//------------------------------// // Chapter One - Beats in Sync // Story: Synched Together // by Eclipse Lightning //------------------------------// Chapter One – Beats in Sync Vinyl Scratch was happy she got away for a moment. Being the rising star she was, she didn't get much free time to just relax and actually listen to the beat. No, rather, she was either getting ready for a show, spinning her tables; or she was running from a crowd of crazy fans. She was happy to be in a smaller city for once. Playing three shows in Manehatten and Canterlot got to her really fast. For once, she got to kick back, and look for a smaller record shop. That's where all her best tracks came from. Somewhere off the beaten path, where she could meet some music enthusiasts like herself. Well, so long as they didn't recognize her as the star DJ Pon-3. She got caught once or twice, and the results were... well, they were horrible in ways. Crazed fangirls chasing her, and guys trying to get her number even if she's only in for a day. “Now, where's a good little shop for some good tracks?” she asked herself out loud. Sighing, she walked into a nearby coffee shop to maybe ask if anyone knew at least one that wasn't a major retailer with the latest autotuned pop. Walking up to the counter, she ordered a strawberry coolatta to keep the heat off. As she was waiting for her drink, she asked the cashier quietly, “Hey, would you happen to know of a smaller record shop anywhere around? I haven't been able to find one for a little while.” The cashier looked at her a little funny. “Are you new around here?” “I'm passing through. I like to pick up a new album or two I haven't heard of in the smaller shops. If there's one like that close, I'd appreciate it greatly.” “Well, there so happens to be one only four blocks away,” the cashier replied. “It's called “Stray Vinyl” and if you go to your left for two blocks, left again for one and make a right, you'll find it. Can't miss it, actually. Always has some song playing loudly.” “Really?” Vinyl asked eagerly. Sounds like my kind of store... “Yeah. The guy that owns it, Crescent Beats, lives just above it. If you want something off the beaten path, look there. He can get a lot and then some. Well, here you go. One strawberry coolatta. That'll be four bits, please.” As Vinyl handed over the bits and took her drink, she was about to make it out the door when a guy at a table said without warning, “Hey! Don't I know you from somewhere?” Vinyl froze. She looked at him nervously, before replying, “N-no. Why would you? I'm just passing through.” Please, oh please don't recognize me! “Yeah! I do! You look just like DJ Pon-3! All you're missing is the glasses.” Vinyl gulped. “Heh. Who knew, huh?” His friend at the table gasped as he pointed. “You're right, Chaser! She IS DJ Pon-3! I can't believe I didn't see it at first!” Vinyl turned around, looking as each and every eye was on her. She knew she only had one option. She had to run, and fast too! “Oh, buck,” she swore under her breath, as she ran out the door, hoping to find the record shop quickly before they caught her. At around the same time Vinyl Scratch was walking into the coffee shop, Crescent Beats was just finishing up inventory when an employee named Savannah walked in. Always with her zebra headphones, the short, sandy-haired girl walked to the counter to drop her bag before choosing a record to play for the day. “Good weekend, Savannah?” Crescent Beats asked without looking up. “You bet! I was able to score tickets to the Pon-3 concert for this week!” Savannah replied with an enthusiasm Crescent Beats had only seen a few times. “Did you wanna come? I'm doubtful that Barry or Picks is gonna wanna go with.” “Sorry, Savannah. I can't. I'm gonna be busy all this week. What about that guy you said was really nice at the last party? What was his name again?” “Oh. You mean Benna? No. He was clingy all night, and only let up when I needed the restroom. Definitely a no,” Savannah replied. “Sorry then. When you're done choosing a record, you wanna check that the cleaning kits are well stocked? I don't want the shelves empty of them again.” “Alright, Beats. I'm on it,” she said with a mock salute as she set a record to play a track that was a shop favorite - “Pennyroyal Tea”. Beats smiled to himself as the guitar riffs came in with the drums and Cobain's lyrics started to flood the shop. Setting his clipboard down, he started to unload a shipment of new DJ Pon-3 records. “My Little Bass Cannon” wasn't the most popular, but with her new stuff selling well, people wanted her older stuff just as much now. What I'd give just to meet her, even only for five minutes... he thought to himself, as he set the albums on the soon to be empty Pon-3 display. “It'll never happen,” he muttered to himself, just as the door opened and slammed shut. Turning around he spotted a girl with a head full of blue hair looking out the windows. “Welcome to Stray Vinyl, where you can find all the tracks many are too slow to get to. I'm Crescent Beats, or just Beats if you'd like,” Beats said as he walked over to the girl. She didn't know he was there till he was right at her shoulder. “You trying to hide from someone? Ex-boyfriend maybe?” With a little yelp, the girl turned around slowly to face him. Beats could feel himself starting to blush when he saw her bright magenta eyes. He took a few seconds before he realized he was staring. “I'm sorry. I'm not a flirt, but I have to admit. You have very beautiful eyes, miss. I'm Crescent Beats, or Beats for short. You are..?” he asked the girl. He... he's Beats? He's... kind of good looking... “I-I'm Vinyl Scratch, but everyone calls me Vinyl. I was looking for a smaller shop, and the cashier at the coffee house said to come here.” “Ah... that'd probably be Mocha then. Her sister, Cocoa, isn't too fond of me anymore. Says I, 'need to stop playing such barbaric music and sell decent records'. I don't see a problem really with my stuff. I play what's good; not what's popular,” he told Vinyl with a hint of pride in his voice. “Yeah,” Vinyl replied. “Most of my friends don't fully get why I like all the Dubstep and EDM styles... but that's what I was raised on. My dad used to DJ before he met my mom. We always played something loud.” She started to laugh at this. “Actually, that's how they'd put me to sleep.” Beats started to laugh with her as he moved back to the counter. “Well, since you're our first customer of the week, and there's a concert coming up soon, I'm giving you a rare discount.” Vinyl's ears perked at this. “What discount would that be? And there's a concert soon?” “Yep,” Beats replied. “DJ Pon-3 sold out and I'm having a little trouble keeping her albums in stock at the moment... As for the discount, buy one album, you get the second free. Buy three or more 45's, and they're half off. It's rare, cause only the workers here know about it!” Beats ended laughing loudly. “Other workers? Who else works here?” Vinyl asked, as she headed to the crates full of the 45 singles. “Well,” Beats started. “There's four others besides me. Savannah's in the back now, and Barry and Picks should be here soon. Then there's also Mixie, but she doesn't come in till after 2, and we're closed by 6.” “What's after six?” Vinyl asked, carrying six singles as she headed to the dance section of the LP's. “Well, Savannah heads out to see what the major stores are having in stock. Barry and Picks go to a local club to see any new stars in the area. I've no idea what Mixie does, and I well...” Beats seemed to stare distantly at the door. “I'm sorry?” Vinyl asked. “Nothing. I spaced out for a minute.” Vinyl looked at him for a minute, before picking up a deadmau5 album and a Pegboard Nerds before heading back to the counter. As Beats was ringing her up, Savannah came back in and gasped once she saw Vinyl. “Oh. My. God!!” she exclaimed. “Beats! Do you know who that is!?” She pointed at Vinyl. Oh, buck, Vinyl thought to herself. Not again! “What do you mean, Savannah?” Beats asked, a little annoyed at the overactive fangirl. “Beats! That's DJ Pon-3 you're ringing up!! Quick, ask her to sign our albums!!” Beats turned back to Vinyl, a confused look on his face as she started to shake in a slight fear. Looking closer, he saw that while she didn't have the glasses, or the usual energetic demeanor, Savannah was right. Vinyl Scratch was DJ Pon-3. “Well, I'll be damned. Of all the days to finally meet you.” Beats held out his hand, which Vinyl took with a shaky hand. “It's an honor. I'm a big fan of your stuff. Kind of what got me into mixing, actually.” “Really?” Vinyl had heard that she inspired another DJ or two, but never a cool enough guy like this. “Yep. I go under the name 'Errs'. You ever need a place to relax, you just hop in here. Door's always open.” He leaned in closer so only she could hear over Savannah's squeals of delight. “And um, don't worry. You don't need to sign anything here. Just be you.”