Fun with Shipping

by JusSonic

Epilogue: Love Forever

Epilogue: Love Forever

Things are slowing down all over Equestria and Ponyville. No one, except maybe the Royal Sisters, as well as Twilight and Rainbow, remember the spell that was casted not so ago or what they have done during that time. The ponies have no idea that some of them are either in love or something. They of course shrug it off and do other activities...or what themselves were doing.

Rarity sighs as she cleans up the mess in her Carousel Baroque, stating, "I can't remember what has happened. Were you all modeling for me or trying on clothes?"

"Modeling? Yew know Ah ain't into 'dat frou-frou stuff." Applejack points out to Rarity in annoyance.

"Still, would've been smashing if you did."

"Oh my...I feel like embarrassed. We must've done something." Fluttershy said in concern. "But for some reason, we must've forgotten."

"Must've been a spell or something or another," Applejack said thoughtfully, "But what?"

"Well, maybe we have fallen in love or something and has forgotten all about it! Silly us," Pinkie giggles as she hugs Fluttershy. "I will always love my Fluttershy."

"Wait, you do love me?" Fluttershy ask Pinkie blushing. "Wow...I guess I..."

"Come on! I know you love me, admit it, Miss Shy!"

"Oh, Pinkie!"

The two restored couple nuzzles each other and heads out. The spell may be over but their true love remains. Applejack and Rarity stay where they're at inside, wondering what's happening.

"I think they would make a good couple, don't you think Applejack darling?" Rarity ask Applejack with a smile.

"Shucks, they must've. Kinda like how yew an' Ah would've..." Applejack then blushes as Rarity looks at her. "Err, what Ah meant 'ta say..."

"Applejack, you're cute when you do that."


"But do me a favor...shut up and kiss me." Rarity said slyly as she kiss Applejack, causing her to blush a bit. The mare kisses her right back.

Looks like there's true between these two as well.


Luna looks very embarrassed. She and Rainbow recalls the spell that Celestia has used as well as their behavior. The cyan Pegasus pony heads off as the alicorn comes into her room, sighing.

"Was I truly in love with Rainbow or was it Celly's spell talking? It feels so right but..." Luna mumbles a bit. The spell may be over but something about Rainbow still feels right, regardless; But...

"Luna." A familiar voice spoke up, causing Luna to jump a bit. There's Lorcan nearby, coming in through a secret passage.

"Oh, Lordcan; I didn't hear you coming!"

"Yeah, with all the fun you and your sister has been doing, I am not surprised."

"I'm...I'm sorry. My sister has casted a spell on a dare that I made. It must've affected both of us as well as I remember falling for Rainbow Dash and my sister for Twilight Sparkle." Luna explains to Lorcan with a blush. "I apologize if I haven't spent time with you as promised but.."

"Sssh, it's okay, I understand. You went through a lot and..." Lorcan pauses then smiles as he got an idea. "Listen, follow me."

Lorcan led Luna through the secret passage, taking the alicorn to one end and entering some sort of empty dance chamber in Canterlot Palace. Luna looks amazed. The whole room looks decorated as if being prepared for something amazing and romantic.

"Lorcan, this is amazing. How did..." Luna heard a record playing, turning to see Lorcan who has turned on the record player, playing music from 'Beauty and the Beast'. "Oh, Lordcan..."

"Wanna dance?" Lorcan asks with a blush as he held a claw right out.

Luna didn't hesitate. She takes Lorcan by the claws and the two begin to dance as if in a scene from 'Beauty and the Beast' itself. It was so romantic and wonderful; one could forget the insanity that happened not so long ago...almost.

"You know,’s great doing this with you again, it really is." Luna said with a happily sigh.

"Yes...but...?" Lorcan asks Luna in concern, noticing a worried sad look on her face.

"Oh, I don't know. I got feelings for you...but some bits of me still has feelings for Rainbow Dash. I feel terrified; I don't know what to do."

Lorcan pauses to do some thinking. He doesn't wish for Rainbow Dash to be alone and understand Luna's newfound feelings for her...but at the same time, the dragon doesn't want to lose the alicorn he loves. How to resolve this?

Finally, Lorcan grins as he said, "I got an idea..."


"Well, I hope you girls are back to normal." Spike said as he finishes packing a bit. It's almost time for Twilight and Rainbow to return to Ponyville. The unicorn glances at her teacher, recalling all the good times that they did. The two has...a wonderful relationship. But is it real or part of the spell?

"Yes, of course, we are. Listen, Spike, I need to talk with Twilight if you don't mind." Celestia said to Spike who nods and leaves the room. "Twilight, I thank you so much for understanding and not being mad for going through with that dare. I feel so foolish."

"No, no. You were just doing what you thought was right...or what you felt was right or..." Twilight groans a bit, begin to react or something. The spell is supposed to be why is she feeling something for the princess?

"Twilight, is something wrong?"

Ay ay ay ya
Ay ay ya
Que que na-to-ra
You will understand

Twilight sighs then said, "Celly...I am feeling something for you...something that I thought wasn't real...but the truth is, it is how I feel all along. It'" The princess looks surprised as her student continues. "As in how much I really care in a relationship sort of way...but is it right to feel this way?"

Listen with your heart
You will understand

"Is the feelings of a student really having such understanding love for a teacher, and aunt-in-law even with it being the princess, was this the love that I feels and not just some over-obsessive behavior to doing something rash that others find it weird?" Twilight ask her love in sadness, wanting to know. "Please tell me...I cannot take the suspense."

Let it break upon you
Like a wave upon the sand

But then Celestia hugs Twilight, saying, "My faithful student. I know what you're feeling. The love of course that we have is the kind from the two, which is us, always understanding each other, from student to teacher, to a proud model for the younger generation to look up to, and finally, being apart of sharing their understanding when we are now as close as family.'

"Really," Twilight ask Celestia hopefully.

"Yes. All that is the love that we can share with each other, as we always have that's made it so strong, not from something like a force habit of love, but the love the heart builds from time spent with those you've come to truly understand as you grow, as does the heart itself."

"Well, I guess it's just a family love. Not true love."

"Yes, but..." Celestia smiles warmly as she kisses Twilight on the lips, making her gasp and blush a bit.

"Princ...Cele..." Twilight said blushing while the princess removes her lips, giving her a wink.

"Doesn't say that we still can't do that of course; We will take it slowly as to not reveal our relationship just yet...maybe someday we will come out for faithful suitor."

Listen with your heart
You will understand

You will understand ...

Twilight shed some tears as she kiss Celestia right back, whispering, "I love you, Celestia."

"I love you too, Twilight." Celestia said as the two hug in a pony like away. Their secret love will remain a secret...for now. But until then, they will continue their student-teacher relationship in public...and their secret love whenever the two ponies can do in secret.


Apple Bloom chases Diamond Tiara, finding her near a corner. The bullying filly tries to get over what happened, while not remembering too much. The non-cutie mark pony said, "Diamond..."

"Get lost, blank flank! Why must you follow me around," Diamond Tiara snaps to Apple Bloom in annoyance.

"Diamond Tiara...listen, Ah don't recall what happened...but Ah done think we may have share feelings."

"Yeah, in your head; Ugh! Seeing you really annoy me."

"But Ah do remember yer reasons fer' why yew are." Apple Bloom explains to Diamond Tiara as she glares at her. "Ah feel like that Ah may have somehow felt like understanding yew better than before. Seeing pass 'de outside is 'de cry of somepony 'dat just has a hard time expressing 'de right feelings an' instead just tries 'ta push them away so 'dat way, no one will not be hurt."

"How would you know how I feel?" Diamond asks Apple Bloom as she turns to her slowly. "How would you know that I wasn't making it up."

"Because deep down...Ah know," Apple Bloom leans forward and kiss Diamond on the head, making the filly gasp and blush a bit. "Look, if yew feels 'de need 'ta talk...Ah will be with mah friends."

Apple Bloom heads trots off, Diamond Tiara sighs to a lovingly like way. The spell may be over, but the feelings that the filly has for one of her targets still remain.

"No...I can't be..." Diamond Tiara said to herself, trying to deny what she's feeling. "But...what if I am?"


In the throne room, Celestia and Luna were greeted by Golden Heart, Pinkamena, and even Lorcan that entered the chambers.

"Well I've made sure to erase all evidence about that stunt you pulled and saved your reputations." Lorcan declared off in having completed a task that he finished doing.

"We thank you for this, Lorcan, everyone." Celestia spoke humbly to those here that helped fix a problem.

"But won't some ponies remember this... affair of what's happened?" Luna asked off with precaution of such another matter at hand.

"From what Lorcan did, he used a spell that erased something from existence, and from the article tabloid, removed a lot of other ponies' memories." Golden Heart explained that the precaution of such matters is taken care of. "Only those that have stronger force of magical talent can remember what truly transpired." He stated that only those like those in the room remember what happened.

"And we couldn't have done the removal spell without Discord's magic!" Pinkamena stated forth in mentioning one more addition. "It's a shame that he's our enemy, that magic could prove helpful like it did now." She stated how Discord's aid was nice, ashamed that he's an enemy than friend.

"Hmmm...Chaos Magic being...helpful...?" Celestia held her chin with a ponder thought for the moment of the idea.

"Oh no Celly, I know that look. You're thinking of having Discord freed to serve you!" Lorcan spoke off in seeing what the princess of the sun was up to; not good.

"That sounds about as crazy as trying to persuade him to join us!" Golden Heart protest that such an idea was almost insane.

"They are right sister, Discord is unpredictable." Luna stated to her sister in agreeing with the others.

"Maybe, but perhaps...he is a misunderstood creature." Celestia started off to mention something here. "He behaves like a child, getting everything he wants without truly knowing of his acts. If anything, maybe our most best course of action is..." She was pausing to prepare in what to say next here to be a shocker...

"Please don't say..." Golden Heart tried to urge the princess not to say what Celestia would say, however...

"Reforment." Celestia finished off her suggestion in what act to take with Discord.

"You want us to reform Discord?" Pinkamena asked off amazed and speechless of such an idea.

"Not us, we may not be so fortunate, Discord already has knowledge of our actions." Celestia stated that they are not likely to succeed in this task.

"Then that leaves only one choice...Twilight and her friends, correct?" Lorcan shrugs off his shoulders in having the second idea where this talk will get to.

"I shall discuss the topic later, right now, we have much to repair." Celestia stated that they'll chat about how to do things with Discord later, they have a kingdom to repair from the overwhelm work of love that overdid their senses.

"Yeah, I'm just glad that this whole thing didn't go a bit too far." Golden Heart shrugs off to say while he, Pinkamena and Lorcan soon were taking their leave.

"Well, looks like this act of forbidden love, we'll be under hush-hush, and mum's the word kinda discussion." Pinkamena stated off in what this'll be for them while they exit the chamber room.

Now this left only the Royal Sisters of Equestria to 'chat' about what they've learned from this whole mess they started from a dare.

"Well, that's the last time that I take a dare from you, Luna." Celestia said to Luna in frustration.

"Yeah, yeah, but at least we have some fun...Lorcan manages to understand." Luna said with a happy sigh. "Of course, I do recall that you mentioned telling me that your feelings for Twilight Sparkle still remains, correct?"

"Yes...we are now a pairing...but we will keep it a secret until the day we decide to come out. We're taking it slow of course."

Just then Discord, through a spell that his dragon made to let him see what's happening, and Lorcan appear, taunting in a sing-songy like matter, "Celly and Twilight, sitting in a tree-"

"Lorcan, do I have to tell Shining Armor that I'm hiding you?" Celestia ask Lorcan with a stern voice.

"Uhh…Later," Lorcan exclaims as he runs off, leaving a dust cloud in his shape behind. Discord's image disappears soone enough

"How about you and Rainbow Dash?"

"Some feelings for her remain but Lorcan has fixed that." Luna said, giving a wink to her sister. "So...shall I get ready for that show later, dear sister?"

"Of course, it shall be double the fun." Celestia giggles a bit. The Royal Sisters has announced that they are putting on a wonderful show for all of Equestria to see. After the madness that the dare has put everypony through, the ponies and creatures needed it.


The ponies gather in the fields and elsewhere for a special romantic occasion. As they watch, Luna is now performing a new trick with her 'Night' by having a 'Meteor Shower' that sparkles pretty in the quiet and gentle skies. From the stars falling across the night sky, and over the bright light of the moon which is a bright orange color by Celestia's doing.

During this time, every pony express things about certain kinds of 'love', like how they 'love' being together for things like this to share the moments, whether it's adventures or other daily matters, feel the 'Love' that brings them together to enjoy all those in company, family, friends, neighbors, animals, strangers and those afar or even those of mystery. The times to share one's 'Love' for moments of what they feel is compassion, and even the emotions very much relating to the Elements: Honesty of those you love to care for, Kindness to those you love and those that need to 'be' loved, Laughter to bring out the love of enjoyment no matter how sad things maybe, Generosity to share the love and not just keep it all for one's own self, Loyalty is saying that one's love for another is that kinda love, whether big or small, that love will never change as long as it's still there, Magic helps make even the power of love feel like a powerful magic spell has made it possible for it to give one and others so much to feel happy. With all of this, love has many shapes and forms, it just matters on what form it takes for one pony's life course, and it's for them to decide how it'll be shaped to be.

Rarity and Applejack grins as they held hooves with each other, as did Fluttershy and Pinkie, the couples are enjoying this moment. Even Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are enjoying this, they realize the love that they have for each other and begin becoming filly friends.

Apple Bloom, who is watching this saw Diamond Tiara arriving, both are blushing to each other. Apple Bloom asks, "Did yew come 'ta watch 'de show?"

"Yes...and hang out but tonight only!" Diamond Tiara insists though she blushes some more. The truth is, the filly just wants to hang out...with Apple Bloom who she is starting to fall for all over again.

Twilight grins as Celestia, small and wearing a cloak, is standing near her. Spike, holding claws with Barbara, chuckles as the two ponies kiss each other while watching the show. The princesses work hard on making images so that they can still be with the ones that they themselves now love and still do the show.

All pairings are here...except for Rainbow. She feels alone and pining for Luna...but feels that the love that the Pegasus pony is feeling is no longer true. What will she do now?

"Rainbow Dash..." A familiar voice spoke up. Rainbow turns and saw a surprising side. There's Luna...except this one was a younger version of after she was freed from Nightmare Moon and before the alicorn has change her form!

"Luna!" Rainbow exclaims as she flies over to Luna...then saw the present one doing the show, looking back and forth between the Lunas, "But how?"

"Oh, someone made a double so that I will be with you, my darling Dash." The other Luna said slyly as she gave a wink to a cloaked Lorcan who is also watching the show. "But for me Lulu."

The Luna now known as Lulu kiss Rainbow Dash, the mare smiles as she hug and kiss her newfound love. Luna, the one doing the show, smiles at what's happening. The half who loves Rainbow is now having her love...while the half who is watching this is still with Lorcan.

All in all, the night has become perfect for all.


We can hear Celestia narrating, "Things has become perfect over time since that dare that I took that put things out of hoof. But after it's done, we have found love...true love without being forced."

We see the pairings of Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie hanging out, going on dates, etc.

"Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are now some pairs, hanging out and dating. A few months or so later, the couples became engaged. Their marriage is up for discussion at this time. I do hope that everything turns out fine for all of them."

We see Scootaloo and Sweetie still looking for their cutie marks with Apple Bloom and Nyx joining in.

"Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle has become a pairing as well. Since they are too young for marriage, the fillies decide to just go on dates in the meantime, while still looking for their cutie marks. Oh, I do hope that someday, those little ones will find their true talents."

In another scene in the montage, Diamond Tiara kisses Apple Bloom, much to the surprise of the other CMC members as well as Silver Spoon, with Apple Bloom herself blushing.

"A few weeks later, Diamond Tiara finally broke down and revealed her true love for Apple Bloom. Ever since then, the two became a pairing with the bully changing her blank flank hating days once and for all."

In a split screen, we see Luna and Lorcan going to a restaurant in one side while Rainbow and Lulu flies on one side.

"My sister...or my sisters in Lulu's case...has been spending great time with their new loves, especially after Lorcan was revealed (long story there). And afterwards, they have a double wedding..."

We see Lula and Lulu marrying Lorcan and Rainbow Dash, kissing at their own weddings.

"...which of course confused some ponies as to whom Luna is marrying whom here. Oh well."

We see Twilight becoming an alicorn princess...then hugs Celestia as they made an announcement to some surprised ponies.

"As for my faithful suitor, she is finally become a princess herself. A week after becoming an alicorn, we finally came out with our relationship. I proposed a few months later in our relationship."

At another wedding, the two lovers smile as Celestia and Twilight kiss each other, the audience applauds as they will be together forever.

"...a few months more, we became wedding, sharing the co-rulers job with Luna, Lulu and their husband/wife."

"Celly, honey, the fillies are getting hungry!" Twilight exclaims in the present as we see Celestia writing down in a journal. Instead, we see two fillies crying, wanting something to eat.

"Just a minute, Twiley honey," Celestia giggles. The Goddess of the Sun continues her writing, "After the wedding, a special spell is discovered by beloved Twilight in the Canterlot library the enables two ponies of the same gender to have babies (in a nonsexual way). We do have our fun every now and then...but this allows us to have our own daughters Nyx and Selena."


"Got to go; my fillies are getting hungry and my beloved is getting impatient."

After Celestia is done writing, she heads over to Twilight, the two lovers kiss and smile as they tend to their little foals, the future princesses of Equestria known as Nyx, a black alicorn filly, and Selena, a red alicorn one. They have a wonderful life together. Twilight even made sure that her own friends got immortality or become alicorns themselves so that the magic of friendship and love can be together.

And to think, it all started on a simple dare from Luna that day not so long ago.

The End

Cast list
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Tabitha St. Germain: Princess Luna, Lulu, Rarity
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Chantal Strand: Diamond Tiara
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon, Female Royal Guard
Shannon Chan-Kent: Silver Spoon
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Lee Tockbar: Snips
Jayson Thiessen: Royal Guard
Rob Paulsen: Reporter 1
Frank Welker: Reporter 2
Vic Mignogna: Lorcan
Peter New: Big Macintosh
John de Lancie: Discord