The Four Ponies of the Apocalypse Book One: Trixie

by Matthais Unidostres

Chapter 1: Dark Magic

Matthais123 is now officially a Brony. This is my first My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic FanFic, and it will be a series of Five stories centering on the four stars that freed Nightmare Moon/ Princess Luna, which have been rumored to be the Four Ponies of the Apocalypse. The other four will focus on the actual four ponies, while this one will be more of a warm up, or prologue. By the way, The Great and Powerful Trixie is my favorite villain. She's the “Team Rocket” of the show, if only she had a motto or at least a quick villain song. I hope she makes more appearances in Season 2. Anyway, here we go!

Chapter 1: Dark Magic

“Another hot chocolate!”
“Look miss, I'm sorry but-”
“I said another hot chocolate! How dare you keep The Great and Powerful Trixie waiting!”
The young blue unicorn pounded her hoof on the table of the nameless soda shop on the outskirts of Ponyville. The white pony behind the counter rubbed at his mustache as he replied, “I'm sorry, but anymore hot chocolate and you'll be the 'Stomach- and Head- Aching Trixie' in the morning.”
Trixie jumped to her hooves and snarled, “What? How dare you mock the legendary name of The Great and Powerful Trixie!”
“Yeah, the one who beat the Ursa Major, right?” came a sarcastic snark.
Trixie whirled around angrily and said, “Wait! Who dares insult The Great and Powerful Trixie?”
Trixie was suddenly toppled by a flap of powerful wings. She looked up to see none other than Gilda the Griffon standing over her.
“Heh! You're not very impressive! You're just a liar and a boaster who stands behind and smoke and mirrors,” Gilda snarked.
Trixie quickly levitated her wizard's hat back onto her head and said, “Bah! So what if that tale about the Ursa Major was a mere fabrication? So what? The Great and Powerful Trixie still showed up the likes of Applejack, Rainbow Dash whom I hate, and the ugly Rarity.”
“But not Twilight Sparkle,” Gilda said in a mocking, sing-song tone.
A bead of sweat slipped down Trixie's cheek.
“It's quite obvious that she's a better sorceress than you. And you know what else?” Gilda then got extra close to Trixie's face and said, “She's not a boastful, cowardly, prideful jerk!”
Trixie was at a loss for words. And then, it got worse.
“Yeah! Twilight's awesome!”
“Of course! She saved the town from that Ursa Minor!”
“Heck, she and her friends saved the world from Nightmare Moon!”
“Yeah, and Trixie humiliated them! How could she!”
“The little bully! All smoke and mirrors she is!”
“How dare she say she's superior? Who does she think she is?”
Trixie stomped her hooves, and her horn glowed, filling the room with storm clouds and causing loud thunder and lightning. When everypony had quieted down, Trixie stuck her nose into the air and said, “I have powers beyond that of imagination! You may all doubt me now, but the day will soon come when I prove once and for all that no one, especially Twilight Sparkle, is greater than The Great and Powerful Trixie!”
Trixie stomped her hooves once again, and the room was filled with smoke. As the smoke cleared, everypony could see Trixie running out and away from the shop.
Trixie flattened her ears against the hissing, booing, and laughing as she ran as fast as her hooves could take her. She didn't know or care where she was going. She just wanting to escape the jeering. And when the jeering did fade, she kept on running for what felt like hours, until exhaustion took over, and she fell on her back, her eyes pointed towards the stars.
Her career had taken an awful nosedive ever since the Ursa Minor incident. Rumors of how The Great and Powerful Trixie wasn't even Great and Powerful enough to defeat a baby Ursa Minor, compared to the Ursa Major battle she had made up, were bad enough. However, the negative PR of her being a bully, an egotist, a liar, a coward, a public humiliating machine. . .it was all just too much.
“You ruined my life Twilight!” Trixie shouted at the heavens. She then broke down a cried, still lying on the ground, tears running down her face and into her pale blue mane. “What must The Great and Powerful Trixie do the regain her fame, her confidence, her dignity?” she whined.
Trixie's eyes snapped open, “Who's there?”
“Look at the moon.”
Trixie gazed at the moon, and then see noticed, four stars, positioned around it. Suddenly, these began to grow and grow, until their light filled Trixie's eyes. Trixie got up, and realized that the stars didn't grow, they had merely come down to her.
The four stars positioned themselves around the unicorn, and with a flash, they revealed their true form.
“I am Conquest,” he was a white earth pony, with a cutie mark depicting a bow and arrow inside a golden crown.
“I am War,” he was a red pegasus with a cutie mark depicting a flaming sword.
“I am Famine,” he was a black unicorn with a cutie mark depicting balance scales.
“I am Death,” he was a pale-green pegacorn, with a cutie mark depicting the Grim Reaper's Scythe Blade.
“We are the Four Ponies of the Apocalypse.”
Trixie was in complete terror. Her entire body shook as much as Pinkie Pie predicting a doozy. She gulped and said, “W-what is it th-that you want from th-the Great and Powerful Trixie?”
“Do you know the legend of Nightmare Moon?” Conquest said in a deep voice.
“Parts of it,” Trixie replied.
“Well, we really should inform you on the important parts,” War said in a strong, iron voice.
“Princess Luna was corrupted with jealousy, and being banished to the moon added anger and rage as well, so we decided to use that to our advantage,” Famine said in cackling voice.
“We came to her on the moon, and we made a deal with her. We set her free, give her new power a Nightmare Moon, and she creates eternal night for us to go on with our own plans,” Death said in a smooth, subtle, almost gentlemanly voice.
“Of course, she failed. So, we now come to you,” Conquest said.
“To me?” Trixie said, slowly gaining confidence.
“Yes, you want revenge on Twilight, don't you? Well, we will grant you dark magic that will allow you to do just that,” War said.
“YES!” Trixie shouted, jumping up on her hind legs and jumping around, “Finally! I will get my revenge! And then, all will know that I truly am The Great and Powerful Trixie!”
“Yes, young unicorn. You will be seen as great and powerful. In fact, you will be feared,” Famine chuckled evilly.
Trixie suddenly stopped and dropped to all fours again. “Feared?” she said, she then put a hoof to her chin to think it over. Then she smiled and said, “Yes. . .feared throughout Equestria, The Great and Powerful Trixie!” She then let out a maniacal laugh.
“One condition though, you must eliminate Twilight and the rest of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. We cannot have them getting in our way,” Death said smoothly.
“No problem! I'll enjoy doing that!” Trixie said.
The Four Ponies then became stars again and orbited around Trixie.
“Great and Powerful Trixie!” (Trixie let out a squeal of delight) “We give you the power of Dark Magic!”
There was a familiar burst of dark purple mist that spurted into the sky like a geyser, and then quiet, which was then broken by the sound of demented evil laughter.