The Bet

by mylittlebrony15

Return To The Present

"That story was very sad," Fluttershy simply stated.
"Yeah, my mother did live after that but it wasn't the same. She was a vegetable in the hospital and then I told them to just let her die.  We had a funeral, everyone showed up. I was told to stay with my aunt but I ran away and came here, changed my name and now here I am with you guys," Pinkie responded.
It was then that Fluttershy finally understood. Understood what? Why Pinkie was always happy, why she never showed sadness or anger. She understood why Pinkie didn't want the bet on the inside but did it for her marefriend. Fluttershy began to cry. She cried and cried for awhile. Pinkie understood this and went to comfort her marefriend.
When the party started Fluttershy was ready and happy, while Pinkie was depressed and straight haired. When they got there they saw that the other girls were surrounding the new stallion. They walked over and said hello.
"Hello, how are you doing this evening Mr...?" asked Fluttershy.
"Thunder, and I'm fine Fluttershy is it?"
"How do you know my name, Mr. Thunder?" Fluttershy asked, surprised.
Thunder explained how he was an orphan and he admired the six mares in front of him and decided to move to Ponyville. The girls looked at him and laughed and each one kissed him on the cheek.
"What are y'all doing?" he asked, while blushing.
"We are repaying your kindness, good sir," said Applejack.
" I just had nothing to look up to for as long as I can remember so I just heard about you six and I liked what y'all did so y'all became my heroes," said Thunder.
"Well, I'm glad that my awesome was enough for you,  Thunder," Rainbow Dash said as she flew around his little house.
    After the party Thunder found himself as red as Big Mac and the girls must have kissed him on the cheek at least a hundred times each. He recalled the events that unfolded and laughed as he remembered Fluttershy shooting the party cannon. He escorted the rest of the guests out once the party was done. He was tired and his bed was calling to him so he decided to just go to sleep and dream about the best day of his life.
As Pinkie Pie walked Fluttershy home she looked over at her marefriend and smiled a little. She remembered her days on the farm and that made her sad but Fluttershy smiling like that made her feel better. When she murdered her father she was glad the monster that tortured her so long was dead but after the happiness was gone the guilt and sadness sank in and she cried for her father whom she had killed as well as the monster. She started to cry.
"Pinkie what's wrong?" asked Fluttershy.
"It's just my father and mother," replied Pinkie who was still crying.
"I'm sorry Pinkie... I know it's hard for you," said Fluttershy who was trying to comfort Pinkie.
When they arrived at Fluttershy's cottage Pinkie said goodbye and when Fluttershy walked in Pinkie walked back to her apartment alone and she was still crying. Her guilt had come back and she slowly began to break again thinking about the joy she felt as the knife slowly entered his head. She started smiling as she entered her apartment.