the dark.” Rainbow rolled over mumbling in her sleep facing Twilight now. Twilight blushed and checked to make sure Rainbow was sound asleep. “I won’t, I miss AJ too and with all that has happened you have become my anchor and beacon as well. I feel bad for doing this to AJ, it almost feels like cheating on her but...” Twilight paused mid sentence and placed a gentle kiss on the sleeping Rainbow, “you have become more than a friend to me.” Twilight sat upright and composed herself before grabbing the sheets and flipping Rainbow out of bed. “Huh, what. OW, what the buck. Oh hey Twi, couldn’t you have been more gentle waking me up?” Twilight snickered and stuck her tongue out as she wheeled herself into the restroom. Rainbow placed her hoof to her lips. “Huh, why are they all tingly?” Rainbow shrugged and stretched and wandered down to the kitchen. ~ ~ ~ Spike was trying to distract himself by baking but he was so used to it nowadays that it wasn’t working like he hoped. He instead found himself back in the past, the time Rarity had found him in Canterlot. ~~~ Spike was running an errand for the royal archives when he heard a squeal and froze. It had been years since he had last heard that sound and he did not like the memories it brought up. He slowly turned to see the white unicorn with the purple mane. “HI Rarity, it’s been awhile.” “SPIKE, YOU LITTLE... oh who am I kidding.” Rarity ran up and tackled Spike in a hug. “It’s so great to see you, it’s been what five years now.” Rarity let go off Spike and helped him up. “so what have you been doing since... these last five years? Are you serving the Princesses or just doing odd jobs around the castle? Might I add you have grown quite a bit.” “Mostly odd jobs, I umm kinda avoid the Princesses, they, like you, bring up unwanted memories.” Spike sighed and hoped she’d get the hint. He had spent four years running from that night and he had only recently returned to Canterlot. Things had been pretty calm and he wasn’t gonna let her ruin it on him. He was happy now, not as happy as... okay he was at least doing fine for himself. Why now and why today? He had been reminded of Twilight all over the place today and now here was his old crush. He just couldn’t get a break. “Oh I am sorry Spike, is it really that hard. She really...” Spike interrupted Rarity, “NO WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS. I JUST CAN’T RARITY SO DROP IT.” Spike took off running completely forgetting his errands. ~ ~ ~ Spikes reminiscing was interrupted by Rainbow Dash. “What smells so heavenly in here Spike, are you making your secret pancakes?” Rainbow smiled at him. “Sadly not, just normal pancakes since you don’t have the secret ingredient.” Spike smiled at Rainbow, “So how has she been since waking up?” Rainbow paused a second worried about whether she should tell him the truth. She decided honesty was her best bet since not being honest had caused a lot of problems already. “Honestly Spike, not as well as she lets on. She has a great mask but underneath it I think it is taking everything she has just to hold it together. She has these moments and then the rest of the time she seems fine. I don’t know if she is okay or just coping with it all really badly.” Rainbow walked to the sink and started washing her hoofs. “I didn’t see it at first because I let things get to me like before but after I started paying more attention it became obvious. She is hurting a lot and I worry every time some pony comes back to her. I worry that each old face having changed so much will send her over the edge and she won’t be able to take it anymore. She told me that she often thinks of suicide, I got her to promise me if she has those thoughts again but I worry she won’t and I won’t catch it soon enough.” Rainbow walked over and grabbed some berries out of the fridge and brought them to the sink and began washing them. “I hope that I am enough for her but I don’t know if I am. I know she is hiding something from me and it worries me alot. I am really worried about it but I can’t get her to tell me. To be honest I think you being here is the greatest thing for her. She used to tell you things she would tell no pony else. If Rarity was here that would be even better, no offense big boy but Rarity really was everyones confident.” Spike shrugged, “I know, I have been Rarity’s assistant for 3 years now. She listens to everyone and keeps secrets better than any pony. I swear I think some of her customers use her services simply so they have some pony to spill their secrets to who won’t blab them.” “Heh, I can see that. So if you’re here does that mean she got the letter?” Rainbow started cutting the larger berries. “Yea she sent me ahead to prepare the store. Though with recent events I think there was more to it. She fainted when she got the letter and then wouldn’t let me read it, instead sending me straight here to prepare the store for her return.” Spike poured out the first pancakes into the pan as he talked. “She always was sneaky and tried to move things along. She always has everyone else in her thoughts before her own.” Rainbow pulled out a jug of whipping cream and poured it into a bowl and started beating it. “Did you know Twilight sometimes talks about you during her episodes. Honestly I think it’s the only mention of you she made. I would sometimes hear her on the balcony dictating a letter. Like she used to back before all of this. She would even make sure you were spelling write and everything, it was a little scary and cute at the same time.” Spike paused in mid scoop of a pancake before continuing. “Really, that sounds like she was stuck in the past, reliving memories. You think it was cause missed me or was it because of something else?” “Honestly I think it was both Spike. She has trouble accepting the time difference and I think even if she hasn’t admitted it that she expected you here or at least to show up quickly. I don’t want you to feel bad or blame yourself but I think she was hurt a lot and couldn’t bare to see that you were gone.” Rainbow turned and nearly dropped the whipped cream. “Actually it was because I felt guilty, I broke my promise to Spike and it was eating me up inside. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I saw him again, the thought of him hating me for breaking the promise. I had the conversation about his longevity a lot and I had promised him that I would be there for him till the end of my life. I broke that promise to him and it hurt me a lot, how could I do that to my brother, my son, my family.” Twilight sat just outside the kitchen still a little wet from her shower, there were fresh tears on her face. Spike walked past Rainbow and handed her the spatula as he passed her. As he reached Twilight he wrapped her in a massive hug. “I am the one to be sorry, I was foolish and scared back then. You didn’t break your promise by yourself. I helped when I ran away from Ponyville. You promised me you wouldn’t leave me and then you slipped into a coma and I left you. You didn’t break your promise I did. I love you Twilight and regret what I did eight years ago every day.” Spike released Twilight and kneeled in front of her. “I might never have forgiven myself or ever visited you if it hadn’t been for Rarity. We both owe her a lot, more than you know and more than I can ever repay her. I ran away the night of your accident and traveled for a few years before settling in Canterlot. I didn’t visit you once until Rarity showed up, she was in town for a fashion show when she found me. She canceled it and forced me to visit you, and it was her greatest gift to me ever. I have spent the last three years as her assistant visiting you with her once a month. She brought us together after everything. I will always be your brother and family Twilight.” He hugged her again. “So you’re no longer my assistant then, you’re hers? Aren’t you afraid of leaving me alone?” Twilight didn’t cry but smiled a little. Spike shook his head and sighed. “No and I am not leaving you alone, you have some pony else by your side to care for you. I will be there for you but not as an assistant anymore.” Spike hugged Twilight again. “Somehow that doesn’t feel as bad as I would have thought. I don’t have a place for an assistant anymore, the library is gone and with it a piece of the life I had. I have someone else by my side right now, and you can now be just family to me. You always were family and sometimes it made me feel guilty about the assistant thing. I won’t have to now because you’re just my family now.” Twilight wrapped her hooves around Spike and hugged him lovingly. “I hate to be a buzzkill but breakfast is ready.” Rainbow placed a plate of pancakes on the table and everyone joined her at the table. It looked like a family settling down to breakfast to talk about their plans and expectations for the day. Something none of them paid heed to because they were all just so happy sitting together like this, two of them had been waiting for a moment like this for eight years and the other feeling something she hadn’t thought she ever would, not even with the mare she had been dating before. That thought passed through her mind but for some reason this time the thoughts of moving past her marefriend didn’t bother her.