//------------------------------// // BONUS; Poem Three - Night And Day // Story: One Of A Kind // by UniqueSKD //------------------------------// Night And Day The sun rises to bring forth the day Shining rays of light to show the way To those who from the path did stray While wandering through the dark forest And high above, the sun shines alone Watching over us from its heavenly throne As we laugh and play, until it's time for home And then the light must go away And the sun, once bright, now turns pale And spreads white light across the vale Joined by a thousand tiny lights in detail This is the Moon and they, her stars And the wolf does cry an eerie tune To herald the arrival of the pale moon Who, the heavenly title, she does assume Guarding those who dream in the dark And the sky stays black for many an hour, Until the sunlight returns to power And thus repeats the cycle, night to day Forever rising, forever fading away. - UniqueSKD