Chips Brothers' Archive

by JavaChips

Of Broken Limbs and Beating Hearts

It was a bright, sunny day in Ponyville, spring was slowly turning into summer. Everypony was enjoying the warmth around them, playing under the sun. Over at Silvertongue High, the students were out in the yard, enjoying their lunch. Micro sat at his usual table, his gamecolt in front of him. He was distracted from his game, staring across the yard at a golden yellow unicorn filly, talking with her friends. He didn’t seem to notice as Clickspring sat next to him. “Hi Micro, what are you looking at?” he asked, following his friend’s line of sight. “Opal Tiara? Come on brony, she’d never go out with you.”
Micro sighed, looking down to his gamecolt. “You’re right, it can’t hurt to imagine it though, can it?”
“I guess not, but maybe you should aim a little closer to the ground.”
Micro nodded, delving into his game. He didn’t get very far, though, before he was interrupted by the flapping of wings and a shadow casting itself over him. Looking up, he saw Fluttershy, looking worried. “Micro, you have to come with me immediately.” She told him.
Micro couldn’t help but be a bit confused. “Why? What’s wrong Fluttershy?”
“It’s Java.”
Java layed in the hospital bed, his back left leg in a makeshift brace. Standing around the bed were Micro, Fluttershy, Rarity, and a very guilt ridden Twilight. “Java I’m so sorry, I should have warned you about the loose nails on that bookshelf.” She told him.
Java shook his head, laying back in the bed. “Hey, it’s no trouble. It was my own fault for trying to climb it. I should’ve just let Spike grab the book for me.”
As they were talking, Nurse Redheart made her way into the room with an x-ray in her mouth. She set it down on a light table and turned to Java. “So Mr. Chips, how are we feeling?”
Java took a look down at his casted hoof. “Well my nose itches.” He told her sarcastically.
Redheart rolled her eyes before turning her attention to the lit x-ray. “Well, it looks like your leg has a fracture, and I’m afraid that your sense of humor died on the operating table. It looks like you’ll be here for a week or so while it heals.”
Java couldn’t help but sit up at the upsetting news. “A week?! I can’t afford to miss a week of work!” he told her.
“Well I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice, I can’t let you leave on that leg.”
Java sighed, shaking his head. His mind was a pool of frustrations. “Well what about Micro?”
Micro stepped forward. “I can stay by myself.”
Java shook his head. “No you can’t. This isn’t like me being sick in bed, if you’re in trouble I won’t be there to help.”
“He can stay with me.” Twilight told him. “It’s my fault after all.”
Rarity shook her head. “Don’t be silly Twilight. You already have your hooves full with Spike, you simply aren’t prepared to house a young colt like Micro. I’d offer to do it myself, but I’m afraid that Sweetie Belle is a full time responsibility in itself.”
Java sighed, laying back down. “Then who’s going to take care of Micro?”
“Um...I’ll do it.” Came a timid voice.
Everypony in the room was surprised to hear the fourth voice in the room, turning to look at a shy yellow pegasus who had walked in with them. “You Fluttershy? Are you sure?” Java asked.
Fluttershy nodded, taking a careful step forward. “I....I don’t have any siblings, and Angel is easy to take care of. I also have a spare bed so he’ll have somewhere to sleep...S-so maybe I could.” She told them.
Java looked a little concerned. Fluttershy always had that responsible instinct, but was she up to taking care of anything other than animals? “Are you sure Fluttershy? This isn’t the same as nursing a hummingbird back to health.”
Rarity smiled and stepped forward on her friend’s behalf. “Oh she’s quite up to the task I assure you Java. I have never seen Sweetie Belle and her friends more well behaved than when they’re under Fluttershy’s watch.”
“You were able to make the crusaders behave?” he asked, a little shocked.
Fluttershy gave a shy nod, hiding her face behind her hair. Java smiled and nodded. “Alright Fluttershy, if you’re up to it, Micro can stay with you for the week.”
Fluttershy smiled and nodded back to him. “Thank you Java, I promise I'll take care of him like he was my own brother.”
Nurse Redheart made her way up to Java and forced him to lay down. “Yes, well now that that's taken care of, you all need to leave so Mr. Chips can get his rest.”
After saying their goodbyes, the group left and left Java alone with the nurse.
Micro made his way up to Fluttershy's cottage, his saddlebags filled to the brim with belongings. The sun was far across the western skyline, shimmering a brilliant orange as he knocked on the cottage door. There to answer was the yellow pegasus, a welcoming smile on her face. “Welcome, come on in Micro.” she told him, leading him in and toward the stairs. “The bedroom is upstairs, you can go ahead and make yourself at home while I get dinner ready.”
He nodded to her as she left and began unpacking, setting all of his games on an empty shelf, a family photo on the bedside table. All that remained in the bag was his gamecolt, which he set down with his games before going downstairs. As he made his way into the living room, he was met with the wafting aroma of vegetables. The scent came from the kitchen, along with the familiar sounds of a singing pony. It was a song Micro had heard before, one that always put a smile on his face when he heard it. Looking into the kitchen, Fluttershy and Angel were making vegetable soup. “Wow, it tasted delicious.” he told her.
With a surprised gasp, the timid pony turned to her guest and smiled. “Thank you, it's one of my favorites.” she told him, pouring it into bowls before setting it on the table.
Micro hopped up, starting to eat. Making her way over to Angel's plate, she set a couple of carrots down for him before rejoining her guest. The young colt ate the soup hungrily, clearly enjoying the taste. It wasn't long before the night drew to a close, and Micro made his way upstairs to the guest bedroom. He was surprised to see Fluttershy follow him up to tuck him in. “I'm not a kid Fluttershy.” he told her. “I can tuck myself in.”
Fluttershy couldn't help but blush as she remembered she wasn't dealing with somepony as young as the crusaders. “Oh...sorry, I'm used to having younger ponies stay with me.” she told him with an undertone embarrassment.
He smiled at his shy pegasus friend and got comfortable under the covers. “It's alright, it kind of reminds me of how my mom used to tuck me in. Good night Fluttershy.”
“Good night Micro, I'll wake you up in the morning.”
Java rolled back and forth in his hospital bed. The week was only half over and already he was feeling irritable. All week all he had to do was lay there. For most ponies that would be paradise, but Java was one of those ponies that just couldn't sit still to save his life. Nurse Redheart came in as he was having his fidgeting fit and shook her head. If there was one pony more annoyed with Java's situation than himself, it was Nurse Redheart, who had to continually remind him not to move. “Mr. Chips,” she told him, “I've already told you that you need to sit still or you'll only end up making your injury worse. Do I need to strap you to the bed?”
Java sighed and layed back, staring at the ceiling. “I can't help it. I haven't done anything in four whole days, it's driving me mad! Have you ever layed down for hours on end and done nothing?”
She shot him a glare in response. Being the head nurse had both it's advantages and disadvantages. “Mr. Chips, please just try to behave. You have a visitor.”
Nurse Redheart left as Fluttershy stepped in, carrying a basket in her mouth. “Good morning Java. I brought you some lunch.”
Java sat up and smiled. Everypony had been so nice since he broke his leg, this wasn't the first free lunch he'd gotten this week. Taking a daffodil sandwich out of the basket, she set it in front of him. It didn't take him long to start eating. “Thanks a lot Fluttershy, this is delicious.”
She smiled and sat down nearby, taking out her own sandwich. “No problem, I had some left over from when Micro and Clickspring were over, so I thought I'd bring a couple over.”
He nodded, taking another bite. “How is Micro doing anyway?”
“He's been just wonderful. So well behaved and polite, it's a shame he's so shy or he'd be a very popular colt.”
“Yeah, he's always had a problem with that. He opens up eventually, but most people would rather buy a flower than wait for one to bloom, you know?”
“True, very true. By the way, did you know Micro has a crush?”
“A crush? A crush on who?”
“Opal Tiara, her father runs the jewelry shop in town.”
“Is that so? I started noticing fillies at about the same time.”
“Well, I just hope he doesn't get his heart broken.”
The two talked for a while before Nurse Redheart made her way back in, shooing the yellow pegasus out and getting Java to lay back down for some rest.
Micro sighed as he made his way toward Fluttershy's cottage after school. It was the last day he would be there, and though he was happy to be going back home with his brother, a sadness was weighing on his mind. Against the protests of his friend, he had tried to ask Opal Tiara out. Her words still echoed in his head. You're asking me out? Hah, like, get real, why would I go out with a video game nerd like you? He dragged his hooves inside, where Fluttershy was waiting. Seeing the frown on his face, she immediately got concerned. “What's wrong Micro?”
Micro sighed and sat on the couch, filling her in on the day's events. Fluttershy listened intently and nodded along, her fears recognized. “That's just awful. Don't let her words get to you, you're a sweet young colt. Come on, Java's waiting for you at the hospital. I already packed your saddlebags for you.”
He nodded, slowly making his way toward the stairs. “Thanks Fluttershy.”
As he checked to make sure everything he brought was packed back up, his mind wandered, until it reached back to what Clickspring had said to him earlier in the week. You should aim a little closer to the ground. Fluttershy was waiting at the door for him when he came back down, his packed saddlebags on his back. Walking by her side, they made their way to the Ponyville Hospital. “Hey, Fluttershy.” he said.
Fluttershy looked over, her usual friendly smile on her face. “Yes?”
Micro took an uneasy gulp, a blush on his face. “Would to grab dinner sometime?”
Fluttershy stopped for a moment, concerned about the young colt's question. She took a long pause to thing, not wanting to hurt his feelings. “Well Micro, I'm flattered, and you're a very nice pony, but I'm simply too old for you. You should shoot for someone your own age, alright? Trust me, any filly your age would be lucky to have a sweet guy like you for a coltfriend.”
Micro paused before slowly nodding, continuing to walk. He was feeling a bit upset, but as Fluttershy's words sunk in, he knew she was right.
Java smiled as he strolled around his hospital bed, happy to be back on four hooves again. His back leg was still in a cast, but Nurse Redheart deemed it safe to walk on. As he was enjoying his free movement abilities, Micro walked in with Fluttershy. Java smiled and trotted over to the two. “Hey there little bro, how was Fluttershy's?”
Micro smiled. “It was great, I had a lot of fun.”
“That's great to hear. Thanks again Fluttershy, it was nice of you to take Micro in like that.”
Fluttershy smiled, shaking her head. “It was no trouble really, he was an angel.”
Nurse Redheart handed Java a slip of paper, a paper stating he was healthy enough for release. “Just show that to the nurse at the desk on the way out.” she told him.
“Aunt Redheart,” came another voice as a clumsy silvery grey filly made her way in, carrying an IV bag across her back, “I brought the IV you asked for, which room did you need it in again?”
Nurse Redheart sighed as she took the IV bag from her. “I told you I needed this in room seven. If you really want to be a nurse you need to learn to listen Shimmer.”
Shimmer looked down with a bit of disappointment as Nurse Redheart made her way out of the room. Micro blushed as he looked at the filly in front of him. Swallowing some fear, he approached her, holding out a hoof. “H-hello, I'm Micro Chips.”
The young nurse filly was a bit surprised as he approached her, but quickly shrugged it off, smiling at him as she shook his hoof. “Nice to meet you, I'm Shimmering Cure.”
Micro smiled back as he shook her hoof. “I haven't seen you in Ponyville before, are you new?”
She nodded, smiling. “I came here to work on my special talent, medicine. My mom sent me here to learn nursing from Aunt Redheart.”
Micro's face lit up. “Well, I guess that means I'll see you around.”
She nodded in response. For what seemed like forever the two just sat there, smiling at each other.