Discord's Defeat

by silverstream595

Discord's Defeat

Doctor Whooves, a blue eyed, tie wearing, tan colt with an hourglass cutie mark on his flank, stared across the circular control panel at his two companions. The first was a beautiful grey, wall-eyed mare with a cutie mark resembling bubbles. Her wings were tucked neatly at her side, her pale yellow mane lying gently along her neck. Her golden eyes shone with joy as the T.A.R.D.I.S. emitted its normal hissing whoosh. The other was an intellectual lavender mare, a small horn protruding from her head. Her mane, a tangled, spiked mess of indigo with a streak of purple and magenta, was held back by a white bandana. She wore an eye patch over her right eye and a torn, tattered black suit resembling that of a spy’s.
The T.A.R.D.I.S. jerked to the side, causing all three ponies to slide across its floor. Doctor Whooves smiled as a thud emanated through the casernes inside of his ship.
“We’ve landed!” He shouted in his British accent, galloping to the doors and flinging them open. Doctor Whooves stepped out of the blue police call box into a green pasture. “Are we outside Ponyville?” He asked, looking from side to side, his short, brown, spiked mane bobbing with his head. “I think we’re outside of Ponyville. Derpy, Twilight, do you two agree?”
“This does look like one of the fields outside of Ponyville.” Twilight Sparkle commented as she stepped out of the T.A.R.D.I.S. having lived in Ponyville until recently, the lavender mare had a vast knowledge of the town’s surroundings. “Derpy?”
The grey pegasus peered out of the blue box and looked from side to side. “Eeyup. We’re outside of Ponyville alright.” She looked at Doctor Whooves as she spoke.
“In that case, come along,” Doctor Whooves turned on his heals and began walking in the opposite direction of the T.A.R.D.I.S. “Judging by the weather,” he looked up to see not a cloud in the sky. “I’d say that it’s almost Apple Bucking Season. Though, I’m not quite sure as to the year yet; it’s just too wibbly wobbly and timey wimey.”

The blue eyed, tan colt stopped dead in his tracks as he crested a hill. Before him stood Ponyville, a twisted Ponyville, much different from the one he knew. The town hall was suspended upside-down in the air, hovering above the town. Some floating chunks of rock held trees and houses in the air. The ground, once covered in luscious grass, held a colored checkerboard patter, alternating between sections of blues and pinks. Polka-dotted trees replaced those that had once been green and flourishing. Pink clouds of cotton candy zipped through the sky above Ponyville, leaving trails of the chocolate milk that rained out of them.
“What?” Doctor Whooves exclaimed at the sight. “This is impossible. Well, not completely impossible. But it’s impossible on such this magnitude. The only creatures that could pull off something like this are gone from Equestria. Well, not all of them. There is still Discord, but he’s trapped in a stone prison. Actually, he’s confined to a statue in the Canterlot Royal Garden.
“Uhm, Doctor?” Twilight spoke up, causing Doctor Whooves to look at her suddenly.
“Yes, Twilight?” he replied staring at the mare.
“How in the whole wide world of Equestria could a draconequus be here? And in Ponyville of all places?” She asked, sounding slightly enraged.
“What’s a draconequus?” Derpy asked, her crossed eyes shining in the light.
Twilight sighed as she remembered that not everypony was as into history and books as she was. “A draconequus is a powerful being, much like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. However, a draconequus is a mix-matched creature that appears to be made up of a bunch of different things. And, unlike our princesses, the magic of a draconequus is meant to cause chaos and harm to others.” Twilight smiled, satisfied with her explanation.
“No more time to waist. We need to figure out what or who’s behind this and put a stop to it.” Doctor Whooves, or the Doctor as he was called, interrupted. “Allon-sy!” He shouted as they took off towards Ponyville at top speed, Derpy and Twilight fallowing in pursuit.

“Doctor!” Derpy screeched as he landed beside her, his sonic screwdriver landing next to him.
“I thought I told you two to go back to the T.A.R.D.I.S.” His voice was laced with pain. Doctor Whooves tried in vein to stand after being flung several yards, but he couldn’t.
“Oh. What do we have here?” The creature before them taunted in a condescending tone, “You should have told me you’d brought friends. How rude of me not to have noticed.” The creature’s eyes glinted mischievously as he floated towards them. He had the head of a pony, one long fang, different sized pupils, a snake’s tongue, the beard of a goat, and bushy, white eyebrows. A deer’s antler and a blue goat horn adorned his head. His right arm, an eagle’s claw; his left, a lion’s paw. One of his legs was that of a lizard, the other a goat’s. He had one bat’s wing and one wing of a pegasus. A zebra’s mane, with a single white stripe, ran down his long, snake-like body. His tail resembled that of a dragon’s, with a white tuft of hair at the end.
“Leave them alone, Discord!” Twilight shouted, all reserve gone from her voice. She took a step forward, her horn engulfed in the magenta glow of her magic.
“Oh dear.” The draconequus winced, pretending to be scared. “You’re not going to use you’re magic are you?” Discord laughed. “You don’t want to end up like your precious friend, do you?” Discord disappeared with a snap of his claw, reappearing next to Doctor Whooves, a bright billboard in the shape of an arrow pointed at the colt. “I mean, look at him. He can’t even stand.” Discord snapped again, appearing in front of the lavender unicorn. “And to think he was going to save you all. Doesn’t it make you want to cry?” He produced a hanky out of thin air and pretended to wipe away tears.
“You will pay for what you have done!” Twilight snarled sending a beam of magenta glow at the draconequus. As the magenta glow of her magic surrounded Discord, he began to slowly change to stone.
“Derpy.” The Doctor winced against the pain. “Use my sonic screwdriver to amplify the effects of her magic.”
The grey mare quickly grabbed the tool, aiming it at the stream of magenta haze. The magenta glow began to spread at an alarmingly quick rate, changing everything it touched back to how it should have been.
“I will return.” Discord hissed as he changed into a stone statue.

“Thank you, Twilight. If you two hadn’t stayed, we wouldn’t have defeated Discord.” Doctor Whooves commented as the trio stepped into the T.A.R.D.I.S.
“I would never leave you.” Derpy smiled, her eyes gleaming with an emotion the Doctor couldn’t read.
“Friends don’t abandon each other, Doctor. You of all ponies should know that.” Twilight commented, in her normal, sophisticated tone.
“Of course,” Doctor Whooves flipped a switch on the circular control panel. “Allon-sy!” The T.A.R.D.I.S. began to whoosh and hiss as she took off into the vortex of all of time and space.